City of Cumming
January 2020
Retiring City Councilman Lewis Ledbetter Recognized
A reception was held on Dec. 17th in honor of retiring City Councilman Lewis Ledbetter.

Councilman Ledbetter served on the City's elected board for a continuous 49 years, having begun his service in January of 1971 and being re-elected every term throughout the nearly half-century time frame. During the reception, he enjoyed seeing many former City elected officials and employees with whom he had served throughout his tenure, as well as his family and many friends from the community.

The City wishes Councilman Ledbetter and his family all the best for the future!
Police Officers Named Best of 2019
Two Cumming Police officers were honored during the Dec. 17th City Council Meeting for their outstanding effort and dedication to their jobs in 2019.

Officer Tracey See-Holbrook, left, was named Officer of the Year by Chief David Marsh, center. Officer Holbrook was described by Chief Marsh as someone with whom all her co-workers enjoy working, who also shows a great affection for the community -particularly young children who have been impacted by criminal activity.

Officer Shaw Bowman, right, was presented with the Lifesaving Award for outstanding efforts to save the life of a woman who was found unresponsive after a drug overdose. Officer Bowman calmly administered two doses of a medication to reverse the overdose, and rendered other medical care until emergency medical personnel arrived on scene. His efforts lead to the woman's life being saved.

Everyone at the City of Cumming applauds these officers for their outstanding efforts!
2019 Safety Winners Recognized

Congratulations to the 2019 Safety/Wellness Committee Award recipients! Each year the City's Safety/Wellness Committee gives each participating department the opportunity to recognize employees who have gone above and beyond in creating safe and healthy working environments. The 2019 award winners, who were recognized during a luncheon on Dec. 10th, were:

  • Aquatic Center - Lauren Libby and Antonio Villa
  • Fairgrounds - Dowe Vaughan
  • Police Department - Officer Shaw Bowman
  • Planning & Zoning - Barbara Rockmore
  • Recreation & Parks - Laura Spivey
  • Streets - Davey Orr
  • Utilities, City Hall - Michelle Clapp and Richard Holcomb
  • Utilities, Distribution - Joseph Lamb and Mark Nix
  • Utilities, Pollution Control - Logan Jennings and Nathan Williams
  • Utilities, Production - Jacob Bollinger and Clay Pharr
New "Welcome to the City of Cumming" Video Debuts
Want to learn more about the City of Cumming? Not sure what all the City has to offer? Have friends or family members who want to learn more about this community? We have the solution for you!

Our new Welcome to the City of Cumming video debuted in December. Highlighting the City and many of its outstanding amenities, events, and overall sense of community, this new video is the perfect way to get to know the City or learn more about it even if you've been here for years!

Be sure to check it out on the City's homepage!
Councilman Ledbetter Honored for Lifetime Service
Councilman Lewis Ledbetter, who retired at the end of December after 49 years as a City Council member, was honored for his lifetime of service to the City of Cumming during the Dec. 17th Regular City Council Meeting.

Councilman Ledbetter was presented with the Georgia Municipal Association's Lifetime Achievement Award. Larry Hanson, Executive Director of GMA, presented Councilman Ledbetter with this award, which is only available to outgoing elected officials, city administrators or city clerks who have served for 35 or more years.

Mayor Troy Brumbalow also honored Councilman Ledbetter by naming him the "Grand Marshall" of the Cumming Country Fair & Festival and presenting him with a sign etched with "Lewis Ledbetter Overlook." Mayor Brumbalow explained that the sign will hang in the new pavilion area near the recently constructed sky bridge and ticket booth at the Cumming Fairgrounds. This area will be known officially as the Lewis Ledbetter Overlook.

Also during the December Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Presented a proclamation to Forsyth Central High School students Mary Beth Lowe and Emma Humphries in honor of their DECA project, "The Greatest Gift Week." During this week, special needs students were provided opportunities to interact with the regular education student population through a variety of activities. The week culminated with a Christmas Social, in which DECA students engaged with special needs students through activities such as making Christmas-themed cookies, arts and crafts, and watching holiday movies together.

  • Adopted the 2019 amended City budget and the proposed 2020 City budget, as well as a resolution determining the distribution of monies between the City's General Fund and Water & Sewer Fund for some employees based on the percentage of time they work in each area.

  • Approved all 2020 alcohol license renewals and one alcohol license transfer.

  • Awarded the bid for the Haw Creek force main and gravity sewer line up-sizing project to the low bidder, Strack Inc.

  • Approved a Cumming Utilities bill rebate of $25 to the first 75 customers who sign up to take part in new EPA-required water sampling to test for lead and copper. Customers must own homes built between 1982 and 1988 to qualify for the rebate.

  • Adopted a new Tree City ordinance as part of the Tree City USA Program. The new ordinance only applies to trees located on public property or on the right-of-way within the Cumming City Limits.

  • Authorized Mayor Troy Brumbalow to negotiate with the two lowest bidders (a total of four bids were received) for a new parking lot adjacent to Forsyth Central High School at the future City Center.

  • Approved 4-1, with Councilwoman Linda Ledbetter opposed, a resolution stating that the City of Cumming has no objection to Forsyth County joining the Atlanta Regional Commission.

  • Approved 4-0, with Councilman Christopher Light recused, an annexation and rezoning of approximately 12.12 acres adjacent to Northside Hospital Forsyth for the purpose of constructing a five-story parking deck and medical office facility.

  • Approved an amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance.

City Officials, Employees Spread Holiday Cheer

Mayor Troy Brumbalow, City Council members Linda Ledbetter, Chad Crane and Coucilman-elect Joey Cochran, along with several City employees and their families, took part in a special Christmas caroling outing on Dec. 19th. The group visited four elder home facilities within the City Limits to spread a little holiday cheer.
Singing a variety of traditional and secular Christmas songs, the group visited with residents of Cumming Senior Living, Lanier Place, Country Gardens Lanier, and Chestnut Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation. This is the second year that a group from the City has gone to the nursing facilities at Christmas time. This new tradition was started last year by Mayor Brumbalow, who wanted to bring some holiday joy to City residents who might by alone during the holiday season.
Utilities Rebate Offered for Lead & Copper Testing
Cumming Utilities is offering a $25 water/sewer bill rebate to the first 75 customers who sign up to take part in new lead and copper testing, recently implemented by the EPA.

Qualifying customers must own homes built between 1982 and 1988. Testing requires that home owners take samples of water that has stood in pipes for several hours.

Holiday Closure
Cumming City Hall and all other non-essential City departments and facilities will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on:

  • Monday, Jan. 20th
Half-Price Family Friday
When: Jan. 17, 2-6 p.m.
Where: Cumming Aquatic Center
Admission: 1/2 Off Daily Admission
What: Every third Friday of the month, the Cumming Aquatic Center offers 1/2 off daily admission costs for swimming in the indoor lap and instructional pools. Click here for more information.
"Last of the Red Hot Lovers"
When: Jan. 30 - Feb. 23; 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays
Where: School Street Playhouse
What: The School Street Playhouse presents the classic Broadway comedy by Neil Simon.
Youth Council Meeting - Jan. 7 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - Jan. 7 at 6 p.m. (Due to the Swearing-In Ceremony for Councilman Joey Cochran, this meeting will be held in the third-floor Council Chambers)

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Jan. 21 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - Jan. 21 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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