One in five (22 percent) U.S. teenagers lack basic financial literacy skills according to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) findings released last month

Among 15 participating countries and economies, U.S. 15-year-olds ranked 7th in aptitude for understanding essential financial concepts, products and risks.
New on the HSFPP Blog
NEFE's Smart About Money (SAM) Budget Wizard walks you through the steps to create a spending plan based on your values and situation, and to update that plan as life happens.

The Budget Wizard can be used to complete some HSFPP challenges and activities.
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Other NEFE Educator Resources
CashCourse® - online materials for college students
Financial Workshop Kits - resources for adult financial educators
Evaluation Toolkit® - databank of questions to measure impact
On Your Own - young adult blog about financial lessons learned
Spendster - confessions of bad spending habits
Smart About Money - consumer finance tips and tools
High School Financial Planning Program | [email protected] |
The High School Financial Planning Program ® (HSFPP) is the flagship program of the National Endowment for Financial Education ® (NEFE®). NEFE is the leading private nonprofit, noncommercial foundation dedicated to inspiring empowered financial decision-making for individuals and families through every stage of life.

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