Marion County Democratic
Central Committee
Please check the calendar below for several special General Membership and regular Monthly Meeting meetings notices.

The January agenda will be forthcoming in our next newsletter. Beginning in January 2020, the SpeakOut segment will be moved to the end of the agenda.

There is NO monthly meeting in December. Instead, please join us for our annual Holiday Open House. See details below.
Proposed Bylaw Changes, Submitted by Rules Committee Chair, Keri Capen

Attached is the full, extended version of the Bylaws. Please read the attached memo describing the process and Notice of SPECIAL MEETINGS dates and times for this process. The meeting dates are also posted on our calendar and Facebook page.
We are asking everyone to bring their favorite dish to share. We also would love for everyone to wear some holiday apparel for the party.

Marion County Democrats are supporting our Salem-Keizer area warming shelters during this year's holiday party. Please bring items from their requested list. You can also sign-up to be a warming shelter volunteer! Without adequate volunteer staffing our shelters cannot open and our neighbors will have no safe, warm place to stay during our cold and damp winter. Please help as you are able.
Saturday, December 14th : MCDCC Holiday Open House and Potluck, 2pm-6pm

Thursday, December 19th: 6th Democratic Presidential Debate, 5:30pm

Saturday, December 21st : **Special Rules Committee Meeting** re Bylaw revision process only. 6:30pm - 8:00pm. There will be NO edits or revisions during this session.

 Upcoming Events & Meetings 2020
Thursday, January 9th: OLIS & Lobby Skills Training, 6:30pm

Saturday, January 11th: Precinct Committee Person Training

Saturday, January 25th: **Special General Membership Meeting**: Bylaw Review & Revisions only

Monday, January 27th: DemoForum - Legislative Preview 2020; 12:00pm

Monday, February 3rd: Oregon's Short Legislative Session Begins

Saturday, February 22nd: President's Day Brunch SAVE THE DATE

Tuesday, May 19th: Oregon Primary Election

Saturday, May 23rd : Monroe Sweetland Dinner and Auction SAVE THE DATE

Tuesday, November 3rd: U.S. General Election
Volunteers Needed!

We will be compiling a mailer for our year-end message on Sunday, December 15th, 12:00pm - 2:00pm and we need your help.

This is a great warm up activity for all the campaigns that will need our help in 2020! Please send us an email if you can help on Sunday! Thank you!
The MCDCC Legislative Committee will host a ‘How to Lobby’ and OLIS training on January 9th at 6:30pm at the MCD office. Come learn how to best communicate with your elected officials and track legislation during the session. This will prepare members for our Legislative Lobby Day on February 5th, and make you a better political communicator year round! Contact with questions.
The Marion County Democratic Central Committee operates with several committees who are responsible for everything from programs to fundraising.

We know the election of 2020 will be critical to advancing Democratic values. We need your help!

Please consider joining a committee as part of your New Year's resolutions. You can contact the chair of each committee at the links below.

DemoForum Video Replay: December 2, 2019 with guests Trevor Phillips, Ward 3 and Vanessa Nordyke, Ward 7 candidates for Salem City Council.

Want to learn more about our DemoForum program? Please contact our Chair, Deb Patterson.

Next DemoForum is Monday, January 27th, 12:00pm at Marco Polo International Restaurant.

Office Location: 245 High Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
503-363-8392 |
Mailing Address: MCDCC, PO Box 13835, Salem, OR 97309