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TopJULY 2017 
A monthly newsletter from Field Street Baptist Church

We exist to make CHRIST known by proclamation and living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


In This Issue
Music Ministry
Children's Ministry
Student Ministry
Senior Adult Ministry
Monthly Budget Statistics

5:15 p.m.--Fellowship Meal
6:00 p.m.--Prayer Mtg/Bible Study 
in the family life center
8:30 a.m. --Early Worship
9:45 a.m. --Bible Fellowship
11:00 a.m. --Late Worship
No Evening Activities

3rd Tuesday--FSBC Workday
Tuesday, July 18
9:00 - Noon
July 10-13
Cobblestone Apts. --  6-8 p.m.
July 17-20
Gateway Learning Center 
9-11 a.m.
July 24-27
Hulen Park  --  10-Noon
   Family Night @
August 6
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Free Admission, Hot Dogs,& Water
Concession Stand will be opened.
(Reliable, Unswerving, Trustworthy)
MEN'S BIBLE STUDY w/the Pastor
Tuesday Mornings at 6:30 a.m.
beginning September 12
Weekly Schedule
FSBC Ministerial Staff

Bible Study

Attendance Averages

Worship Attendance Averages
Financial Statistics
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From Our Pastor
Summer Sermon Emphasis-NEXT STEPS

Beginning Sunday, I plan to begin a series of messages entitled, "NEXT STEPS." All of us have next steps we are to take in our walk with Christ. The Bible never envisions stagnation in our experience with the Lord. We are to be moving constantly toward maturity in the faith. Yet, what are the next steps for each of us? I can't answer that question on an individual basis, but God's Word gives us some clarity and direction as we look to our own next steps. Don't miss this series of messages this summer! Also, please pray for these messages to stimulate us toward being more like Jesus! Upcoming sermons include:

 July 9--"You Must Be Born Again"

July 16--"Going Public-The Witness of Baptism"
July 23--"Welcome to the Family-Large & Small"
July 30--"Feeding Yourself-Being Your Own Growth Advocate"
Debt Reduction on the Children's Building
We are asking God to help us pay off the children's building by the end of October. As of this past Sunday, the indebtedness on our note is $216.989. We are making good, steady progress in eliminating the debt on the children's building. THANK YOU  to those of you who made two-year commitments, and have made a variety of sacrifices to honor those commitments. THANK YOU  to those who have given as the Lord has directed you, though you may not have made a firm commitment back in 2015. Together, with God's enabling, we have pulled together to work toward eliminating our indebtedness. As a soft reminder, please remember to continue to give as we move closer to the end of October. What a day of celebration when we retire the debt and give glory to God for the victory!
P2B2 (Praying Two-by-Two) in Worship
Your response to the P2B2 initiative has been a great encouragement to me personally, and I believe a great joy to the Lord. Some of my favorite sounds in corporate worship are now those of God's people praying together. P2B2 is a prayer initiative to strengthen the prayerfulness of FSBC. Our conviction is that nothing of eternal significance will happen apart from the praying of God's people. P2B2 is a sincere effort on our part to declare regularly our utter dependence on God.
Thank You, VBS Volunteers
A special thank you goes out to our VBS volunteers. We had a solid VBS effort and I believe only time will reveal the fruitfulness and spiritual harvest of VBS week. One thing is certain; our VBS volunteers are the best! Thank you, Jennifer Howington, for your capable leadership. Thank you, Volunteers, for your investment in the lives of kids and their families for the sake of the gospel.
Guests in Worship
It is an honor to have guests in worship each Sunday. All of us have a responsibility and privilege to engage our guests in a warm and helpful manner. Please, when you see someone you do not recognize, risk making the effort to introduce yourself. You are the first points of contact with our guests. Ask how you may help and direct our guests. Where is the sanctuary? Where are the restrooms? Where do kids go? What might happen in worship? Where does a Bible study class for my age group meet? These are all questions a guest might have swirling in his/her mind. I see so many of you showing grace and hospitality to our guests, and for that I thank you. This summer has brought many guests who have recently located to Cleburne and are looking for a church home. Let's be good stewards of the opportunity to put our best foot forward in being warm and welcoming to our guests.    
 Grateful to serve as your Pastor,
    --John Hall, Pastor  
Music Ministry 
No Adult Choir Rehearsals in July
The Adult Choir will be taking the month of July off from their normal Wednesday night rehearsals to give people some extra time with their families. We will still be in the loft on Sundays, so come and join us Sunday mornings at 10:45 am in the Choir Suite.
Mark Your Calendarsmusic ministry
We will kick off our Living Christmas Tree rehearsals  with a time of fellowship and listening to this year's music on Wednesday, August 23, at 6:35 p.m. in the Choir Suite. This is for anyone and everyone who is interested in singing on the tree this year. You do not have to be a regular member of the adult worship choir for this is a ministry that is open to individuals outside of Field Street as well. We hope to see you there!
God Bless,
--Josh Thomas
Minister of Music
Education Ministry

Task Force Meeting Sunday, July 23
If you are on one of our Task Forces, OR if you want to help plan, implement, and evaluate some of the ministries/activities of our church, join us immediately following the 11 AM service for lunch and a planning meeting on Sunday, July 23,  in the dining room. Please call the church office to make dinner and childcare reservations.
Family Fun Night at SPLASH STATION
Sunday, August 6
We have rented  Splash Station  on August 6  for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship from  6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This is a great  time to invite your friends and neighbors to a casual opportunity. It's FREE  to everyone. Hot Dogs and water are furnished.  The concession stand will be open as well.  See you there!

Re-Ignite--All Leadership Training Night
Sunday, August 13     
4:15-7:00 p.m.  (includes dinner)
This is our annual training event to prepare all our leadership (and potential leaders) for the fall. Our format will be similar to last year. If you have any leadership position in any of our ministries, join us for this wonderful evening!

--Jerry Melson 
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Children's Ministry
What a fantastic month of June we had! The summer began with Kids Camp at Riverbend Retreat Center from June 2-5. We had a total of 36 attendees this year!


Also in June, we launched our "Galactic Starveyors" VBS! We had 3 professions of faith during our decision service. Praise God for working in the hearts of these young children! Our average daily attendance was 234 (workers and children). We also collected $393.83 for our Quarters to Cambodia missions offering. This will enable us to provide school supplies and uniforms for 34 children in Cambodia this year!! Praise God for His faithfulness.


Our Backyard Bible Club ministry is an outreach endeavor that takes the Gospel to children in our community. This year, we will conduct a total of 4 clubs at various locations throughout Cleburne. We would like for you to prayerfully consider your role in this effort to reach children for Christ.
July 10-13--Cobblestone Village Apartments (6-8 p.m.)
July 17-20--Gateway Learning Center (9-11 a.m.)
July 24-27--Hulen Park (10 a.m.-noon)

Field Street Baptist Church is hosting an Art Camp this summer for children ages 8-12. The dates for this event will be July 10-13 from 2-4 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Cost to attend is $65 per child, which must be paid at the time of registration. Please call the church office at 817-645-4376 to register your child. Spaces are limited.

Early Learning Center Enrollment for 2017-2018
Contact Jeana LeBlanc at 817-645-4376
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Tuition $165/month
(plus a $60 one-time registration fee
 and a $25 supply fee, twice a year)
Thank you for your support and participation in our preschool and children's ministry. What a joy it is to serve our Lord and Savior at  Field Street Baptist Church. 

--Jennifer Howington
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Student Ministry

Follow us on www.facebook.com/FSElevate


camp It's been a great summer thus far for our students! While at camp in Glorieta, NM we saw two of our own accept Christ as their Lord and Savior! We took a total of 51 adults and students on the trip and had a tremendous time. God moved in a powerful way amongst us! Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Our students are being encouraged to serve in each of the Backyard Bible Clubs this month.  These will be held at Cobblestone Apartment Complex on July 10-13, Gateway Learning Center on July 17-20 and Hulen Park on  July 24-27.

Student Ministry- Wednesday Night Activities


If you are interested in serving in Elevate on Wednesday nights coming this fall, mentoring a student, or serving in any capacity in the student ministry, please contact me. We are always looking for more willing adults to invest in our students!

Our summer calendar is now available with our activity schedule for
June-August. Pick up a copy in the church office or follow us on www.facebook.com/FSElevate
--Taylor Dunn

Senior Adult Ministry 


IT'S WORTH LOOKING BACK. . . for just a moment because the Young at Heart's trip to Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler for their Patriotic Presentation is a "moment" we will not soon forget. Of course, our trip was memorialized by a "blowout" on the bus before we arrived in Tyler, but the Lord provided and we were able to arrive on time. The presentation itself will long be remembered. We live in a . . .GREAT  country!


NOW, LOOKING AHEAD. . .to the rest of the summer and fall. Even though some of our senior adult activities slow down a bit homeboundfor the summer, other ministries go right on! Seasons come and go, but the needs in our Homebound Ministry go right on. We now have ten teams of visitors that make monthly visits to our 40 homebound members. In addition to the visit and the prayer time, we also provide Mature Living magazines and Open Windows for all who want them. This is certainly a "ministry of encouragement" and I'm so grateful for the wonderful volunteers that serve so faithfully.


CAN'T WAIT. . . to see what the "fall" will bring. Here's a few dates to think about:

*Tuesday, September 5--Joyful Sound retreat--9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

*Tuesday, September 12--First Young at Heart Meeting--10:45 a.m.-Noon

senior adults

MABS (Monday Afternoon Bible Study will be back beginning the first five-week session in September. I will announce the Bible Study topic in the next eFocus.

  --John Glover