November 2019
Lisa Dreier will become ALI's next managing director! From 2005-18, Lisa was the head of food security and agriculture initiatives and a member of the executive committee for the World Economic Forum. In these roles, she designed a curriculum to help senior leaders across sectors launch social impact initiatives around the world. Learn more about Lisa in our press release in the Harvard Gazette!
Program News
ALI will host its Final Symposium and 10 Year Celebration from November 20-23! Presenters include ALI Founders Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Nitin Nohria, and Rakesh Khurana; social justice activist Bryan Stevenson; and the Silkroad Ensemble.
Fellows News
Paul Flowerman (2018) is helping advance learning in Somalia and India. Mr. Flowerman and Mindspark received a three-year contract to introduce education initiatives in Andhra Pradesh, and he has been working with the Open Learning Exchange to support its partnership with Mogadishu University.

Mark Mantovani (2016) has been named to the St. Louis County Board of Freeholders. Mr. Mantovani will study potential changes to the area's governing structure in his role on the board.

Judy Perry Martinez (2015) is helping commemorate the 19th Amendment. On October 28, Ms. Perry Martinez delivered opening remarks for " Fighting for Political Power: Women's Inclusion from the 19th Amendment to 2020" at the Harvard Kennedy School.

Bruce and Mary Louise Cohen (2014) continue to connect refugees to international job opportunities. The Sydney Morning Herald recently profiled a beneficiary of their program, Talent Beyond Boundaries.

Anne Greenwood (2012) is working to eradicate pay disparities for women. Ms. Greenwood joined the advisory board of Syndio, an HR technology company that empowers global businesses to identify and eliminate workplace pay disparities.

Joe Mandato (2012) says a corporation's culture will dictate its fortunes. In a recent article, Mr. Mandato details the power of corporate culture and how it can quickly exact a cost when overlooked.

Dennis Scholl (2012) has released a new documentary film on Netflix: The Last Resort. The film tells the story of two young photographers who captured the rapidly disappearing elderly Jewish population on South Beach.

Gale Pollock (2011) is leveraging technology to help blind and visually impaired veterans see. Major General (Ret.) Pollock is working with eSight to find a solution for the growing blindness epidemic in the U.S and to help veterans return to living their best lives.

Paul Irving (2010) says the world is experiencing a demographic age shift that is both urban and distinctly diverse. Mr. Irving and the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging released a new report, Age Forward Cities for 2030, describing this shift and what your city can do to be prepared.
Revisit ALI's history in advance of our 10 Year Celebration!
Faculty News
ALI Founding Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) says too often, innovation is stifled by the stale air of the C-suite. In a recent article for the Wall Street Journal, Prof. Kanter recommends getting "outside of the building" instead.

ALI Faculty Executive Committee Member Jim Honan (HGSE) is exploring how colleges and universities can close critical gaps in access, equity, and outcomes. Prof. Honan participated in an Askwith Forum examining these challenges and what it will really take to lead for student success.