Past and Present Alma Exley Scholarship Recipients
Student's Words About Impact Are Powerful.
Your gift today to our Civic Leadership Fund provides the tools we need to increase scholarship for students, grants for nonprofit organizations, and initiatives that addresses key needs in our communities.  Please read this note of thanks received just yesterday:

"The impact this scholarship has had on me is invaluable...Not only was this gift a source of financial assistance but also a great source of motivation...I thought of withdrawing from my classes because they were getting harder and I was at the verge of failing. I thought deeply about the generous donors who sacrificed their money and trusted me among the numerous applicants. I did not want their support to go to waste. I worked extra hard to finish the semester to make myself and mostly the generous donors proud. I ended the semester with two A's and a B. Going into my last semester and graduating in a few months, your prestigious organization will forever remain part of my life for helping me achieve my dream of becoming a nurse. I hope to give back to your organization and the community in any form in the future. Thank you again for your thoughtful and generous gift."
-2018 CFGNB Scholarship Recipient
We can't say it any better. 
Since 1941 our Foundation has been partnering with you to make our community vibrant and a better place to work and live.  Click here to make your gift before year's end. 
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Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
860-229-6018 |