"Having fun with your children creates connection. Connection builds relationships. Relationships are what we need to raise our children. So start having more fun, more of the time." -Bridgett Miller
January 7, 2020
54th Edition

Would you forget to feed your child a meal? Would you get too busy and caught up in your day to get food on the table? Would you ever not feed them because they were driving you crazy and pushing away your love?

Of course not!

Children with attachment disorder need bonding and connection as much as they need food. Maybe even more.

It's easy to forget this. You get caught up in your day or in their negativity. You don't feel like getting close to your child and having them reject you - again - or hurt you. Some days it's all too much and you check out emotionally.

Take the next month and get into the groove of making bonding with your child as mandatory as feeding them 3 meals each day. The more you do it, the easier it will get. I promise.

With Love,
First things first : Self-care for parents. This is mandatory - you can't fill someone up if you're running on empty. Take time each day to pray, meditate, sit in silence; whatever makes you feel peaceful. (It's a rule at my house that kids aren't allowed to ask any questions while I'm drinking my coffee and reading my Bible in the mornings; if they get stuck on something they sit at their strong sitting spot and wait until I'm done. It's my favourite time of day.)

Each of the following activities should be done once a day. Decide what time works best for YOU ( not according to your child's behaviour) and set alarms on your phone. When it rings, do the next activity.

1. Snuggle Story Time - Pull your little one up onto your lap and hold them like a baby (even if they're big ones, they need this!). Read them a short, silly story, making lots of eye contact and sharing smiles.

The books should match your child's chaos level: they need that hyped-up excitement in a positive, parent-lead way. Don't read soft-mushy-lovey books, read Robert Munsch, Dr. Seuss, 5 Little Monkeys: crazy, silly, and completely nonsensical. If your child is wild and crazy and gross, read them a story that matches that.

2. Penguin Playtime - Sit in your favourite comfy chair with a good book for yourself and a cup of delicious coffee, and sit your child down on the floor between your feet like a baby penguin. Give them a building toy to play with and set your timer for 15 - 20 minutes. Sit back and relax while they play.

Use creative building toys like Lego, wooden blocks, Magnatiles, or Mega Bloks. Give them a small amount of toys so they don't get overwhelmed and create extra chaos.

Don't give your child any play-rules for this, let them be crazy and loud if they choose (you might want to put in earbuds and listen to your favourite music if it gets too loud!). The only rule is that they need to stay sitting and connected to you.

3. Dancing - dance, dance, dance! Look at this:
Health Benefits of Dancing:
  • Boosts memory
  • Improves flexibility
  • Reduces stress
  • Diminishes depression
  • Improves heart health
  • Helps weight loss
  • Improves balance
  • Increases energy levels

Doesn't that sound great? I think so! Put on your favourite song and hold your child's hands while you dance around the house (no talent needed - your child doesn't care what your skill level is!).

Choose 1 or 2 songs, or dance for 5 - 10 minutes. The music can be any kind you like: hymns, silly songs, Veggie Tales, classical, western. Whatever makes you happy and danceful (I'm pretty sure that's a word...).
Remember to add love:
  • Positive, loving touch at all times
  • Soft, loving eye contact
  • Smiles from your heart

NO rules: don't give instructions, set limits, or be negative. The more rules you set the more control battles there will be, and bonding time will turn into a war.

Most importantly - remember to have fun. Have temporary amnesia about your child's negative behaviours, and play with your child's future self: a kind, loving, fun-to-be-around kid.
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“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.” -Jeremiah 29:11
Next Generation Attachment
Box 58, Mariapolis, MB. R0K 1K0, Canada