Twin Rivers supports diversity and inclusion of all people and recognizes the importance of treating all individuals with dignity and respect. Twin Rivers supports the equitable and exceptional educational practices to support students with disabilities on their path to college and career readiness. The Superintendent recommends adoption of Resolution No. 803 as requested.
The Board of Trustees recognized Twin Rivers' 2019-20 high school winter athletes for their performances, outstanding accomplishments, and for proudly representing the district through use of their leadership, character and sportsmanship.
Twin Rivers Principals & Administrators Recognized for Growth in Student Attendance
3. Recognition - K-8 Schools with Growth in Student Attendance
The Board of Trustees recognized the following schools that serve K-8th grade students who have shown growth in student attendance for the 2017-2018 to the 2018-2019 school year:
CCAA (K-8)
Dry Creek
Foothill Oaks
Sierra View
Westside Preparatory Charter
All of these schools have had decreases in chronic absenteeism of the same two-year period.
4. Present & Approve - Student Calendars for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 School Years
The TRUSD Collaborative Calendar Committee, comprised of representatives for TRUE, CSEA, principals and district departments, held several meetings to review options for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 student calendars. The committee was facilitated by Gina Carreon, Associate Superintendent, Human Resources/Labor Relations. The calendars were approved at the board meeting.
The purpose of this presentation was to provide the Board with updates on the California School Dashboard and to review Twin Rivers' 2018-19 performance as reported on the dashboard.
6. Present & Approve - Special Education Three-Year Plan
Twin Rivers is committed to embracing the assets that our special education students bring to our schools and meeting their diverse special education needs. To accomplish this, the Special Education Department has created an updated, Three-Year Master Plan for special education students.
7. Present & Approve - Twin Rivers Unified School District 2019/2020 First Interim Report and Positive Certification
The Twin Rivers 2019/2020 First Interim Report and Positive Certification was presented to the Board for review and action. The Superintendent recommends approval.
8. Present & Approve - Middle School Redesign Update
The purpose of this presentation was to provide an update on Rio Tierra's Middle School Redesign project. As a reminder, Rio Tierra Jr. High School's staff piloted the Middle School Redesign model starting during the 2016-17 school year. The key goals were to build professional capacity, provide adults the opportunity to build relationships with students, provide students with a sense of belonging through universities, and provide a 7 period day where students are offered additional support or an additional elective course option. Through the Cycle of Continuous Improvement, we have examined key indicators aligned with outcomes and will be making a recommendation to discontinue this initiative. The Superintendent recommends Board action as requested.