Mission Viejo High students, Ben Sellers, Kayla Morgan, Hope Spires and Ethan Cox are four of the winners at the 2018 Fullerton College Theatre Competition.
School News
MVHS Competes in Theater Competition
Mission Viejo High School had 37 theater arts students participate in the 2018 Fullerton College Theatre Competition, which was held on March 23 and 24. This competition is for high school theater students to unite with other students from across the state for 2 days of competition, inspiration, and instruction. This year, there were over 60 high schools who attended. The competition celebrates student achievement, introduces students to the Fullerton College Theatre Arts Department's programs, faculty, students, and staff. 

MVHS placed in the following categories:

1st Place in " Classical Humorous Ensemble" - Kayla Morgan and Hope Spires
2nd Place in " Classical Humorous Monologue" - Ben Sellers
3rd Place in " Classical Humorous Monologue" - Ethan Cox
2nd Place in " Costume Designs" - Kayla Morgan

MVHS also had "Top 10" finalists in the following categories:

Theatregrames - Charlie Massey, Keegan Clifford, Devoree Shields, Matthew Helmuth and McKennzie Norris

Contemporary Dramatic Monologue - Jeffrey Baker

Musical Theatre - Ben Sellers, Charlie Massey, Carson Roman, Keegan Clifford, Jeffrey Baker, Devoree Shields, Sarah Smith, Kayla Morgan, Rachel Golkin, Maddy Watts, Anna DiCamillo, Seadona Taloma, and Emily Boyer
RSM "Feels the Rhythm"
The KRSM (film/broadcast) crew from Rancho Santa Margarita Intermediate school and their teacher, Paul Treibel, were fortunate to attend the 2018 Student Television Network(STN) Convention in Nashville, TN, March 15 - 18. This year's theme was Feel The Rhythm, highlighting the importance of timing and tempo in any video, and celebrated the unique musicality of Nashville.

The convention brings students and teachers from all over the nation for 4 days of education, interaction, and competition. They share the art of visual storytelling, compete in numerous contests, and have the opportunity to participate in more than 50 sessions where they learn industry knowledge from current professionals. Students are encouraged to enter one of the 30 individualized contests for small teams that cover reporting, creative, and technical skills. Every entry receives professional feedback, critique, and scoring.

RSM brought back awards from the Middle School entries:

Honorable Mention : Movie Trailer
Katelyn Boyster, Kyle Matsuda & Aaron Vu

2nd Place : Nat Package
(News Feature w/o reporter narration)
Tyler Kjar, Sean Robertson & Megan DeFrancesca

3rd Place : Crazy 8 News Magazine
The entire KRSM Crew
The 2nd annual SVUSD STEAM Expo held at Laguna Hills High School on Saturday, March 24 was a huge success! Families with students in grades Pre-K to high school were involved in the afternoon event, which included a Rube Goldberg competition, a robotics room, and an array of other activities that support STEAM education.
Saddleback Valley PTA’s (SVPTA) annual Reflections Open House was on March 19. The gallery displayed 65 pieces of student artwork, embodying this year’s Reflections theme, “Within Reach.” Students submitted artwork in the following categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. SVPTA artists from all educational levels, Primary, Intermediate, High School, and Special Artist, participated in our Reflections program. Four SVPTA artists earned Awards of Merit from the Fourth District PTA which includes all of Orange County and some of Los Angeles County. In addition, nine SVPTA students received Honorable Mentions at the Fourth District level. Next year’s Reflections theme will be “Heroes Around Me.”

Awards of Merit

Sofia Stirone - THHS, Literature
Mandy Parsons - Montevideo Elementary, Literature
Alexandra Lund - Melinda Heights Elementary, Photography
Theodore Schweizer - LHHS, Photography

Honorable Mention Awards

Hannah Tatum - Robinson Elementary, Dance
Eesha Neeladaran - Portola Hills Elementary, Film
Sameera Tiwari - Valencia Elementary, Literature
Kaya Brockman - Montevideo Elementary, Music
Jeremy Feng - LHHS, Music
Charlotte Bennett - Montevideo Elementary, Photography
Lydia Barriga - Del Cerro Elementary, Photography
Mandy Parsons - Montevideo Elementary, Photography
Pola Blazejczyk - de Portola Elementary, Visual Arts
Tuesday night, March 20, was the inaugural District Choral Concert at the Laguna Hills Community Center. It was an exciting evening with great music that showcased the musical talent of SVUSD students. Our sixth grade and elementary students had the opportunity to perform as a group, along with intermediate and high school choral groups. The evening also provided students and parents a chance to hear musical selections from their residential intermediate and high schools, and experience an array of our schools' music programs.
The 2018 SVUSD "Teachers of the Year" were honored in front of 175 colleagues and their family members on Tuesday, March 27, during a reception at the district office. Presentations were made to each of the nominees by the SVUSD Board of Trustees, Superintendent, Dr. Crystal Turner, and SVEA President, Denise Bradford. Photos below are of the three teachers who have advanced to submit applications for the Orange County Department of Education Teacher of the Year program. Congratulations to all of our outstanding teachers!
Andee Dekofsky - La Paz Intermediate
Kara Johnson - Trabuco Hills High
Patricia Manning - Rancho Canada Elem.
29 Teachers were Honored
Principal for a Day

"Principal for a Day" is a great tradition that SVUSD hosts every year and was held on Wednesday, March 28. The purpose of the event is for each school principal to invite a business or community partner to shadow them around their school for the day. The guest principals get to experience first hand the life of a principal and have a chance to interact with staff and students. After spending time on the school campus, all principals and guest principals were invited to a luncheon at the district office, where they were welcomed by the Board of Education Trustees and Superintendent, Dr. Turner, to reflect on the day and have an opportunity to share their experiences.
SVUSD Virtual Academy Will Offer Grades 9-12
for 2018 - 2019 School Year
Beginning in the 2018-2019 school year, the SVUSD Virtual Academy High School (SVA-HS) will provide 9-12 grade students with a flexible, engaging, and innovative student-centered learning experience. SVA-HS blends an online education with elements of a traditional learning experience; teachers assign students weekly learning activities to be completed online which allows students to learn anytime, at their own pace, while students have the ability to receive virtual and face-to-face instructional support from a highly qualified teacher. Students will also be provided opportunities to work with their teacher and peers in a face-to-face environment to maximize student learning, engagement and strengthen their academic and social-emotional intelligences. Classes are A-G and NCAA approved. SVA-HS will also have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities at their residence high school. The SVUSD Virtual Academy will continue to serve K-8 students in addition to 9-12 graders.

Informational Meeting for Parents and Students

April 24, 2018
6:30 - 7:30 PM
SVUSD District Education Center Board Room 
25631 Peter A. Hartman Way, Mission Viejo.

For more information, and to RSVP for the informational meeting, please visit the SVUSD Virtual Academy Website: SVUSD Virtual Academy

You may also visit their social media accounts: @SVUSDVA (Facebook and Twitter)
Community Opportunity Offered by
OC Sheriff's Department
Town Hall Community Education Meeting
Opiate Drug Epidemic 2018
Orange County Supervisor, Lisa Bartlett and the Orange County Sheriff's Department, "Drug Use Is Life Abuse" invite you to a Town Hall meeting.

2018 DRUG TRENDS, What you need to know!

April 12, 2018

6:00 - 8:00 PM
Laguna Hills Community Center
25555 Alicia Parkway
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Parents, Community Leaders, Business Leaders, and Professionals are all invited to attend this free informational night. What is Fentanyl? How can I help protect my children and family? Get the facts and myths about current drugs! The guest speakers will be: 

Mike Ritter, MD, Medical Director Emergency Department, Mission Hospital
Michael Walters, Orange County Sheriff's Department, Drug Recognition Expert (DRE)
Hoon Chang, Deputy District Attorney, Orange County District Attorney's Office
Upcoming Events
April 2 - 6
April 11
April 18
April 22
April 24
April 26
May 28
Spring Recess (no school)
Intermediate School Open House
High School Open House
Esperanza Pancake Breakfast
Esperanza Open House
Elementary Open House (not Valencia)
Memorial Day Holiday (no school)
District Information
Dr. Crystal Turner, Ed.D.

Board of Trustees

Amanda Morrell

Suzie R. Swartz
Vice President

Dr. Edward Wong

Dolores Winchell
Dennis Walsh

Daniel Choi
Student Board Member                                        Board of Education Meeting Dates
The Saddleback Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees encourages community members to attend and participate in its business meetings whenever possible.

Closed session board business is typically conducted at 5:00 p.m. followed by open session business typically beginning at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are held in the SVUSD Education Center Board Room located at 25631 Peter A. Hartman Way, Mission Viejo.