Pastor Carolyn Poteet

Please join us!

Schedule Change
This Sunday!

10:00 a.m.
Single Unified Service


Carolyn Poteet


"Walk the Talk"


Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Matthew 14:13-34

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January 23, 2020

"These commandments that I give you today
are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk
along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Deuteronomy. 6:6-7

Greetings in the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

I hope you are all doing well and surviving this chilly weather. We are looking forward to worshiping with you all together in one service this Sunday before our Congregational Meeting. Don't forget that we will be starting at 10am, followed by our annual meeting and lunch. We are hoping to keep the meeting to about 45 minutes, so whether you are a member or not, we hope you will stay and fellowship together.

As we continue our series on making disciples across generations, this week we are looking at the importance of people growing in their faith through experiences. Think back across your faith journey. Can you point to a few times when you felt like you grew faster than others? Were they because you were taught something or because you experienced something? There have certainly been moments in my life when a speaker or teacher has helped me come to a new understanding of Scripture. But more often than not, the times that have caused me to grow the most have been through experiences. Some of those experiences have been amazing; others have been excruciating. But in each one, I can look back and see how God showed up.

As people grow in their faith, they need to experience God. This means they should not just know about God but also see God at work in their lives. And they need to see God at work in our lives too, as we model what it means to walk in faith.

Think about the ways Jesus taught his disciples. He certainly sat down and taught them on many occasions. But what else did they learn from him? They saw him heal lepers, feed thousands, calm storms, and even raise the dead. They also saw God at work when Jesus sent them out two by two. They came back full of stories of amazing miracles and conversions. Jesus knew the hardships they would face after he left them following his resurrection. He wanted them to be prepared in the little ways and the big ways, and to do that, he opened his whole life to them and invited them along the journey.

One of the most powerful things you can do to share the gospel and help people grow in faith is to open your life and invite others on the journey. In your good days, are you sharing with others the ways God has blessed you? In your hard days, are you sharing even your tears and struggles? A life of faith is not easy. But God is faithful, and He is at work. The more we can invite people to be part of this walk, the stronger we will all grow in our faith.

Pastor Carolyn


  • This week: unified service, 10 a.m., congregational meeting and fellowship lunch. Next Sunday normal schedule with 9 am and 11:15 worship, Sunday school classes and small groups will meet.
  • Mark your calendars for Fired-Up Friday, February 7, 6:30-8:30 pm.
  • All-Church Retreat - Save the Date!
    Friday to Sunday, March 13-15. Brochure to be out next week.
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