November 22nd, 2019
24th of Cheshvan, 5780 

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    Parshat Chayei Sara
Candle Lighting at 5:11


          In this week's Parashat HaShavua, Eved Avraham takes ten camels from his master's inventory on his trip to the City of Nachor in order to find a wife for Yitzchak. The pesukim do not mention an entourage accompanying Eved Avraham and it seems like a rather large number of animals with which one man should travel. The Malbim explains that the Eved wanted to appear as working for a wealthy man so that he could attract attention and generate interest in him and his master's situation. The Malbim doesn't seem the least bit bothered by what could readily be identified as assigning less than modest motives and actions to Avraham's messenger.

          Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch offers a diametrically opposite perspective. He infers that the Eved was a practical man who needed a lot of "moving camels" in order to bring the bride and all of her stuff back to Canaan. Furthermore, the appearance of the word 'vayelech' twice in the pasuk emphasizes that Eved Avraham walked in front of the camels and led them on foot all the way to Aram Naharayim. Only in this fashion, by presenting himself as a humble servant, could he fairly gauge the reactions and actions of the young women from whom he was to select a suitable candidate.

          Both parshanim agree on something fundamental. The clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the homes we own, and the accessories we use to decorate ourselves and our spaces tell stories about us, one way or the other, and we do not always control how others receive us. We are always being judged and to think otherwise may be naive. Still, we should be mindful of the choices we make and anticipate as best we can how others will see us, while still understanding that certain symbols are more than we intend. Hopefully, having a nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the presence we project will help us both to make good choices about the objects we have and to appreciate patiently when others may understand something different, and potentially wrong, about us when they interpret these very same signals.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Avi Levitt
Head of School
Upcoming Events
Nov. 24th
Open House for Prospective Students and Family

Nov. 25th
Last day of the trimester

Nov. 27th
Early Dismissal

Nov. 28-29th
Rosh Chodesh Kislev

Nov. 28-Dec. 1st
Thanksgiving Break - No School
Good and Welfare
A rielle (Odiz '16) and Simcha Bonnardel on the birth of their son, Liam David 

Matthew Wolkowicz ('12) to Sophia Zeitz from Scarsdale, NY.
Eric Marin ('04) to Jenna Sereni from Hollywood

Freshmen Enjoy Fun in the Sun
First-Year Students Bond on Terrific Tubing Trip
Graphic by Naomi Reichemberg ('22), Abby Rosenthal ('23), and Ariella Mayer ('23)
  Article by Marielle Askenazi ('22)
          This week, all freshmen students had a chance to go on a fun trip. The boys went kayaking, while the girls went tubing. Everyone was able to bond with people they haven't talked to yet. The day started when we went on the buses after having a few classes. On the bus, we all jammed out to great music and hung out with our friends. 

          When we arrived at Pompano Beach, we met the advisors, and then went on the boats. We all took turns riding on the tubes attached to the boats. It was so much fun! It was hilarious to watch people fly off the tubes in the middle of the water.  When we arrived back to shore, there were snacks and water for everyone to enjoy. 

          Overall, this experience was one of many highlights of this year, so far! Thank you to all the teachers who took the time to organize this amazing trip for us. We really appreciate it!

Yeshivas and Seminaries Make Trip to Florida
Seniors Weigh Options For Year (Or Two) In Israel
Graphic by Penina Kahane ('22)
Article by Avigail Greenberg ('20)
          For the past two weeks, the seniors have had the privilege of attending seminary and yeshiva presentations. Once a student has an idea of which schools they're interested in hearing from, they sign up for sessions with those schools. These presentations with representatives from Israel are extremely important for the seniors who are applying to Israel programs for the following year. Most sessions include an overview of the school's mission and values and allow students to ask whatever questions they have. Students get valuable information about the classes, student population, and hashkafa of the seminary/yeshiva.

          Another thing many seniors have found very helpful are the sample schedules the representatives give out because they give a good idea of what a day in the life looks like at the program they're considering. Some presentations are followed by student interviews so the representative can get to know the student better.

          Time is ticking for the girls- seminary applications are due on December 1! As the seminary presentations wrap up this week, many girls have a good idea of where they're applying. The boys are also getting a sense of what yeshiva they hope to study in as more and more yeshivas come to visit. We're so grateful that the school organizes these presentations for us to get to know the schools better and make the decision easier for us.

Financial Aid Night Signals Winter Is Coming
...So Make Sure You Know How to Fill out that FAFSA! 
Graphic by Ariella Mayer ('23)
Bob Friedman, Yeshiva University's Director of Student Finance, Pictured
Greetings From  Mumbai
The Best Place In India To Get Tefilin And Schnitzel 
Graphic by Rebecca Adler ('23)
Article by Ariel Miron ('20)
          Last Friday, KYHS seniors had the incredible opportunity to hear from a Chabad Shaliyach visiting all the way from Mumbai, India. Rabbi Yisrael Kozlovsky works at Nariman House, a Chabad Lubavitch center that hosts Jewish visitors and locals. 

          Following the Mumbai terrorist attack by ten Pakistani men, in which seven people were murdered, Nariman House was in complete disarray and in desperate need of a leader. Rabbi Kozlovsky and his family selflessly rose up to the challenge and made the extreme move from Israel to India. Rabbi Kozlovsky facilitated the renovation of the Nariman House and made it as welcoming and congenial as possible. 

          Rabbi Kozlovsky revealed that since there is a lack of kosher food stores in Mumbai, he is personally responsible for preparation and distribution of food, which involves shechting animals, squeezing grapes for wine, and milking cows at five in the morning, among a myriad of other taxing chores. 

          He spoke about how initially the move was very straining for his family, and how despite many thoughts of returning to Israel, his family persevered and adjusted to their new life in India. 
Ariella's Angle
Thankful For Thanksgiving
Graphic by Sivan Mussaffi ('20)
Article by Ariella Gross ('21)
          Thanksgiving is already next week, and many of us are simply excited for the break. We love November for its sweater weather, pumpkin spice lattes, and Black Friday sales, and we look forward to the long weekend ahead. However, despite our excitement for Thanksgiving, we often forget the true meaning behind the holiday.

          The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621 by Puritans who had recently immigrated to America. They first arrived on the Mayflower in 1620 and suffered through a long, cold winter. In 1621, however, they were fortunate to have had a good harvest, so they organized a feast to express their gratitude. 

          While Thanksgiving was initiated by a religious group, its purpose was secular: the Puritans' festivities were meant to highlight deep appreciation and gratitude. In support of this message, President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a federal holiday in 1863. But why is this holiday so important? What idea was Lincoln trying to convey? 

          Most importantly, Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for what we have. Not only does this force us to recognize how lucky we are, but this gratitude can also increase our happiness. According to researchers at Harvard Medical School, any expression of gratitude - from thank you notes to praying - improves personal relationships, makes us more optimistic, and increases our satisfaction with our lives. Many researchers even link thankfulness to decreased medical conditions, arguing that appreciative people are less stressed, less angry, and lead happier lives. 

          Additionally, Thanksgiving is a perfect time to formally gather with friends and family. Many of us are always preoccupied with school or work, so Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to relax, thank our loved ones, and, of course, enjoy feasts and festivities together.

          So, over this Thanksgiving, remember to appreciate everything you have, from your friends, your family, to school, and everything in between. Remember that while Thanksgiving is a day dedicated towards expressing appreciation, gratitude isn't exclusive to the holiday. Rather, Thanksgiving should help us recognize how fortunate we are, but we should retain this mindset on a daily basis. So, after the bell dismisses us on Wednesday afternoon, don't just get excited about the four day weekend, your Thanksgiving meal, or Black Friday sales - remember, Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, the key to happiness. 

This Week In Pictures
The Yeshiva Highlites Staff