Did you know that colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States? If you are 50 or older, it is important that you GET CHECKED by scheduling a colonoscopy today.

South Central Gastroenterology in Laurel now has 5 gastroenterologists to meet your needs. Save time by calling our Direct Access Colonoscopy GI Nurse directly at 601-518-7106 to schedule your colonoscopy or request a colonoscopy at Direct Access Colonoscopy online at

Simply CLICK HERE to complete a simple request form. Our GI Nurse will contact you and get you right in for your colonoscopy procedure.

A colonoscopy can save your life.
Join the South Central Wellness Center today for $25 per month! All new memberships during January and February will receive a free Wellness Center t-shirt.
Our new location is at 1002 Jefferson Street in Laurel. To learn more, visit   or call 601-399-0530.

As a member of the Wellness Center you receive the following amenities at no extra charge:
  • Open 7 Days a Week
  • Strength Training Equipment
  • Cardio Equipment
  • Aerobics Classes
  • Water Aerobics Classes
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Swimming Pool
  • Hot Tub
  • Locker Rooms with Showers
  • Complementary Towels

Personal Training and Childcare are available for an additional fee.

Regular exercise has many benefits. It can improve our overall health and fitness, reduce our risk for chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease and boost our mental and emotional well-being.

To learn more, call 601-399-0530 or visit .
Get a Healthy Start in 2020 by Attending a Free Community Health Fair
Health Screenings Valued at Over $500 per Participant

With the start of a new year, many individuals have made resolutions to live a healthier life, yet many avoid or delay needed care. South Central Regional Medical Center invites those ages 18 years of age and up to attend a comprehensive, free Community Health Fair on Friday, February 7th. The health fair will be held from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. at South Central Place in Laurel. Free health screenings, interactive health education booths, healthy snacks and much more will be provided to all who attend.

“We have health education, health information and numerous screenings available at no charge to the community,” says Karen Vanderslice, BSN, RN, Community Education Coordinator at South Central Regional Medical Center. “The health fair is completely free because the cost of the event is covered by the South Central Health Care Foundation with funds raised at the Art of Healing and from other fundraisers held throughout the year.”

The screenings for individuals ages 18 and up will include:
  • Anxiety and Depression Screening
  • Balance Screening
  • Blood Pressure Screening
  • Body Mass Index Screening
  • Bone Mineral Density Screening
  • Carbon Monoxide Screening
  • Cataract Screening
  • Colon Cancer Risk Assessment
  • Diabetic Foot Wound Screening
  • Distracted Driver Simulation
  • Facial Sun Damage Screening
  • Fall Risk & Home Safety
  • Medication Review
  • Non-Fasting Cholesterol/Glucose Screening
  • Prostate Cancer Screening with Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test and DRE
  • Vein Screening
“Representatives from South Central’s Pharmacy will also be on hand. If you bring your current medications with you to the health fair, a South Central Pharmacist will be glad to look at them to determine if they have any concerns,” Vanderslice said. “We offer this service because some patients see several healthcare providers and many times forget to tell their primary care physician all of the medications they are currently taking.”

“If you take advantage of all the free screenings provided, the value is approximately $500 per participant. The best part about the health fair is that it is absolutely free of charge,” Vanderslice said. “It is nice to know that when area artists donate their pieces to the Art of Healing, they are helping save lives. Free health screenings like the ones offered on February 7th would not be possible without the sponsors of the Art of Healing, those who donate pieces to the event, and those who bid on items at the fundraiser each year.”
Vanderslice concluded by saying, “This is a tremendous opportunity for area residents to learn more about their health.”

Prevention and early detection starts by attending this event. The community health fair is being conducted as part of South Central’s Community Health program. For more information about the community health fair on February 7th at South Central Place in Laurel, please call 601.399.0506.
Laurel-Jones County now has a permanent MedReturn Drug Collection Unit.

Citizens looking to dispose of excess and expired prescription and over-the-counter medications can now visit the safe and secure permanent drop off location at South Central Regional Medical Center in Laurel.

Mississippi State Medical Association Alliance has joined forces with the Laurel Police Department to establish a permanent MedReturn drug collection program in order to reduce the supply of drugs that can potentially harm teens and adults.

According to the 2011 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), more than six million Americans abuse prescription drugs. Among youth who are 12 to 17 years old, 7.4% of those reported in the past year non-medical use of prescription drugs.

Laurel Police Department Chief of Police, Tommy Cox, explains “Prescription drug abuse is a big problem in our county and in our country and unwanted, unneeded or expired drugs that languish in the medicine cabinets at home are susceptible for abuse or unintentional ingestion by children. In Jones County, there are a lot of overdose related deaths. There is a great need for a place to put these unused, unwanted, expired medications to make our community a safer place where drugs are concerned.”

Danita Horne, past President of Mississippi State Medical Association Alliance, stated, “Properly disposing of excess drugs is everyone’s responsibility as a matter of public safety. More than 70 % of young people who abuse prescription pain relievers get them through friends or family, a statistic that includes raiding the family medicine cabinet. Now citizens in our community will not have to wait for a specific take-back day to clean out their medicine cabinets.”

The collection site at South Central Regional Medical Center is open seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Drugs can be dropped off with no questions asked. The drug collection unit is located in the front lobby of South Central Regional Medical Center. Participants may remove prescription labels or other personal information from each container. All collections will remain completely anonymous.

The drug collection unit is produced by MedReturn, LLC of Grafton, WI. MedReturn, LLC is committed to providing a safe, secure and environmentally friendly way to help law enforcement agencies and communities collect unwanted or expired household medication, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and unused pharmaceuticals.
Join South Central Regional Medical Center as we celebrate
Art of Healing on Saturday, March 21
at 7 p.m. at The Gables.
Tickets $45 each.

To purchase tickets by phone, please call 601-399-0503.

Art of Healing is an exciting fundraising event in Laurel, MS. The evening will feature: a silent and live auction, wine pull, great food by The Gables, and cash bar. Get ready to dance the night away with live music from crowd favorite, Dr. Zarr's Amazing Funk Monster.

All proceeds go to the South Central Health Care Foundation to fund community health initiatives.

Stay Connected.