Cumming Playhouse and Fair Named Best of Forsyth 2018 |
Patrons enjoy a ride at the 2017 Cumming Country Fair & Festival. |
Forsyth County News readers again named City of Cumming amenities the "Best of Forsyth."
Each year since 2015, the local news organization has presented the Best of Forsyth contest to the community. FCN readers nominate and then vote for their choices in a wide range of categories.
This year's honorees from the City were:
- The Cumming Country Fair & Festival - Best Community Event
- The Cumming Playhouse - Best Live Theatre
Glenda Gray and Donnie Weldon perform at the Cumming Playhouse. |
This is the fourth year in a row that the Cumming Fairgrounds and Playhouse have been recognized in the Best of Forsyth competition.
Congratulations to the City of Cumming staff members who work at these facilities, ensuring their success all year!
Thank you also to the community for supporting all City of Cumming amenities and programs!
Did you know? Together, the Cumming Playhouse and Fairgrounds serve thousands of patrons every year. In 2017, the Cumming Country Fair & Festival alone saw approximately 172,000 guests, and the Playhouse offered more than 100 performances.
Southern Comedy by Dahlonega Playwright Begins Feb. 8 |
"Southern Sirens" runs Feb. 8-25 at the Cumming Playhouse |
Alicia Lane Dutton fell in love with the Cumming Playhouse while performing in "Red, Hot, and Cole" there last summer. Now the Dahlonega-based playwright is bringing one of her award-winning scripts to the stage for three weekends in February.
"Southern Sirens" traces the misadventures of four feisty, middle-aged Southern women during their annual beach trip. One of the ladies discovers a note to her husband from the town's local home wrecker. The group of friends then make it their mission to track down the home wrecker and bring her to the beach house to show her the error of her ways.
"In 'Southern Sirens' I created a group of women I'd love to go on a beach trip with," said Dutton, who also directs the show.
Anyone who enjoyed "Steel Magnolias," "The Dixie Swim Club," or "The Savannah Sipping Society" will love "Southern Sirens." The show runs at 8 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and 3 p.m. Sundays, Feb. 8-25.
Tickets can be purchased here.
To learn more about the show and Alicia Lane Dutton,
click here
Council Names Phil Higgins as New City Administrator
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council began 2018 with a called Council meeting on Jan. 9, followed by the regular meeting on Jan. 16. Between the two meetings, Mayor and Council covered a range of topics, including appointment of a new City Administrator.
Council voted unanimously to appoint Phil Higgins to the position, succeeding Gerald Blackburn, who retired from the position at the end of December. Having begun his career with the City in 1989, Higgins served in a variety of positions with the Cumming Utilities Department and was named the City's first Human Resources Manager in 2006. In January of 2017, he was named Assistant City Administrator after the retirement of previous Assistant Administrator Steve Bennett.
Among other business during the January meetings, City Council:
- Voted to appoint Councilman Lewis Ledbetter as Mayor Pro-tem for 2018.
- Voted to dissolve the Cumming Fair Authority and to instead appoint a Fair Board, which will serve as an advisory committee for the annual Cumming Country Fair & Festival only, rather than for the Fairgrounds facility. The Fair Board will be comprised of 5 to 20 members, who will be appointed at a later date.
- Approved advertising for bids for sanitation and curbside recycling for residents within the Cumming City Limits, as well as advertising for bids for professional and demand services providers.
- Approved a resolution to clarify the procedure in which Mayor and Council Members are paid for supplemental meetings. Payment for supplemental meetings must be approved by the City Administrator and either the Mayor or another City Council member.
- Approved a new City-wide noise ordinance.
- Approved the establishment of monthly work session meetings. The new work sessions will be held every first Tuesday of each month, beginning at 6 p.m., in Gallery A on the second floor of City Hall.
- Approved a request to advertise for bids for resurfacing and milling of City streets awarded by the Georgia Department of Transportation LARP or SPLOST VII funds.
- Discussed rental rates and the possibility of allowing alcohol to be served at the Cumming Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room.
- Approved an ordinance that allows the City to appoint a Code Enforcement Officer, and approved an alcohol license for Buddah Original for the Planning & Zoning Department.
- Approved a request for condemnation of a property located at 204 Canton Highway as part of a Cumming Utilities water line project.
- Readopted the fee chart for Cumming Utilities, including new maps noting a Special Sewer District and Elevated Water District.
- Approved a request to advertise for bids for the Kemp Road low pressure sewer system after a request from residents on the road, who have paid the sewer connection fee of $6,250.
- Approved a request to advertise for bids for Sawmill Branch sewer line.
- Approved a request to advertise for bids for a 2-million-gallon water tank to help ensure sufficient elevated water storage for the southern end of the City's Water Service Area.
- Approved turning over ownership of a storm water detention pond at The Gates at Castleberry subdivision following a request by the homeowners' association. The HOA requested that the City of Cumming bring the pond up to City Code at a cost of $48,000, with $16,000 being contributed by the HOA.
- Approved a contract with Mobilite concerning fees paid for encroachment of the City's right-of-ways by Mobilite devices that boost data reception for cell phone carriers. Under the agreement, Mobilite will pay the City $1,350 for any new pole or replacement installation, and $500 for a co-location on an existing pole.
- Approved the purchase of 1,500 reversible jerseys for the 2018 basketball season from low bidder Krown Sports of Decatur for the Recreation Department.
Biggest Loser Challenge Begins for City Employees
A voluntary weight loss challenge for City of Cumming employees began on Feb. 1, when all employees taking part in the challenge weighed in. They will weigh in once a month throughout the three-month challenge, and one male and one female winner will be named based on highest percentage of starting weight lost throughout the challenge. Winners will be recognized by the Mayor and Council during their May regular meeting. Good luck to everyone taking part in the challenge!
Do you want to lose weight and get in better shape in 2018? Why not check out the City of Cumming's fitness classes and amenities at the
Recreation Department and
Aquatic Center?
Mayor Troy Brumbalow meets with members of the Leadership Forsyth Class of 2018.
Leadership Forsyth Class of 2018 Visits City Hall
As part of their annual Government Day, members of the Leadership Forsyth Class of 2018 visited City Hall in January. The class met with Mayor Troy Brumbalow, who answered a wide range of questions about himself and the City. Leadership Forsyth is a year-long program that seeks to educate up-and-coming leaders of the Cumming-Forsyth County community. Each year, about 40 new class members take part in a range of educational courses held at sites throughout the county. Before graduating from the program, they complete a large-scale class project that in some way benefits the community.
Mayor Troy Brumbalow meets with the Forsyth Stars robotics team.
Mayor Meets Forsyth Stars Robotics Team
Mayor Troy Brumbalow met with members of the Forsyth Stars robotics team prior to the team competing at the state level at the end of January. Student members of the team, most of whom attend Otwell Middle School, focused on the environmental issue of water conservation. As part of their research, they toured Cumming Utilities' water production and wastewater treatment facilities. As one of the top scoring teams at regional competition, Forsyth Stars was chosen to compete at the state level. There, the team received the Inspiration Award, given to teams that display extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit. Team members are: Mohana Malapati, Rathne Malapali, Asha Goddu, Megha Goddu, and Meghana Malempati; coaches and mentors are: Lakshmi Malapati, Kedarnath Malapati, and Sudhakar Malapati.
Coming Soon
To the Cumming Playhouse
- "Southern Sirens" - Feb. 8-25; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m.
- Jo-el Sonnier, "King of Cajun" - March 3 at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.
To the Cumming Fairgrounds
To the Cumming Aquatic Center
- Half-Price Family Fridays - 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 16.
- Parents' Night Out - 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Feb. 16.
- City Council Work Session - 6 p.m. Feb. 6 (Location: Gallery A, City Hall Second Floor)
- Planning & Zoning Board - 5 p.m. Feb. 20.
- City Council Regular Meeting - 6 p.m. Feb. 20.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance. Click here for previous meeting videos. |
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City of Cumming
Division of Public Information