We would love to continue to share studies, quarterly, about lifestyle, sport nutrition, gut health, exercise & cancer.  We never share emails with third parties but new laws require re-signing up to continue receiving them.

20 lifestyle tips to help fight cancer 
Based on the available scientific data, that about 50% of cancers could be preventable by lifestyle factors.  This newsletter highlights practical guidance which has been associated with: 
  • Reduced risk of cancer and other chronic inflammatory related diseases
  • Reduce side effects and faster recovery after cancer treatments 
  • Reduce the risk of relapse after initial treatments
  • Improve the chance of a long healthy life


  1. Exercise - increase daily moderate to strenuous levels, aiming for 3-5 hours a week and avoid long periods of sedentary behaviour ..read more
  2. Processed sugar - try to eliminate intake, especially on an empty stomach, aim for a low glycaemic index diet .. read more
  3. Polyphenols - maintain a high intake in healthy foods and boost with a polyphenol supplement if necessary  ...read more
  4. Smoking - try to stop immediately  ..tips to quit
  5. Carcinogenic foods - avoid smoked foods, acrylamides in baked foods and nitrosamines in cured meats  ..read more
  6. Carcinogenic xenoestrogens - reduce exposure to plastic, pollution and pesticides  ..read more
  7. Alcohol - avoid in excess, have days off and go for quality not quantity  ..tips to drink sensibly
  8. Meat - reduce red meat or stop cheap processed meat intake, avoid burned, grilled or barbecued meats .. read more
  9. Fats and oils - eat a profile of good fats and avoid bad fats  ..read more
  10. Essential minerals - ensure sufficient intake but avoid extra pills unless there is a know deficiency  ..read more
  11. Vitamins - ensure sufficient intake but avoid extra pills unless there is a know deficiency  ..read more
  12. Sunlight & Vitamin D - take extra pills in the Winter, try to get regular sun without burning  ..read more
  13. Dietary fibre -  Increase intake especially from flaxseeds, quinoa, whole grains and wild rice  ..more
  14. Plant proteins - increase legumes, beans and pumpkin and other seeds rich in plant proteins  ..healthy dishes with legumes
  15. Body fat mass - try to maintain a healthy weight, not too thin and loose weight if obese  ..read more
  16. Overnight fasting - aim for 13 hours between your evening meal and breakfast  ..more
  17. Nuts  - eat a handful of mixed nuts every day -  healthy dishes with nuts
  18. Gut bacteria - try to maintain a healthy gut with natural foods and probiotics if necessary  ..what are probiotics
  19. Sleep - try to adopted good sleep hygiene habits to enhance a regular circadian rhythm  ..read more
  20. Mood - Look after your thought processes and psychological health . .read more

Tips for healthy nails

Coping with fatigue

Exercise during treatment

Tips for a better night's sleep

Support therapies and treatment