VP for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
March Funding Focus #3
NASA will soon be soliciting research proposals from EPSCoR states through its Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) research solicitation.  The NASA CAN for the 2019 EPSCoR proposal will be released soon and will closely mirror the 2016 solicitation. We are conducting the internal downselect process in advance of the announcement as there will be very limited time between the announcement and deadline. For now, please utilize the following:
The new CAN should remain like those requirements with only minor changes. 

Internal Limited Submission Special Instructions:
Upload 1: Technical Description - 2 page max, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font
Upload 2: Justification for NASA Funding the Proposal - 1 page max, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font
Upload 3: Letters of Recommendation - combine all letters into a single file to upload, no limit
Applicants should review the internal review criteria and make sure they are responsive to the review criteria. Your proposal should be clear and concise. Cost sharing is required .

Questions? Please contact AU Space Grant Director David Beale - x3336
Limitation: 1 per institution
Internal deadline: April 27, 2018 by 4:45pm
Full Proposal Due to Alabama EPSCoR: May 31, 2018
These partnerships are to advance fundamental, early-stage energy research collaborations with the DOE national laboratories. Participation by graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows is required. Junior faculty from EPSCoR jurisdictions are encouraged to apply. Utilization of DOE user facilities are encouraged. 
Expected period of two to three years of funding, each year contingent upon availability of appropriated funds, satisfactory progress, submission of reports and compliance with award terms and conditions.
$15M is expected to support this FOA. Award size depends on the number of meritorious applications and the amount of funding. Ceiling $ 250K/year, floor $150K/year. NO cost sharing is required.
Applicants may not propose providing funding to DOE National labs or propose subcontracts or subawards to institutions in non-EPScoR jurisdictions. All research supported by an EPSCoR award must be performed in an EPSCoR jurisdiction or at a DOE national laboratory. Funding support for the prime applicant and any potential subawardees or consortia members is limited to those with addresses within one or more EPSCoR jurisdictions. Funding of foreign entities is not permitted for this FOA. Only one application is allowed per collaborating team. Members of the collaborating team at other institutions may request support through sub-awards. There is no limit on the number of LOIs in which an entity may participate as a team member of subcontractor.


Internal Limited Submission Special Instructions:
Upload 1: Project Narrative - 3 page max, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font - Must Include:
  • A description of the proposed research, proposed methods of accomplishment. This must include a clear description of the nature of the proposed State/Lab partnership.
  • A statement of its proposed project's importance and relevance to the Department's mission and agency's programmatic needs. This should include a clear explanation of the value of the work to both the state and the DOE National Laboratory partners. Relevance may not be the same for each partner, necessarily.
  • An explanation of proposed project's methodology and equipment needs.
  • Anticipated project results.
  • A project schedule with estimated completion date.
  • Total project cost information.
Upload 2: Tabular Listing of Collaborators - Download the excel spreadsheet from Infoready, fill out and reupload. Do not edit the form itself.

Limitation: 1 per institution
Internal deadline: April 13, 2018 by 4:45pm
LOI Due to State EPSCoR Office: April 25, 2018 4pm CST
Proposal Services & Faculty Support