January 2020 --- Volume 58, Issue 1
Christmas Tree Decorating Party at The
California Auto Museum
By Kim Nelson
This year’s Christmas Tree Decorating Party and Potluck at the California Auto Museum was a wonderful event with over 356 car enthusiasts coming together to help decorate the Museum for the Holidays. As in past years, our two Porsche Clubs, 356CAR (California Alta Region) and SVR (Sacramento Valley Region), came out in force with about 100 members enjoying the afternoon and helping decorate our three Christmas Trees.  Also this year our two clubs were responsible for organizing and putting the event on for the Museum. 

We had too many Porsche Club volunteers here to mention all of them but Carol McKee put together an all-star team and they made decorations for 50 tables and then coordinated the potluck for those 356 hungry people. I big thank you goes out to and all the volunteers for helping to make this year’s event one of the best. If you missed it this year I hope you will join us next year – it is always the Sunday after Thanksgiving and a great way to start the Holiday season with your friends.
SVR Event Calendar

 President's Message

Greetings to all members of the Sacramento Valley Region PCA!
Welcome back if you have been on holiday and I hope everyone had a wonderful time enjoying family and friends or wherever your travels took you. A break can be a good time to reflect on the past and setting goals for the new year. 
As we enter 2020 we have a new Board of Directors that have been working on the transition over the past month to prepare for their roles and responsibilities for 2020.
First a big Thank You to Gregg Plourde for serving SVR as President for the past 2 years!  He has kept the enthusiasm going as we all have seen by the number of members volunteering to lead some 80 events in 2019! Gregg ensured that as a priority a CRAB committee was in place to continue the tradition that is unique to SVR as well as forming the By-laws Committee to align the club with PCA guidelines. Gregg and Rebecca attended many club, Zone and national events and made themselves easily accessible to everyone. Gregg has accepted the position of Past President and will provide oversight and leadership where needed going forward.

Our 2-term Treasurer, Tom Perry-Smith has termed out and with him retiring will be handing over the finances to Bob Peake ! We welcome Bob back onto the Board with his experience serving many positions in SVR since joining in 1979 that included 2-terms as President in 1998 and 1999 and of course his many years in Auto Cross. Bob brings with him experience in finance so it should be an easy transition from Tom to Bob. Many thanks to Tom for the job he did on a monthly basis providing the Board with a complete finance assessment of the accounting that went into the monthly reports.

Mardi Quain will be moving from Secretary to the Social Chair position. As Secretary, Mardi was pretty particular during our Board meetings to make sure she captured all the details that went into the monthly meeting minutes. She will be transitioning to Julie Lee as Secretary. Like Mardi, Julie is very easy to talk to as well as a very detailed person to take on her first position on the Board. Many Thanks to Mardi for her position as Secretary and a warm Welcome to Julie onto the Board!

The Social Chair will be transitioning from Cookie Anderson to Mardi. Cookie is a long-time member of SVR first joining in 2005. She wore many hats and quickly rose to President in 4 years serving terms in 2009 and 2010. Cookie was and still is very enthusiastic about SVR and she will continue to be an advisor as we go forward. Most notably Cookie hosted the Kroetz Charity Auction this last September as well as chairing a Monthly Dinner at Fat’s and organizing the Eureka Multi-day Tour. I hope everyone will thank Cookie for having such a positive impact on the identity of SVR!

The Editor position has moved from Matt Menning to Mike Willis . Mike is on a temporary term as he puts it and working very hard to keep the Drifter going. The monthly Newsletter dates back over many years as the main path to SVR communication, a place to advertise and post stories. With everything sometimes time will challenge how we do things and we are seeing that with the Drifter. Mike is taking us into the future which for many may cause all kinds of reactions, I hear you all! SVR is one of the last clubs to publish a hard copy Newsletter and most have already moved to on-line models.  Please support Mike in any way you can from a simple Thank You Mike, to asking if you can provide any help he may need. 

I am extremely pleased to say that our Membership Director will remain with Rebecca Plourde , Competition & Safety will remain with Greg Zajic and Webmaster will continue with Bill Fargo . These three members have played such a key role to our club in each of their areas they have led. It has been exciting to see their enthusiasm and professionalism how Rebecca manages the Membership and New Members, Greg’s deep commitment to all things Autocross and Bill’s vast experience in Web design.   

Last as I will be moving into the role of President I want to congratulate Rob Lee for stepping up to the position of Vice President! As VP Rob will be the clubs resource for all things that require a Certificate of Insurance, COI, as well as organizing the Planning meeting and maintaining the Calendar of Events. We have been working together since the election results were announced and it has been my pleasure to work with Rob. 
I hope you all take a minute when you run into members of the board to introduce yourself and offer them your thoughts as we enjoy the new year.

It has been my pleasure to have had the opportunity to be part of SVR for the past 2 years as VP. It’s a very fun position to serve and represent the club at so many events. I look forward to the next year and serving as President.
To the Good Times!

From The Editor

This is our first online version of the Drifter. Take a look and give me your comments.

One thing about the online version is that a lot can be linked. Each of our Advertisers ads are linked to their web page. In addition we now have the capability to link almost anything such are our SVR Event Calendar that we linked and is shown above the President's Message.

It is a pleasure to also be assisted by the following
team members.
Bill Fargo, Photography & Flyers
Dick Murphy, Advertising
Ed Parra, Reporter
Skip Quain, Contributor
Rik Larson, Proof Reader/Tickler

PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Member  

That is the way to view the new DRIFTER. Just keep scrolling and CLICK to get the details (similar to what we have been doing with the BLAST for the past couple of years). And if you get this notation [Message clipped] View entire message before you think you are at the end of the DRIFTER, just click on it to have it open in a new window.  
Give Mike Willis, DRIFTER editor, a little bit of time to find his way around the software in this new way of communicating with the membership. I know one thing that he likes: no worry about the length of articles or placement/layout on a page. And no more 3 column format (i.e. the article is formatted as 3 columns to facilitate reading ------- actually it is a format that we have had ever since Larry Wilson was the DRIFTER editor……like more than 30 years ago).  
The PCA Spring Treffen ( ) will be held in Colorado Springs at the end of April and has registration opening on Wednesday, January 22nd at 12 noon Pacific Time. You either get online by noon or else you will probably not get in. Past Treffens have sold in less than 60 minutes.
Next up is the Zone 7 Tour presented by Shasta Region ( being held in June and has registration opening on Monday, January 27th at 7am Pacific Time. The past 3 'tours' have sold out in less than 60 minutes (see a pattern here?).
Then there is the 65th Porsche Parade ( ) being held in June near Palm Springs with a registration opening on Tuesday, January 28th at 9am Pacific Time. This is the first of two phases. The first phase is for registering for the event and also obtaining access to the accommodations (La Quinta Resort). Phase 2 registration will occur at the end of March and will allow you to sign up for events and banquets.  

Jim McMahen reports that there are still plenty of rooms available at the Pacific Gardens Inn in Pacific Grove. His 3-day tour is April 3-5. Contact Jim at for details.  
The voting members turned down the proposed by-laws. Article Twelve of the current by-laws requires approval of 2/3 of the membership voting. So the By-Laws committee will address the concerns raised, then rework and reword some articles (particularly Article SIX -- Directors) and resubmit to the SVR membership for approval. Look for another vote by the membership on the by-laws shortly.  
Liz Houser, SVR Tour Chair, has announced that she wants to have at least one SVR tour each month in 2020. This reminds me of the days when the region had spontaneous "Dial-A-Tours." Tours were announced simply by the making of a telephone call (well, many calls). Some of the tours were even mid-week. Check out Liz's article elsewhere in this issue.  
Yes, you can print this issue in the same way that you would print any e-mail. The printed result will most likely cause articles to span multiple pages (i.e. pagination will be dependent upon your printer settings). Page numbers? There are none.
November 21, 2019  

Taken from AUTOWEEK Magazine (well their website……since they also ceased printing their publication in November 2019).  
A decal still available from
Chuck Stoddard passed away a couple of months ago. He was known for his NLA (No Longer Available) parts and catalog (now online). This decal was seen on a lot of non-Porsches back in the 70s and 80s.
Our Thoughts
By Bill Fargo, Webmaster

Last year SVR had a bang up year. We sponsored more tours, more dinners and other events than we’ve done in the recent past. The elections for the board of directors went smoothly even though we struggled for volunteers to fill some of the vacant positions. In the end, we were able to fill the position of Treasurer by Bob Peake stepping forward. Mike Willis came back to help us as the new Drifter Editor. As many of you know, we are going on line this coming year and Mike has been working hard to get it ready.
This is a reminder to all of us that even though we generally have lots of help planning and executing our events, our club also needs people to go the extra mile and help manage. Being on the governing board is a commitment but it isn’t a sentence. Coupled with the last election ballot was a proposal for some changes to our bylaws. The committee worked long and hard on them though they did not pass. In retrospect many of us felt that there were some clarifications that should have been made and it could have been presented in a way a little easier to review by the members. The new board will take this up and finish the modifications, many of which are to better align our bylaws with PCA national. It will be presented again in a more easily read document for your consideration.
This coming year we have a few new and hopefully exciting changes and opportunities. Our new Tour Chair, Liz Houser plans on pushing single day tours. Look for a new menu item on the website with a page listing these as they are added. They will also be added to the calendar. Many of them will be informal get togethers to enjoy the car that you drive, the friends that you’ve made and maybe you’ll discover some food or entertainment that you haven’t experienced yet.
Join us in welcoming some new board members. Rob and Julie Lee who came from Potomac region and Lois Roberts who stepped up to the Charity position last year and is originally from Space Coast (Florida). I’ll let them tell their stories when you run into them at the dinner or drive you attend.
On a sad note, we also lost four of our long time members last year. Barbara McCrory, Larry Wilson, Dolores Weddle and recently Bud Behrens. Please take a moment to remember them. All of them served our club in many capacities over the years and will be missed by a lot of us.
Drive on, Drive safely from the Webmaster, SVR

SVR Planning Meeting
By: Steve Barker, SVR VP
Greetings to all SVR members!
As we are coming to the end of 2019 and looking ahead to 2020 I would like to extend an invitation to all to attend our 2020 Annual Planning Meeting. Although we have been adding events to the club calendar during the year for next year, this planning meeting is to continue on that path and add even more activities around things that you want to see take place next year. The process remains as it has been for as long as I remember, the monthly calendars will be set up on the surrounding walls for folks to place their sticky notes on the dates for an event. 
Many members have returned year after year adding tours, dinners or other topics of interest. For new members that might feel unsure of the process it helps to get together with other members and work together on your choice of an event and getting it set up. Our Social Director is always available to help make it a smooth process.

Liz Houser, Event Chair
Photos by Collin Fat & Matt Deter  

2019 Christmas Party is a Big Hit!!

The Christmas party photos are available on our Shutterfly Account. Use the the link button above, the password porsche911.

From the Porsche’s on the Porch to the Casino Gaming, all 100 guests in attendance had a great time at the annual Christmas party. The new venue, Sierra View Country Club did an outstanding job with a prime rib buffet complete with salmon, roasted red potatoes, fresh grilled vegetables, Caesar & potato salad and a delicious dessert bar. The evening started with popcorn bar and free drink while guests plied their skills at the black jack, poker & roulette tables. The big winners of the prizes provided by our friends at Niello Porsche were:
1. Ron Reagan with $72,000
2. Mike Willis
3. Mike Bloom
4. Elaine Fat
Our DJ Ed King, kept things festive with a nice selection of Holiday and dance tunes, it was heart warming to see several couples enjoying the dance floor (they still got the moves like Elvis!). A big thanks to our members who braved the questionable weather to bring their Porsche’s to display on the porch outside our banquet area providing a wonderful view throughout the evening: Mike Bloom, Alma & Gary Thompson, Skip & Mardi Quain and Niello who brought a shiny new 911 for everyone to drool over!! The raffle table was also a big hit, special thanks to Fast Lane Tours, Deb Dunn, Rebecca Plourde, Sue Sanders, Yve Smith-Collins, Mardi Quain, Niello & PCA/SVR for the wonderful contributions, many members went home happy and it sounds like a 3 of them will be heading to Europe this year to enjoy a Fast Lane tour! As usual the Porsche Club members outdid themselves with a BIG pile of gifts for the annual ChiPs for Kids toy drive, thank you all.
Our President, Gregg Plourde and in-coming President Steve Barker announced this year’s winners of this years Club Awards, introduced the incoming Board of Director members and thanked outgoing members. 

Event of the Year, 1st Saturday Breakfast,Jerry Alter
Multi day Tour of the Year, Cambria Tour, Sanders/Plourde
Single day Tour of the Year, Anderson's Conn Valley Vineyards Tour
John & Marie Mueller
Dinner of the Year, Fats Dinner, Cookie Anderson
Competition Event of the Year, AX Series 2019, John Leet

Board Term Out Awards
Secretary - Mardi Quain
Social Director - Cookie Anderson
Vice President Steve Barker
Treasurer - Tom Perry-Smith
Editor - Matt Menning
President - Gregg Plourde

We all truly appreciate the time these volunteers take from their lives to make our Club run smoothly, remain financially solvent and put on a number of tours, dinners and events throughout the year. 
Speaking of Volunteers, John Lanting ( and Rosemary Wu ( asked for volunteers to help with this year’s CRAB event to be held May 29-31 at the California Auto Museum, if you’d like to help, please email them. 
Looking forward to seeing many of you at events in 2020. Wishing you all a healthy New Year and at least 5 sunny days every month to drive our Porsches!  tore
Let’s Drive!! As Above With The NEW Day Tours
by Liz Houser, SVR Tour Chair

As the new Tour Chair, I’m very excited to get out on the road with you! I’m hoping to have at least one drive per month, plus several multi-day tours. The daily drives I’m planning for January and February will be subject to weather, so you’ll need to keep an eye on your emails! I’m asking that you sign up through Eventbrite so I can easily contact you if a drive has to be postponed.
If you’re interested in hosting a drive, please let me know; we are happy to help with the planning. Some fun ideas for next year’s calendar include a “Woman behind the Wheel” leisurely day drive with lunch to Feather Falls Casino in Orville and a 4 door Porsche day drive, so keep an eye on the calendar for these upcoming Events.
Dates for tentative day drives include:
Single Day Tours:
January 25 th – Day Drive Meet at 9 a.m. Ikea Parking Lot -700 Ikea Court, West Sacramento (sign up on Eventbrite link (Click Here For Link) - 20 Cars - Max, Host Liz Houser.
February 29 th - Napa/Geyserville Day Drive with Winery Lunch & Tasting. Meet at 9 a.m. Ikea Parking Lot -700 Ikea Court, West Sacramento (sign up on Eventbrite link (Click Here For Link) - 30 Cars Max, Host Liz Houser.
Multi Day Tours Sponsored by PCA/SVR
March 20, 21 & 22 – Fort Bragg Whale Festival – Host Liz Houser
April 3, 4 & 5 – Pacific Grove Tour – Host Jim McMahen
July 3, 4 & 5 – Weaverville Old Fashioned 4 th of July tour – Host Liz Houser
September 18, 19 & 20 – Yosemite Tour – Host Liz Houser
November 6, 7 & 8 – Mendocino Tour – Host Rik Larson
Many of the multi-day tour drives will be all inclusive with events and meals shared as a group, they will also be limited to the number of cars due to space constraints, so sign up early if you’re interested. We encourage you to utilize Eventbrite to sign up, but you may also email me at or text me at 916-203-9170 if you’d like to attend a drive or the Event host.

In The Zone
January 2020
By: Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative
Sacramento Valley Region

Wishing everyone a wonderful and prosperous New Year! I would hope you have plans to participate in the many club activities that your region and the Zone have planned. By now, each club will have elected a new board of directors and have either completed or are in the process of laying out their annual event calendars. I have sincerely enjoyed my first year serving as your Zone 7 Representative and look forward to attending a variety of regional events in 2020 and getting to meet the members of Zone 7.
I have met many new members over the past year and many have asked me for suggestions on how to get involved. I almost always recommend trying as many different types of events as you can, knowing that all of them revolve around owning and driving a Porsche. Tours are among the most popular events hosted by local regions and they come in the form of single and multiple day varieties. Participating in a driving tour requires no special preparation other than making sure your Porsche is in good working order. Several very popular multi-day tours coming up are 1) Shasta Regions Zone 7 tour, 2) Sierra Nevada Region’s annual Mammoth Tour, and for as many years as I can remember 3) Sacramento Valley’s Mendocino and Pacific Grove tours.
CRAB 38, Sacramento Valley Region hosts its 38 th CRAB event May 29-31 st and is a 3 day multi-event extravaganza featuring all things Porsche. Many past participants have described CRAB as a mini Parade with tours, TSD rally, autocross, concours, and a crabfeed and beer’n brat all included. The word CRAB stands for crabfeed, rally, autocross and Begegnan (a German word referring to a gathering).
The Zone organizes several competitive series including a concours and autocross in which competitors vie for year end awards and bragging rights. These schedules should already be posted on the Zone 7 website.

In addition, PCA National also schedules PCA Club Racing throughout the nation with a dedicated series called the West Coast Series held at tracks like Thunderhill Raceway, Sonoma Raceway, Laguna Seca and Buttonwillow. These events are for highly skilled drivers who have specially prepared cars and are duly licensed by PCA to race in these events. Also on the national calendar this year is the club’s largest event, Porsche Parade, which will be held in Southern California this year at the La Quinta Resort near Palm Springs.

In addition, two Treffens which are normally just 4 days in length and focus on touring and having a great time meeting with other Porsche enthusiasts, are planned. One is at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs in April followed by another Treffen at the Greenbrier in West Virginia in September. PCA national likes to hosts these events in areas where our membership can’t easily attend a Parade but could attend a Treffen closer by. In addition to these national events, other events which PCA will host for 2020 include Werks Reunion Monterey and Amelia Island. I encourage all members to participate in as many of these national events as possible.
National Awards and Club Recognition:
It may still not be too late to nominate members in your region or your region itself for several national awards that are given out each year at Parade. These include 1) Region of the Year, 2) Family of the Year, and 3) Enthusiast of the Year. Applications opened in December but can still be submitted. If you think your region is deserving or have a family or enthusiast in your club that has stood out, take the next step and nominate them. Zone 7 regions have been recognized almost every year and your club cannot be considered if you do not make a submission or nomination. Take a few minutes to contemplate on members in your region who truly made a difference in your club and nominate them. The link to the National Awards Submission Guidelines: .
Zone 7 AX Instructor and Concours Judges School:
Zone 7 will host its autocross instructor’s school on March 7 th at the Livermore Community Center and the concours team will be hosting their annual Concours Judges and Prep school at Porsche of Livermore as well on March 15 th . I am not sure that you can attend both events as the course material is quite extensive. Watch for more details on the Zone 7 website .
Events and Dates of Interest:
  • Wednesday, January 22nd..registration opens for Treffen at the BROaDMOOR (
  • Monday, January 27th..registration opens for Zone 7 Tour by Shasta Region (
  • Tuesday, January 28th..registration opens for Porsche Parade at Palm Springs (
1)     Spring Treffen at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs; April 29-May 2
2)     CRAB 38 hosted by Sacramento Valley Region; May 29-31
3)     Zone 7 Tour by Shasta Region; June 11-15
4)     Porsche Parade at the La Quinta Resort in La Quinta; June 21-27
5)     Mammoth Tour by Sierra Nevada Region; July 25-26
6)     Werks Reunion in Monterey; August 14
7)     Fall Treffen at the Greenbrier Resort in West Virginia; September 16-19
Note that past Treffens have sold out in as little as one hour due to their growing popularity.

The Zone 7 Tour has also sold out in as little as one hour in the past.

The Porsche Parade has a two phase registration process. The first phase is for Parade registration and accommodations. The second phase will be for registration for events and banquets, which will occur in the February/March time frame.
Our elections are completed here is your 2020 Board. For the event chairs click on the graphic.
Rebecca Plourde, Membership Chair

Chase, Bob
2001 911 Carrera 4 Coupe
Crawford, Ben
2005 911 Carrera Coupe
Crumley, Doug
Crumley, Monica
Fair Oaks
2007 911 Turbo
Duffield, Kevin
2006 Boxster
Gleckler, Mike
2007 Cayman S
Kearney, Brad
El Dorado Hills
2003 911 GT2 Coupe
Liston, Casey
2006 Cayenne S
Morris, George
Morris, Emy
El Dorado Hills
2008 911 Carrera S
Rezvani, Matt
2014 911 Carrera
SVR Member Anniversary
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary to keep our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA. To update your information, go to and login. You can then make any updates (address, car, e-mail etc.). Also, even though we receive the information from PCA monthly, you can send the same updates to: . New Member badges will now come with a removable colored sticker to encourage introductions at club events. They can be removed at any time. Welcome to the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America. 
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club? Go to: This is an online system that will request a credit card for payment. If you would rather fill out a paper form, contact 2020 SVR Membership Director, Rebecca Plourde, at or 530.210.9686.

Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA? Try the PCA Test Drive program. For information, go to: Need to update your PCA information? Update your PCA record at
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses? Want Club info sent to a second email, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as e-mailing your second e-mail address to the Membership Director at:

How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Sacramento Valley Region-PCA,
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
December 11, 2019  
Sacramento Fire Station #32
8890 Roediger Lane, Fair Oaks, CA
Board members: Gregg Plourde, Steve Barker, Tom Perry-Smith, Greg Zajic, Matt Menning, Mardi Quain
Excused absence: Rebecca Plourde, Cookie Anderson
Chairs: Lisa Menning - Tours, Al Price - Concours, John Leet - Autocross Guests:
Collin Fat, Rik Larson, Bob Peake
2020 Board members: Julie Lee - Secretary, Rob Lee - Vice President Call to order - 7:03p
President introduced guests and newly elected Directors for 2020 Board of Directors
Old Business:
Minutes from November meeting Approved via email vote, final Minutes distributed November 21, 2019
New Business - Actionable:
a.             Treasurers Report: Tom Perry-Smith distributed the Treasurer’s Financial Reports for November 2019. Motion to approve - Matt Menning, Second - Steve Barker Budget approved.
b.             Budgets for events: Steve Barker presented budgets for dinners:
Vince’s Mexican Restaurant. Motion to approve - Greg Zajic, Second - Tom Perry-Smith. Budget approved.
Smith Flat house Restaurant Dinner. Motion to approve - Greg Zajic, Second -
Matt Menning. Budget approved
c.             Autocross Budget: John Leet distributed the spread sheet of expenses and income for 2020 autocross season. Motion to approve - Greg Zajic, Second - Tom Perry-Smith. Budget approved
New Business - Discussion Board of Directors
President Gregg Plourde introduced Bob Peake as candidate for Treasurer. As stated in SVR Bylaws on filling a vacant Board of Director position:
“Art 6 - Sec 7-Vacancies: Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by election of a regular member in good standing as a Director by a majority vote of the remaining Directors at it’s next succeeding meeting.” Gregg’s Motion: I nominate Bob Peake to be Treasurer. Second Tom Perry-Smith. Motion approved.
Vice President Report : Steve Barker reported all insurance requirements for upcoming events are up to date. Steve announced a closed BoD transition meeting with changing directors December 16 2019. New Events calendar distributed.
Social Director Report: None

Competition & Safety Report: None
Webmaster Report: None
Drifter Report: Matt Menning said the Drifter team is in process of scheduling meeting to transition with new members. Matt expressed his appreciation being the Drifter Editor.
Membership Report:
Report for member November numbers: Primary Members - 846, Affiliate Members - 529, Total members - 1,375. Totals include 16 new members, one transfer In and one transfer Out
Presidents Report:
Gregg updated on the Bylaws revision process. Comments received from PCA on document are being implemented and document being readied for BoD vote and then membership vote.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37pm
Next Board Meeting January 8, 2020 at the Sacramento Fire Station #32, Fair Oaks,CA
Respectfully submitted - Mardi Quain, Secretary
SVR Went to The Sacramento Zoo, here is the video from that tour courtesy of Eduardo Ortega, Jr
TrackMasters Racing is a leader in the High-Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in these events. For the complete schedule click the link below.  

PCA Members may place non-commercial classified ads for no charge. Photos will be published on this web page at no charge. Non-PCA members may place ads on our webpage, on a space available basis, as follows: Ads without photos $20.00; Ads with photos $35.00. All ads run for two months unless canceled. There will be no refunds for paid ads.

Ads must be submitted electronically with attachment to PCA members must include your PCA membership number on all submissions as proof of membership.

Paid ads will not be published until payment has been received. Checks must be made payable to PCA-SVR, and mailed to: Porsche Club of America; Sacramento Valley Region; PO Box 254651; Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Web Store
Sacramento Valley - Red House® - Mini-Check Non-Iron Button-Down Shirt
Sacramento Valley - Eddie Bauer® Ladies Hooded Soft Shell Parka
Sacramento Valley - Element 095

Tentative 2020 West Coast Race Series Calendar
 March 28-29 th Buttonwillow Raceway
April 24-26 th  Thunderhill Raceway
May 22-24 th  WeatherTech Raceway, Laguna Seca
September 26-27 th Thunderhill Raceway
October 24-25 th Sonoma Raceway
PCA Club Race Schedule Link:
Submitting Material to the Drifter
The Drifter is Produced online monthly for its members. Written contributions are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication. Submissions in WORD or TEXT are preferred.
Photos are always welcome. Photos should be sent separately from the text. (You may also use a downloadable link to the photos.)
Please NO embedded photos in the submission.

To change your email address or street address, please email our membership director to insure uninterrupted delivery.  
Rebecca Plourde at
or call her at 530.210.9686

All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright.
However, newsletter editors of other Porsche Club of America regions reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter
is cited as the source.
Follow SVR on Social Media