November 28, 2019


Wednesday, November 27th- Friday November 29th- NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving Recess

Tuesday, December 3rd- Giving Tuesday

Thursday, December 5th- Last Day to Order Poinsettias

Friday, December 6th: 
  • End of First Trimester
  • Gold/Yellow Dress Down Day
    • See below for more information!
  • Pancake Breakfast
    • Our 8th graders are preparing breakfast for students in the K-8 program! If your student has any dietary restrictions or allergies, please contact Lydia!

Saturday, December 7th- Little Creek will hold their Wreath Sale at the Dickens Festival
If you would like to pre-order a wreath with your Little Creek child's ornament on it, see below!

Wednesday, December 11th- Poinsettia Pick-Up

Thursday, December 12th- CREATE NIGHT 6:00-7:30
See below for more information.
Each week, we will be highlighting one of our programs or offering resources for the Radcliffe community to illustrate The Radcliffe Way!

During the first trimester, students in Mr. Reynolds RCS STEAM class have been working on various science, technology, engineering, art and math projects focusing on experiential learning.  Students initiated a 140' x 10' mural on the wall of East Coast Storage in Chestertown reflecting the history of the Chester River. STEAM students also created a 15' Chesapeake Sharpie by taking lines off of an older boat, transferring the measurements to a large sheet of paper (lofting), cutting the pattern out, affixing it to plywood and tracing the boat sections full-sized which were then cut out and fit together to build the Bateaux. Mr. Reynolds' STEAM students also baked breads and cookies while carrying out experiments to understand the hows and whys of measurement, chemistry  and engineering structure in the kitchen. The final STEAM project for the term was laying out and painting the new school sign.

In Mr. Littlefiled's and Mrs. Greenwood's STEAM class this trimester, the students studied recycling, the atmosphere, the water cycle and how climate change was impacted. The students studied hurricanes and wildfires of their choice and worked on individual reports, posters and projects. To finish off the trimester, we will be talking about endangered animals affected by the Amazon Rainforest fire and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.



The winners of the most recent Box Tops competition are the Sassafras Homeroom and the Admin team with a tie! Radcliffe raised $144.50 in the most recent submission!

Don't forget, traditional Box Tops are being phased out of production, so download the app to start scanning receipts!

Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production, but may continue to be found on many products throughout the store. You can still clip and send them to school.


Radcliffe's Lost and Found continues to grow! Student's uniform clothing all looks very similar, so PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHING WITH YOUR STUDENT'S NAME! Clothing that has the student's name on the label inside is able to be returned to the owner!



The month of November is almost over, so make sure to pick up your "Give Back Where it Counts" bag before Radcliffe's month is over!

Radcliffe will receive a $1 donation for every bag purchased at the Acme store located at 711 Washington Avenue, Chestertown MD for the month of November. The bags are sold right at the front of the store!


Save the Date!
It's time to Spruce It Up with Little Creek! Little Creek's fresh evergreen wreaths will be available for pre-sale now until Friday, November 22, 2019. Each pre-sale wreath will receive a handmade custom bow of your choosing, festive decorations, and a holiday ornament handmade by Little Creek's little artists! All proceeds from these wreaths will go to supporting Little Creek and it's amazing staff - so be sure to grab a wreath for every door! They will not only spruce up your home, but the proceeds will help spruce up our Little Creek! Thanks for your support, and be sure to share our Spruce It Up wreath sale with any of your family and friends who might be interested this holiday season. Wreath pick-up will be Friday, December 6th at Radcliffe Creek School's Great Room. To pre-order your wreath, click here!

We will also be selling wreaths again this year at the Dickens Festival on Saturday, December 7th . You can buy a pre-made wreath or make one of your own. There will be a limited number of pre-made wreaths. 

Dear Radcliffe Creek Families,

We are very thankful to have raised $703.67 for Happy Crates Gives through our homeroom competition. To celebrate your hard work, we are hosting a Gold/Yellow Day on December 6, 2019. Gold is the color that represents all childhood cancers. All students may come to school out of dress code if they are wearing yellow or gold.

Thank you,

The Pocomoke Homeroom

Radcliffe Creek School will be participating in Chestertown's Festival of Trees over Dickens' Weekend. Our school's Christmas tree will be on display from Friday, December 6th- Sunday, December 8 at the First United Methodist Church on Mill Street in Chestertown, MD. Our students have been making sailboat ornaments for the theme "Sailing the Chester."  This is a community event that allows the community for all ages to visit a display of trees decorated by businesses, organizations as well as families.  The Soroptimist sponsors this event. They are an organization that focuses on the betterment of women and girls. Please come out and see our tree!


Please, join us as we continue to celebrate The Radcliffe Way! The Radcliffe Way embodies our uniqueness as a school, where Discover.Create.Thrive happens daily. This is an on-going series that started on our Back to School night with DISCOVER. Our upcoming event will highlight how the teachers and the students CREATE together at Radcliffe.

To ring in the holiday season, Radcliffe is offering its families a chance to experience what it is like to create The Radcliffe Way on December 12 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Please bring the whole family to Radcliffe to enjoy a night of creativity, kindness, and celebration. Radcliffe classrooms will be open for creating several craft activities that have been planned for you by Radcliffe teachers.

Additionally that night, Radcliffe's Scholastic Book Fair will be open for business! Dinner will be provided for all who attend and we hope that the whole family will come and enjoy a Radcliffe Creek style Create Night.

A Special Note: Radcliffe Creek School's K-8 program will open with a 90-minute delay on Friday, December 13; doors will open at 9:30 a.m. 

Ms. Connor's Discovery classes are building the digestive system in their Human Body unit!

The Choptank Homeroom's food drive was a huge success! Students delivered the food on Monday afternoon.

William and Christian are enjoying a good book in Mrs. Coppage's reading corner!

The Sassafras homeroom had a chip party on Tuesday and took time to share what they are each thankful for!

The Three's class loves story time!

Max play's Harvest Bingo with special clues in Mrs. Dinnis' Speech and Language class.
Radcliffe Creek School
201 Talbot Boulevard
Chestertown, MD 21620

Discover. Create. Thrive.