T he latest news from the Virginia Department of Transportation on plans to improve
Richmond Highway (Route 1) from Jeff Todd Way to Napper Road in Fairfax County
Please join the Richmond Highway project team for the next public information meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (a brief presentation will begin at
7 p.m.) at 
Mount Vernon High School , 8515 Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309.

At the meeting, residents and stakeholders will have the opportunity to learn more about:
  • Preferred design alternatives at the Sacramento/Cooper and Buckman Road/Mount Vernon Highway intersections. 
  • Types of stormwater management facilities and proposed locations under consideration (bioretention, wet pond and underground detention).
  • A new interactive map, where users can view information about planned improvements to specific locations along the corridor. 

Find out about plans to widen  Richmond Highway (Route 1)  from four to six lanes between Jeff Todd Way to Napper Road. 
The project will:
  • Widen Richmond Highway from four to six lanes 
  • Provide separate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations on both sides of the roadway 
  • Preserve the median width necessary to accommodate future planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for dedicated bus-only lanes
The BRT will not be constructed as part of this project, but is being administered by Fairfax County as part of the  Embark Richmond Highway initiative.


Are you planning to take transit? 
If so, Mount Vernon High School is served by Fairfax Connector 
Route 152  and Route 171. For  more information about Fairfax Connector's bus service and connecting routes please visit

Virginia Department of Transportation |

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