December 19, 2019
Please note that our offices will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
OML Budget Process Workshop
January 10, 2020
OML Accepting Applications for Community Leadership Development Class 9 and Host Cities
OML’s Community Leadership Development (CLD) program is currently accepting applications for both class members and host cities for the upcoming Class 9. The deadline for the 2020 class applications is February 14, 2020.
Since 2012, OML, through the CLD program has trained over 166 municipal staff and leaders in various aspects of leadership. The program is an excellent opportunity to enhance your commitment to leadership, network with others from across the state, and learn how to use your personality traits in leading others’ effectively.
At each class meeting, presenters will focus on equipping the class members with the skills and information needed to make a positive impact on your community. According to Cheryl Adams, OML Program Manager, the class members not only learn valuable leadership skills, but will have a lot of fun and experience different communities throughout the year. 
For more information visit our website or contact Cheryl Adams 405-528-7515 or
OML Dinner Night Out - Oklahoma City
March 5, 2020
OML will be hosting a series of Dinner Night Outs across the state. You are all invited to join us for an evening of great food and fun at some of Oklahoma’s most popular restaurants.

The staff will be on hand to facilitate the dinners and fill you in on the latest news out of OML, including information regarding the upcoming legislative session.

All events are free, but registration is required.
Date: Thursday, March 5, 2020
Location: Cattlemen’s Restaurant
Oklahoma City, OK
Time: 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
OML New Officials Institutes
March 7, 2020
OSU Alumni Center
201 ConocoPhillips
OSU Alumni Center
Stillwater, OK 74078
March 26, 2020
Great Plains Technology Center
4500 SW Lee Blvd. 
Lawton, OK 73505
The NOI teaches the statutorily required topics such as Municipal Budget Requirements, the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Ethics, Procedures for Conducting Meetings, Conflict of Interest, and Purchasing Procedures.

State law requires each person elected or appointed for the first time as an officer of a municipality to attend an institute for municipal officials. 

Remember, you don't have to be new to attend. Everyone is welcome!
25 Years of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (MLK Day) is just one month away. This year will mark the 25th celebration of MLK Day since Congress designated it as a day of service in 1994 and charged the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to lead this effort.

MLK Day is officially on Monday, Jan. 20, 2020, but volunteer service activities occur throughout the prior weekend (Jan. 17 – 19). Visit the CNCS website to learn how to get involved.