Winter 2018, Week 10
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm, Friday 8am-4:30pm
" When you come out, you change- utterly. You are the first time yourself. And what has an actor got to use onstage but himself?" - Sir Ian McKellen |
Have Your Art on Our Windows!
The UCSD LGBT Resource center is looking for designs from student artists to replace our current window artwork. Chosen submissions will be on the center for years to come and artists will be honored at rainbow graduation. For more information about submitting designs please visit
All submissions must be a 44x102 photoshop TIF file, 100 dpi, and CYMK mode. The deadline is Wednesday, April 11.
Apply to BlaqOUT Conference!
The 5th BlaqOUT Conference will take place on April 27-28, 2018 at University of California, Riverside.
The 5th BlaqOut Conference is an annual conference for anyone who self identifies as Black/African American or of African Descent and as Same Gender Loving, Lesbian, gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning or somewhere on the LGBTQ Spectrum.
UC San Diego students that are accepted get FREE REGISTRATION.
The deadline is March 15!
Queer and Mindful: Bob Ross Art Space
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
5:00-7:00PM | LGBT Resource Center
Join us for Week 10 Queer and Mindful! To unwind and relax we will be having a Bob Ross Art Space! Ever show up to an Art Space event and not know what to draw? No worries! We'll have Good Ol' Bob guide us through some of his lessons. Have a vision of something you want to create? Feel free to use our materials to make your own design! Come make some happy accidents with us!
LGBTRC 24 Hour Study Jam
Sunday March 18 - Monday March 19
6PM-7PM the next day | LGBT Resource Center
Stop by for our quarterly study jam! We'll have snacks and testing materials for you. If you require accommodations to fully access the event, please contact us at 858.822.3493 or rainbow@ucsd.edu.
UCSD Multi-identity Art Collective
4:30-6:30PM | LGBT Resource Center
Multi-identity Artist Collective is an intersectionl art group geared toward no one in particular because we take just about everyone! Humans of all artistic skill levels, specialities and identites are welcome to join us. We hold art workshops and other social events!
Bored Gaymers
3:00-4:30PM | LGBT Resource Center
Come play board games with us weekly at the LGBT Resource Center! Feel free to see what games we have or even bring your own!
No experience required!
Rainbow Graduation Sign Up
Queer Student Organizations and Affiliates
Queer ERC
QuERC is an organization that strives to build a community for queer students and allies. Come hang out and learn more! For more information and updates on events, click the link below:
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. For more information, please e-mail
Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, every odd week
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
QUEER/TRANS PEOPLE OF COLOR is a student org that creates a safe space to dialogue, educate, and socialize around LGBTQ+ identified people of color. For more information about QTPOC, contact
or check out their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/qtpocucsd/
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
QSUN (Queer Students United) as an organization aims to provide an open, welcoming, and safe space for individuals in the UCSD College community who identify on the queer and/or LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or are allies of such individuals. It is designed to offer an opportunity for a smaller and more close knit community.
Black Queer Collective
Black Queer Collective is a group dedicated to finding and fostering Black queer community at UC San Diego. For more information about Black Queer Collective, please click
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a national LGBTQ-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia. For more information, check out their
Facebook page!
Lesbian Collective
Odd Wednesdays; 4:00-5:00PM
Small Room | Women's Center
The Lesbian Collective is UCSD's only lesbian-centered student organization! Join us every odd Wednesday from 4-5PM in the Women's Center small meeting room for discussion circles about lesbian life, feminism, and experiences among friends. For more information, contact lesbiancollective@ucsd.edu.
Aces and Aros
Odd Mondays; 4:00-5:00PM
Conference Room | LGBT Resource Center
Aces and Aros is meant to provide a space for those who identify on the asexual/aromantic spectrums or are on their journey to identifying with either/both communities. The group is designed to have room for discussions about ace/aro issues or experiences, as well as foster a stronger sense of community and support. For more information, contact acesandaros.ucsd@gmail.com.
Looking for community? Get to know our interns! Stop by during their office hours:
Afi: Tues: 9:30AM-12:30PM
Alejandra: Wed: 9-10AM; Fri: 3-4:30PM
Gavin: Fri: 9:30AM-12:00PM
Jodie: Mon:1:30-4:00PM; Wed: 1:00-3:00PM; Fri: 12:30-3:30PM
Larra: Mon: 2:00-3:30PM
Marisa: Mon: 8-10:30AM
Noel: Tues: 2:00-4:30PM
Sallie: Wed: 9-11:30AM
Sam: Mon: 10:00AM-12:30PM
Soy Trans Y Que?
March 14, 2018; 7:00-8:30PM
SDSU Student Union Theater
Join internationally recognized transgender Latina activist Bamby Salcedo as she delivers a keynote address on transgender people navigating a marginalizing society. She will discuss how she transformed challenges
into opportunities, and her inspiring work in activism and public health.
OASIS Conference
March 24, 2018; 8:00AM-4:30PM
San Diego State University
The Out and Succeeding in STEM (OASIS) Conference is a one-day professional development conference aimed at increasing LGBTQ+ representation in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The conference is designed to give LGBTQ+ high school students and early undergraduate college students a new and exciting look into STEM fields, and instill a life long passion for research and discovery. Additionally, the conference tackles issues that minorities in the STEM fields face today, and provides the tools students need to succeed. To register, click here
Out for Undergrad Engineering Conference Deadline to Apply is March 27!
Out for Undergrad is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization designed to help high-achieving LGBTQ undergrads reach their full potential. LGBTQ engineering students will have the opportunity to discuss being out in the engineering industry and hear from professionals who are out in their careers. Students will network with LGBTQ peers and professionals from top engineering companies and have the opportunity to find LGBTQ mentors in their field.
Sponsoring companies will recruit students for jobs and internships at the career fair and throughout the conference.
Flights and hotel will be covered for any admitted students thanks to our sponsors.
The conference will take place October 5-7, 2018 but the deadline is March 27, 2018.
To apply, click the link below:
For more information regarding the conference, click here.
Coming Out Group Tuesdays, 4:00-5:30PM Small Meeting Room | Women's Center The Coming Out group is a place to meet and gain support while discussing your sexual and/or gender Identities in a confidential setting. This group is for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight, or questioning folks who are coming out, considering coming out or may already be out. Topics are determined by group participants and can include stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, family/cultural issues, excitement and celebration with regard to coming out. The group is open to new members the first 4 meetings of each quarter and then closes to maintain safe space. For more info, please contact Cat Thompson at cathompson@ucsd.edu or Agustin Orozco at aorozco@ucsd.edu |
Men's Relationship Forum
Weeks 2-10 (Fall, Winter & Spring Quarters) Mondays, 2:30- 4:00PM Small Meeting Room | Women's Center Join us for conversations about our experiences as gay men, and connect with other gay men on campus. This group addresses relationships, sexual health, community building and more. For more information please contact: Greg Koch at gkoch@ucsd.edu.
Rainbow Newsletter submissions:
If you would like to submit relevant events to be featured in the newsletter, please email
Apimeda Study Jam: Bath Bombs and Boba
March 15, 2018; 5:00-7:00PM
Price Center Bear Room
Jam, cram, make fizz, and pass that quiz. Come destress, customize your own boba drink, and make your own bath bombs and body scrubs with us!
Food will be served and materials will be provided on a first come first serve basis. Don't let finals get you down and join APIMEDA on Thursday March 15th at 7pm in the Bear Room at PC for some fun!
Study and Munch
March 13, 2018; 6:30-8:30PM
Black Resource Center
Have exams coming up? Need a place to study? You are invited to come and get comfortable at the BRC. Free pizza and snacks!
Dream the Impossible Native Youth Concert
April 21, 2018; 9:00AM-4:00PM
California State University, San Marcos
Save the date! The Annual Dream the Impossible Native Youth Conference is around the corner. It'll be held at California State University, San Marcos.
Complicating Pop Culture: Cultural Appropriation vs Cultural Appreciation
March 15, 2018; 5:00-7:00PM
Cross Cultural Center
Join us for a discussion on how positionality frames cultural appropriation in pop culture.
Tea Time at the Women's Center
March 15, 2018; 5:30-7:00PM
Women's Center
Come destress with us before finals by making your own tea blends for yourself and /or your loved ones.
The Raza Resource Centro is a space for all UCSD students, faculty, staff and community members to access resources and gather and join in comunidad.
Body Composition
March 13, 2018; 9:30-10:15AM
The Zone
Walk in for your free analysis which includes: body weight, percentage body fat, total body water, and blood pressure. One free assessment per quarter is available to registered UCSD students.
Federal Tax Workshop
March 13, 2018; 12:00-2:00PM
U409 - Dance Hall behind Study Abroad Office
Come out to the federal tax workshop, hosted by The International Students & Programs Office and the International Faculty & Scholars Office and presented by San Diego State University School of Accountancy (Federal) and the California Franchise Tax Board (State).

UCSD Walkout for Gun Violence Prevention March 14, 2018; 10:00-10:17AM Silent Tree
Join us on March 14th in a school wide walkout as we stand in solidarity with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School community and all of those affected by gun violence across our nation. The event will take place for 17 minutes in honor of the lives lost on February 14th. We will be meeting at 10:00 AM at Silent Tree and will have speakers and representatives from The Brady Campaign and Moms Demand Action. We encourage all students, staff, and faculty to join us in saying #NeverAgain as we demand lawmakers create policy that makes MSDHS the last mass shooting of our generation and sparks an end to ALL gun violence. #Enough
Destress with BioFeedback! March 14, 2018; 2:30-3:30PM The Zone
Come de-stress with the CAPs Wellness Peers! Measure your psychological stressors and learn more about what makes you most stressed, how it affects your well-being and how to keep your stress levels down! Workshops are all free. Space is limited and is first come, first served. Hosted by the CAPS Wellness Peer Educators.
Pi Day Mixer
March 14, 2018; 1:30-3:14PM
Women's Center
Let's celebrate PI day by coming together and recognizing the contributions of women and other gender marginalized people in STEM. We'll, of course, have pie, as well as some fun activities around the Women's Center.
Black Men's Collective Game Night
March 14, 2018; 5:00-6:30PM
Black Resource Center Conference Room
Come join us for the last BMC of the quarter as we enjoy food, games, and music. For accommodations, please contact the BRC at brc@ucsd.edu.
Superhero Survey Day
March 15, 2018; 9:00AM-9:00PM
Cross Cultural Center
Complete the survey at the Cross-Cultural Center and win a prize! To fill out the survey, click the link below: tinyurl.com/2018CCC
Taking Care of Yourself
March 16, 2018; 5:30-6:30PM
The Zone
Come join Minority of Association of Pre-Med Students as we make time for ourselves and also learn about healthier ways to manage stress.
CASP Winter Study Jam
March 16, 2018; 4:00-11:00PM
Student Services Center Suite #555
Come join the Chancellor's Associates Scholars Program for our Quarterly Study Jam! We'll have an open study space, blue books, scantrons, food and snacks! We'll also be having tutors for Chem, Math, and Writing.
SPACES presents...ASP Booklending Spring 2018
ASP Booklending is free for UCSD undergraduate students. the application opens March 12, 2018. Please apply by April 2nd at 11:59PM @ booklending.ucsd.edu. Textbooks will be handed out April 7th and 8th. Return books by June 15. |