The 270th Annual
Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 26, 2020
following the 11:00 AM service

Vestry Elections
Tom Coghill

Growing up on a farm in Henderson NC (near Raleigh) gave me the incentive to pursue a career outside agriculture. Bank of America recruited me while in college thus beginning a banking career that would span over 40 years. Bankers First brought me to Georgia in 1985 and over my career, I have served customers of SouthTrust, then its successor Wachovia (in Savannah) and SunTrust as Regional Presidents. My civic and board activities have included the Red Cross of the CSRA, Augusta Tomorrow, the Rotary Club of Augusta, the Savannah Music Festival and the Augusta Ballet. I am a former Vogle Award winner for my volunteer service to the Augusta community. Since retiring from banking, I formed Shelby Capital Management which provides financial consulting services for companies.

My wife, Natalie, and I have attended Saint Paul’s for the last five years and she serves on the flower guild. We chose Saint Paul’s because of the peace and comfort it offered and would like to help the church continue to thrive and grow in our community. Thanks for your consideration.   

  Barbara Coleman

I am honored to be nominated to the vestry of Saint Paul’s Church. I joined Saint Paul’s Church in 1975 and served then as choir mother, Sunday school teacher and chair of fine arts. After an absence of some years, I returned to Saint Paul’s in 2015 for the baptism of my grandson. The love and warm reception that radiated from this congregation were overwhelming. It was good to be home! Since returning to Saint Paul’s, I have volunteered at Hornsby Middle School, enrolled in EfM, chaired the Evangelism Committee, served on the Newcomer’s Committee, and filled a vacant position on the vestry for a year and a half. Professionally, I have taught at Augusta University for thirty years and retired several years ago as Associate Dean of the Hull College of Business.

Should I be elected to the vestry, I will endeavor to apply the commitment we make in The Baptismal Covenant to proclaim the Good News and seek to serve Christ in all persons, and strive for justice and peace within and beyond our community.

Matt Gullette

Matt Gullette is a lifetime Augusta resident and has been attending worship at Saint Paul’s for the past five years. He attended Augusta University where he received a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. Matt has over a decade of accounting experience and currently works at Southern
Siding as a Project Manager.

He is currently part of a team of Saint Paul’s parishioners who are learning how to lead positive change in the church through the Diocesan Congregational Development Institute, and his wife Katie is currently serving as the Nursery Guild Chair for the church as well.

Outside of being of service at Saint Paul’s, he volunteers at Imagination Station Children’s Museum and teaches a STEAM class for toddlers there monthly. He has been married to Katie since 2009 and has one son, Maddox, with one more on the way in late April. He enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, reading, and traveling.  
Laurie Montgomery

Laurie is a cradle Episcopalian who grew up at Saint Paul’s in Albany, Georgia. In 1982, she moved to Savannah and attended Christ Church where she taught Sunday School, volunteered at the Shelter, and compled Education for Ministry (EFM) in 1987. She moved to Augusta in 1989 and joined Saint Paul’s in 1990. She is active in many areas of Saint Paul’s including being a delegate to Convention on several times, helping coordinate Convention at Saint Paul’s, being a Christian Education teacher and a coordinator of VBS, Children’s Christian Education, and EYC. 
Laurie helped restart an Episcopal Church Womens group, including the Martha Guild for Hospitality and the Angel Tree Project. She served on the 250th Anniversary Celebration Committee, written text for the cookbook,  Past and Repast.  She has worked on the Design Committee for the new building and served as a member of the altar guild for over twenty-five years. 
She is married to Erick Montgomery and has three children; Wright, Molly and Frank (Chet). She received a BS from University of Georgia and a Masters’ Degree in Counselor of Education from Augusta State University. Laurie has been a Professional School Counselor in Richmond County for the past seventeen years and currently works for C. T. Walker Magnet School.   
I feel that Saint Paul’s is such a large part of my life and family and would appreciate the opportunity to serve on the vestry. 

Laura Robertson

Laura Robertson has been an Episcopalian since the age of 10, attending All Saints Church in Winter Park, Florida where she was confirmed and served as an acolyte through high school. She began attending Saint Paul’s Church in 2003, and became a member in 2008 when she married John Robertson. She has served on the Marketing Committee, the Facebook Committee, and the Nursery Guild over the past few years. Laura has been an active member of the choir since 2011. 

Laura and John were married at Saint Paul’s and their three children were baptized here as well. She is a preschool teacher at Episcopal Day School and looks forward to many more years of teaching there.

Nancy Trefz

I have been a member of St. Paul’s Church since 2011. My son is a member, and my granddaughter was baptized here. I came to attend church with my family. However, St. Paul’s soon became more than just a place to attend church. The beauty of the physical church, the liturgy and the music are undeniable, but it’s the warmth and kindness of the St. Paul’s Family that make it a very special place. 

I am a member of the Altar Guild and the Flower Guild. Also, I help with the Newcomers Table and the Birthday Sunday celebrations. 

I started attending the Episcopal Church in my teens and was confirmed at 17. I graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and later with a Bachelor of Science. I have lived here since 1987. 

St. Paul’s Church has an amazing history of perseverance and resilience. I am eager to see St. Paul’s grow within the church and out in the community.
Ashley Wright
Sr. Warden Nominee

My family moved to Augusta in 1971 and joined Saint Paul’s. Since then, my brother and I were confirmed here and sang in the children's choir; my father served as counsel and as a Sunday school teacher for teens; my mother serves on the flower guild; my brother and his wife married here and their children were baptized and confirmed here; and my brother served on the vestry and on the rector's search committee. This is my second time serving as a vestry member. I participate in the hospitality committee and also greet newcomers to the Church. I am excited by the energy within the congregation and would like to be a part of making our church stronger inside the walls and in the community. Over the last few years I have served on the Salvation Army Advisory Board (past chair) and the Leadership Georgia Board; I currently serve as President of the Widows Home Board, which gives scholarships to local women at Augusta Tech and at MCG College of Nursing as well as grants to local groups to serve women in need.