Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 3:13-14
This short excerpt from Philippians 3 has meant a great deal to me. It has helped me and countless people remember that in Christ, the failures we may have experienced in our yesterdays do not have to be the script for our tomorrows. Following and acting upon these two verses is surely a good way to approach the turning of the calendar to a new year.
I have often found myself counselling others with these words from Paul. While he made it clear to his readers that he had not fully arrived and was still in process, he's adamant that his focus was not on who he had been,
but on who he was becoming. More so, Paul's attention was turned to who he'd been formed to be. He knew the only way forward was to focus on the crucified, risen Lord Jesus. Not only was this the path for Paul nearly 2,000 years ago, but for everyone who would ever trust in the Savior.
Now understand, when we view the Scriptures in context, the Apostle isn't declaring here that we should have no memory of the past. Just a few verses earlier in Philippians 3, Paul recounts as a point of testimony where he'd been before meeting Christ and it wasn't pretty! But what he's proclaiming in verse 13 is that even though he'd been an intense persecutor of Christians, hunting them down, and even being an accessory to the stoning of the first martyr, (Stephen, Acts 7:54-60), that who he had become -
his real, redeemed identity and purpose - was only to be found in the "high calling" of living in Christ Jesus!
Perhaps you are a victim of your past. I have been (see
How We Came From Rock To Rock). Maybe, like a lot of us, there are issues so horrible or repulsive that you just can't seem to shake the thoughts. And maybe you've somehow become convinced that you will never be free of the prison of your own memories.
While we may remember past times, both wonderful and awful, Paul's words of encouragement give us clear direction as to how to deal with the past.
Satan wants our fallen, human minds
us to focus and dwell in past dark places that bring despair, pain, rejection, bitterness, and even rage. But when we make the decision to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" we've taken the first step toward peace, joy, forgiveness, and freedom! Pressing on "in Jesus" is a sure antidote to the depression and fear that constantly living in our past can often bring. It may not be easy or quick but God guarantees He'll be with us. We need only to decide to persevere.
As I sat down to write to you today my intention was to offer a short blessing concerning the new year just ahead. What I've written in the paragraphs above was not at all planned. But it is obvious to me that God had other ideas for my use of this page.
As much as Melanie and I are grateful and prayerful for those who've rallied to our support and who've interceded for us, please know that as I prepare to send this to our subscribers, I am praying and believing that God will use Paul's admonition to the Philippians to challenge, change, and comfort many who'll read this.
We all need to be reminded periodically that our past need not reflect our future. If you are sensing that a course correction is needed in your life, following the direction of the two verses I've mentioned from Philippians 3 is an excellent place to begin.
Pressing on toward the prize,
Here is a final reminder that we are counting on your year-end giving as a springboard into 2020.
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Regular support is vital to the ministry.
Thanks for Taking A Stand with us in 2020!
All donations made online or mailed before January 1, 2020 will be receipted for calendar year 2019.
All gifts are tax deductible in the United States.