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Studies have shown that people who live with less clutter are more productive and experience less stress. A clean home or workplace allows you to concentrate on what is important, not on the distracting stuff around you. Your Inova Employee Support Program can can help you make a few simple changes to free yourself and get organized

Everything in Its Place: Becoming Organized & Clutter Free
When we are not organized, we waste precious time and create chaos in our lives. Minimize the stress and maximize the tranquility that comes from putting everything in its place.
  • Available on demand beginning January 16.
How to Participate
Visit the Inova EAP website at and log in using the username and password below.  Select the "Online Seminar" option on the landing page and select your seminar from the available options.

Website :
Toll-Free Call In: 800.346.0110
Username:  DCGOV
Password: DCGOV
Available anytime, any day, your Inova Employee Support Program is a free, confidential program to help you balance your work, family, and personal life.

For more information, please visit DCHR online or email [email protected].