GCOOS: Tribute to Ann Jochens

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The GCOOS-RA is honored to include this special tribute to Dr. Ann Jochens, celebrating her illustrious career as she steps down as Executive Director.     

Since its inception in 2005, Ann served first as the Regional Coordinator and subsequently as Executive Director of the GCOOS-RA. Her exceptional leadership, vision and management skills have paved the way for the infrastructure of a much needed regional monitoring 'System of Systems' for the Gulf of Mexico. Ann's trademark characteristics, keen intelligence, tireless drive and selflessness, have facilitated the development of not just a Gulf system, but that of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System. As a national steering committee member and leader on numerous councils, committees and task teams, her expertise has guided so many areas of the ocean observing enterprise.


With a Juris Doctorate, Specialty in Ocean Law, received from the University of Oregon, and both Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Oceanography from Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, Ann brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to GCOOS. Prior to taking the helm for the GCOOS-RA, she worked in the field of geosciences for companies such as Wyoming Mineral Corporation and Gulf Mineral Resources. Upon arriving at TAMU, she worked as Primary Investigator and Program Manager for the Sperm Whale Seismic Study, a project which earned her the Minerals Management Services Offshore Leadership Award, the first ever given to an individual working in the environmental side of the oil and gas industry.  
  • "Thanks for all the hard work, time and energy you devoted to moving US IOOS forward. Your Herculean efforts to get GCOOS stood up and then running since 2005 is truly remarkable.  I know you share my passion for a national ocean enterprise, following Admiral Watkins vision for a truly integrated ocean observing system of systems. Thanks to you, once funding arrives, we are well on our way... You are a remarkable person, Ann. I stand and salute you."
  • "You have played a pivotal and critical role serving GCOOS since its inception.  Ann, you may be equaled by few but surpassed by no one in your leadership and management style on behalf the GCOOS-RA."
  • "As a hardcore scientist, you have always been supportive of education and outreach. I really appreciate that about you. That has allowed GCOOS to follow some novel concepts to realization. Thank you, Ann, for this."
  • "You have been a great friend over the years, an ardent and wise supporter and implementer of IOOS, an eagle eye for editing, and a great passion for making IOOS relevant and sustainable despite less-than-optimal funding." 
  • "You have contributed so much to IOOS since the get-go. We are so lucky to have had your imprinting on the system and thanks for your passion, drive, insights, and above all your great friendship to us personally and indirectly to all those who IOOS serves. I will miss you!"    
  • "Thank you so much for always taking time to really explain something to me.  You have done so much for IOOS and the ocean and you will be so missed."  
  • "She will be missed, but her hard work and dedication will be a permanent part of GCOOS!"
  • "In an IOOS dictionary, the world 'altruist' would be accompanied by a photo of Ann.  If we emulate Ann, we move closer to Admiral Watkins vision. "

When Dr. Worth Nowlin, Chair of the U.S. Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee from 1998-2006, invited Ann to coordinate the GCOOS effort, she signed on and charged ahead, overcoming many fiscal hurdles to keep data flowing, PIs funded, and data compliant with IOOS standards. A little known fact is that during the many years of 70-plus hour work weeks, Ann only drew a very small percentage of her salary from GCOOS. She leveraged other funds and made personal sacrifices to ensure program success.


All who have had the pleasure of working under Ann's leadership have the utmost respect for her. The many praises sent by her friends and colleagues showcase how highly esteemed she is by all who have worked with her. A few messages to Ann are shared below.


The good news for the GCOOS-RA is that while Ann is stepping down as Executive Director, she will remain as the project PI until 2016. This will help transition the new Executive Director and retain the expertise to continue building the quality, sustained, fully integrated System of Systems started under Ann's talented leadership. We wish Ann all the best life has to offer. That is certainly what she has shown all those fortunate enough to have worked with her. For more please see:  http://gcoos.tamu.edu/?p=6350  

GCOOS is the Gulf of Mexico regional component of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS).  Our mission is to provide timely, reliable, and accurate information on the open and coastal ocean waters of the Gulf of Mexico to ensure a healthy, clean, productive ocean and resilient coastal zone. Your input, guidance, support, and membership are important to the development of the data, products and services that you need. Contact the  GCOOS Business Office  (info@gcoos.org), to become a GCOOS member and for more information. We welcome your feedback and ideas for relevant news items.  Please email your feedback and ideas to Laura Caldwell (laura.caldwell@gcoos.org). 
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