We hope you will enjoy this issue of our weekly e-newsletter. Each week we'll keep you informed on what's happening here at St. Matthew's Cathedral - news from the week, what's coming up, and how  you  can be a part of it. This should reach your inbox by Friday giving you a heads up for the  upcoming  week. We hope this helps you plan your week, and maybe even provides a little inspiration to get you through it! Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook  to stay in the know between emails.

A Message from the Dean...
The Bible's most Oft-repeated Command
"Do not fear . . ."- Matthew 10: 26
So, which command is the most oft-repeated command in the Bible?
It may surprise you to learn that it's not something stern. So often we imagine God as an extension of our parents: Stand up straight. Go brush your teeth. Don't be home late, and so on. Give more money. Go to church more.
No. The most common command is something much more pleasant than that. It is found three times in our Gospel reading today: verses 26, 28, and 31. The most common command is a word of comfort: Do not fear.
The followers of Jesus knew there was plenty to be afraid of. Israel had enemies all around them: Rome, the zealots. Jesus does not soft soap the dangers. He has just told them that they would be brought before magistrates, scourged in the synagogues, tried before rulers.
He gives them no assurance of safety: only the assurance of the Father's love. Until we know the deep, unconditional, unfathomable, and eternal love of our heavenly Father, we will live in fear. We will live in fear that life will not go our way and that we won't have the emotional and spiritual resources to overcome those fears.
Jesus tells his followers that the person we should fear is the one who can destroy the soul, namely, God himself; but we need not fear God at all because we are more valuable in God's eyes than a whole passel of sparrows. Jesus points us back to the love of his-and our-heavenly Father. The Father wants you to know his love, experience his love, and bask in his love today.


Adult Christian Formation
The New York Times and the Bible, Sundays, 9:35-10:15am
What does the Bible have to say about  contemporary issues that are in the weekly news? In this summer discussion series led by various lay leaders and St. Matthew's clergy, we'll explore this question together. Each week, we'll look at an article from the New York Times on a current event or topic in the news, as well as pertinent passages from Scripture. A lay leader or St.  Matthew's clergy member will facilitate group discussion on what the Bible tells us about the news event in the article. Please join us as we seek new insight on current news events by looking through the lens of Scripture.         
Adult Bible Study 
Sundays, 9:35 am 
May 14th - June 25th

Varita Michell will be leading this bible study on the Book of James. The Lodge is located through the black iron gate next to Garrett Hall.

Moms Connect - Pool Party
Saturday, July 8th
Pool Party at the Dunnets' house, 829 Kirkwood Dr, Dallas, TX 75218. Dads welcome too. To RSVP, please use your REALM Connect app or contact Abby Bradly at [email protected] or  214-288-1649.


At the Vestry's Monday night meeting they decided to continue the Sunday morning breakfasts throughout the summer without interruption!

Coffee Hour after 10:30

Please join us each week as food, drink and fellowship will be offered in the Gallery section of the Great Hall after the 10:30 service.

Coffee Hour Host Needed

Many thanks to everyone that is helping to make our hospitality ministry a success each week. We have need for another host for every other 3rd Sunday. If you would like to host, please contact Varita Michell at 214-621-0379 or  [email protected] Training and food and drinks are provided!
St. Matthew's Crosses Available

These sterling silver crosses are meaningful and beautiful gifts for Easter or any occasion. They were designed from a sketch by a St. Teresa's Guild member and executed by James Avery. All proceeds on the sale of these crosses go the Guild's restoration projects for our wonderful old Cathedral. So, when you purchase a cross you are giving to St. Matthew and we thank you!

Ann Sullivan - 214-533-9915 
Joyce Graf - 214-533-0305 
Jayne Brown - 972-771-4524 
or any other Guild member 
Pledging Made Easy
If you would like to submit your pledge card electronically please click here. The form provided is on secure site and all information is sent directly to the church office. For any questions please call us at 214.823.8134. If you are more comfortable with a traditional pledge card, they will be mailed out to you in the next week. Thank you for your continued support of God's work here at St. Matthew's Cathedral!

Breakfast Casseroles needed for Food Pantry Outreach
Many thanks to those who faithfully make breakfast casseroles for our food pantry neighbors. This is an ongoing ministry! Please, click here, to go to signup genius to sign up to bring casseroles. Pans and recipe are in the foyer. For more information contact [email protected] .

Weekly Services

8:00 am - Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - Breakfast in Great Hall
9:35 am - Sunday School
      10:30 am - Holy Eucharist

Morning Prayer  
M-F  8:45am, Oratory

Evening Prayer 
T-Th  6:00 pm, Oratory
          (Excluding Feast Days)

Wednesday :
      10:00 am - Eucharist, Oratory
St. Matthew's Cathedral Staff

The Very Rev'd Dr. Neal Michell
The Rev'd Canon George Luck
Assisting Priest
The Rev'd Canon Diana Luck ,
Assisting Pastor for Outreach
The Rev'd Mark Hall ,
Deacon for Pastoral Care
The Rev'd Pam Dunbar
Assisting Deacon
Mr. Logan Hurst
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Mr. Keith Franks
Director of Music and Organist
Mr. James Pena
Stay Connected
5100 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206 - 214.823.8134