Day of Prayer & Fasting for CPI
For August 2018, our corporate day of prayer as a Board & Ministry Team of CPI is:
Tuesday, August 7th 

(NOTE: Please remember these Monthly emails contain prayer requests only to be shared among our Board Members, their Spouses, and our Missionaries - please do not forward this email)

Our ministry team is working this month to support Jon & Karen Lambert as they prepare to lead their first CPI mission journey. The Lamberts will travel to Ecuador from September 3rd through the 10th, along with Dr. Lisa Ward and many travelers from her church. The team will serve with Ecuadorian church partners and Dr. Danny Andrango. Many of you may remember that Danny was our Banquet Speaker in 2016. After the team returns to the U.S., the Lamberts will spend some additional time in Ecuador, teaching at the Seminary in Comite. Please remember the team and the ministry effort in Ecuador in your prayers!  

Praise God - our National Director in Guatemala, Helmuth Marroquin will come to Ohio from Wednesday, August 22nd to Wednesday, September 5th for a time of fellowship and training. Helmuth's already been busy working, making connections for our December mission journey to Santa Cruz Naranjo, as well as for future mission trips. And please pray for Olga as she will need to stay home in Guatemala with their children, as she teaches, and the kids will still be in school.  

By God's grace, CPI has been invited to have a booth at the Gospel Fest at the Fraze Pavillion in Kettering, Ohio, sponsored by Kettering Health Network. This Christian musical festival is on Sunday, August 19th, and runs from 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Admission is free, and past years have seen almost 5,000 in attendance! Pray for this opportunity for CPI to have exposure to new faces all over the Miami Valley.

Remember the Golf Tourney on August 25th at Heatherwoode in Springboro that will be benefiting CPI. Pray for good weather as the tournament is maxed out in regards to players - 25 foursomes. No more player spots are open, but more Hole Sponsors are available. Individuals or Companies can sponsor a Hole for only $125. Contact Rick Lalli at   

Pray for a Request we have submitted to Premier Health for dollars to fund Personal Care Products. We are proposing a significant expansion of our "Care Pack" Program. Next Monday our initial Request will be reviewed, and if we are given a "green light", CPI will be asked to submit a full Grant Request. 

Pray for our upcoming "CPI Alumni Day". Andrew and Lauren here at our ministry are planning this event to re-unite our past mission team travelers. It will be on Saturday, September 1st at Armco Park in Lebanon, Ohio. It is part of an initiative of our ministry to strengthen CPI's relationships with past team members, and also deepen the bonds between team members. 

Some sad news to share - our dear Lauren Cragwall will be leaving our ministry as of August 31st. Lauren feels the Lord's leading to begin a career in Social Work & Counseling, so she's planning to further her education to pursue those goals. Pray for Lauren as she steps out into this new path!

Happy Birthday to:
Lisa Ward - August 7
Jack Reuter - August 8
Happy Anniversary to:
Roy & Donna Cline - August 3 - 55 years!

Reminder: CPI Board Meeting, Tues. Sept 18, 5:30 PM at CPI - Dinner Provided

 " And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive."  Matthew 21:22

Blessings in the Name of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ -
The Ministry Team of Caring Partners International 

Caring Partners International, Inc.