God Is Calling Us To A Closer Relationship With Jesus
They Came, They Prayed, They Ate, They Voted!
What a wonderful Annual Meeting! Kelly Slye and Marlene Ficzko were elected to the Vestry and Omar Francis, Len Cacciatore were thanked for their wonderful service as they concluded their terms.

We feasted on all the food people brought to share and delighted in Chef Howard's skill on the griddle.

Thanks to your generous support and commitment and due to a period this year of not having to fund a full-time priest, we ended the year in the black. In January the Vestry passed a provisional budget for 2020 as we continue to seek pledges of support for our shared ministry.

Beth Hixenbaugh reported on the long list of improvements made to both the church and the rectory, although most of us were surprised to learn of the serious condition of the rectory and the repairs that were made this year to make the building water tight and mold free.

A request went out to ask if there are members of our parish who feel God may be calling them to help out in any one of four areas. Due to some of our vary active members moving away this past year, and some people's terms coming to a close, and some changes in employment responsibilities we are in need of people to assist in matters of stewardship, youth and to serve as a liaison with St. Martin's School. In addition, we need another adult acolyte. Please speak with Fr. Mulder if you would be interested in any of these aspects of our life together.

Our Warden, David Persson reported that the parish has engaged a consultant who will work with us through the process of seeking and calling our next rector. On Saturday, February 1, there will be a joint meeting of the Vestry and the newly formed Discernment (search) Committee to work with the consultant to get the ball rolling. In the Episcopal Church this process can sometimes take 12-18 months. Fr. Mulder asked the entire parish to pray for the work of the Discernment Committee that God might lead the right person to join in our shared work for the kingdom of God.

Ten Reasons I Love Being an Episcopalian
Last Sunday we talked about Queen Elizabeth I, who called her seriously divided people to come together to pray even if they did not agree on other matters of politics or religion. Her wisdom set the stage for an Anglican ethos that appreciates differences within the community.

We also gave thanks for Richard Hooker, who, in the midst of sometimes violent arguments about the. nature of the Eucharist, wrote that he was not as concerned with what happened to bread and wine as what happens to the faithful who take Jesus into their lives and are transformed for discipleship.

This coming Sunday we will talk about what is the basis of authority for Anglicans and what is so special about our style of worship.

Join us at 9:30 in the meeting room and tell us why you love being an Episcopalian, too!
Connect with One Another
Did you know St. Martin's has an easy to use app for your phone that can help you connect with anyone in the parish? Download the Instant Church Directory App and sign in as a St. Martin's Bridgewater member. If you need help, call the parish office at 908-526-1350 and we'll help you get started. Also, we encourage everyone to upload a picture of yourself or your family so that it makes it easier for us to get to know one another.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
NJ 08807

Call Us: 908-526-1350