Women on the Move...
Rebuilding the Earth Lodge
Restoring Balance in Today’s World

August 2-5, 2018
Ben Lomond, California

This gathering is a call to women
from the deep well of the sacred feminine
that is rising up and surfacing all over our globe.

Pele Rouge and Lana Holmes invite you to join this special,
ceremonial exploration of Rebuilding the Earth Lodge.

This by-invitation-only gathering is limited to 18 women.

We will gather August 2-5 on private, sacred land in the
Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California.


What is The Earth Lodge?
During a talk delivered at the October 2005 Bioneers Conference in
San Rafael CA, Ohki Siminé Forest spoke the following excerpts from
her speech entitled: When Women Lead.

These passages are foundational to our inquiry. 

Ancient Mongolian prophecies speak of the beginning of the Era of Woman
in 1985 which will last for the next 5,400 years. We're now leaving the
Era of Man that also lasted 5,400 years. 

This is good news for all of us! The transition from the Era of Man into the
Era of Woman will happen through what is called the Door of the Earth,
which has to do with women claiming their power from the earth.

Ancient ways teach that proper balance in the world will happen only when
the primary circle of Earth wisdom is held by women and when men enter
the women's lodge to learn from them. But for men to enter the Earth Lodge
there must BE an Earth Lodge held by women. For a woman to enter into
the male Sun Lodge as many do today, to make a career for instance,
she must have a very strong root to the Earth to avoid the danger of
disconnecting from her natural Lodge.

Women must hold the dream of the Earth, just as men hold the vision of
the Sky Lodge and together we weave a balanced world. ~

When Women Lead by Ohki Siminé Forest

 (A portion of profits will be directed to Ohki Siminé Forest’s non-profit
organization for
work with The Maya in Chiapas, Mexico.)

Your response to this invitation may feel like a deep yes or as one
woman spoke in a Q&A Call…
"This call and these words express so much sanity in these times."ť

This initial journey together will invite both individual and collective
inquiry into the following:

  •  What is The Earth Lodge and The Sky Lodge?
  •  What does it mean to be a woman in these times?
  •  What are the characteristics, structure, form, values of the Earth Lodge?
  •  What is our personal role and collective responsibility in manifesting
    an Earth Lodge for these times?

Our intention in this ceremonial gathering is that our time together also
be a beginning experience of women rebuilding and stewarding an
earth lodge once again.

We imagine that our exploration may evolve into a next clear step for
each woman’s unique expression of the sacred feminine in
Rebuilding the Earth Lodge. 

Your Invitation

Those called to this circle are encouraged to bring the following:

  • A desire to experience the collective energy of the Sacred Feminine.
  • A desire to explore the possibility of creating an Earth Lodge that fosters
    wholeness, beauty, protection of all living Beings and a balance of
    feminine and masculine energies.
  • A longing to create and participate in spaces, containers, conversations of 
    compassion, non-judgemental engagement and love that heals trauma.

Enrollment is limited to 18. Register Today.

For details about Lodging Options, download this PDF