Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - Nov 2019
19 Impact 100 RC members recently toured the SAY dream center
VOICES youth enjoy their annual Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 28th |
It has been a most successful year for Impact 100 Redwood Circle. We have completed another Impact grant cycle awarding $100,000 to Forget me Not Farm Children's Services. Another $15,000 was awarded to our second-place winners, SAY and SRCH and we distributed $50,000 in Community Grants. We have approximately 60 new members. We have organized a NextGen cohort who can play forward our philanthropic ideals to our community. Many of us who were the Founding members just four short years ago are awed by the momentum of our young organization.
There has been so much going on behind-the-scenes as well.
- As a result of your opinions on the membership survey last Spring, your Leadership team is looking inward to refine our administrative processes. We realize that we are moving from a "young startup" to a mature organization. This involves better communication such as publishing our newsletter monthly and utilizing Social Media to connect with each other.
- Our Marketing Committee has expanded our community visibility by participating in community events such as Women in Conversation.
- We have enlarged our organizational structure so that I will share my duties with Co-president, Suzy Marzelak.
- Our growth has also necessitated some financial changes. In that regard, I hope you have all received our message that we have had to increase our administrative fees for all of our members. We are publishing a copy of this message in this newsletter.
- We will also have an email address so you can contact Suzy and I directly at impact100president@gmail.com (NOTE: this will be set up by the end of the year).
I want to personally thank the members who are leaving the Leadership Team for their hard work over the past year (s). Thank you, Ginger Kelly, Treasurer, Carol Orme, Governance Vice President, Pat Edelstein and Teressa Denison, Events Committee. We appreciate your hard work and dedication over the past years.
I want to welcome new Leadership team members, Jenny Downing, Treasurer; and the following committee co-chairs: Maureen Buehler, Impact Grant; Jennifer Girvin and Maria Nersesian, Events; Loretta Zweig and Cindy Schmidt, Liaison.
I firmly believe that it does "take a village" to succeed in this world. If you would like to be part of the team at our village, please make sure our membership committee hears from you.
Jan Gilman
President, Impact 100 Redwood Circle
Monday, Jan. 14, 2020
4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Yulupa Cohousing
1346 Yulupa Ave.
Santa Rosa
New Member Orientation
Saturday, Feb.1, 2020
9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
At the home of Shirley Ward
3655 Rutherford Way
Santa Rosa
Member Meeting *
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020
5:00 p.m.
Charlie's Restaurant
Windsor Golf Club
1320 19th Hole Drive
*Note: the food table, wine table, etc., will be in the enclosed patio with a heater. This will leave space to spread out the tables.
Welcom to the newest members of our circle!
Angelina Calvelli
Lauren Maston Jaime Medica
Liaison Committee Update - Catholic Charities
Thoughts from a program participant
I am a single mother with five children. Two of them are grown with families of their own. My middle child has autism spectrum disorder, which has brought on a whole new world of parental skills and education and most definitely patience. I am also raising a set of twins, one boy one girl, who are 11.
As a young child I, like most, had dreams of becoming a dancer, singer, actress. Due to the fact that my mother did not have the money or the time working two jobs to put me into dance class and such, I may have missed out on opportunities that could have opened a whole new world for a career and a future.
My twins are smart and talented and very bored. In this day and age, technology is raising our children and in return I see both of my children stuck on their phones/laptops/notebooks - anything that plugs in. My daughter has a great desire to be in gymnastics. She's gone as far as teaching herself a cartwheel, roundoff and splits. Her enthusiasm is amazing. I want to be able to give her a chance at her dreams.
My son, her twin, is rambunctious, curious and a very strong lil' guy who was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago. I've been hoping to find the perfect type of karate class for him. As you know, karate instills structure, confidence, strength, self-defense and respect for oneself and others.
I work and I'm going back to school in the spring and adding an extra bill which adds to the pressures. I will do whatever it takes to make dreams come true and hopefully make a better future for my children. I'm using these as incentives for my children to continue doing the good school work that they do and to continue being strong respectful young individuals. I thank you for your time and support of Catholic Charities. May God bless you.
February Meeting - how can we help?
The Impact 100 RC February 2020 membership meeting will highlight our 2018 Impact Grant Winner, Catholic Charities. At this meeting, they will provide us with a report of how their $100,000 grant was used. In addition, we have asked if the organization had specific ways that members could contribute and feel engaged. Of particular need at this time: gently used towels and twin sheets. If you are interested, please bring these items to the Feb. meeting!
Kristin Nelson & Carol Lynn Wood, Co-Chairs
Community Grant Nominations Will Be Due Jan. 16, 2020!
The Community Grant Committee is in full swing for the 2020 grant cycle. Impact 100 RC members will receive a request for nominations soon; here is the committee's complete timeline:
- Jan. 2 - requesting nominations for CGs
- Jan. 9 - reminder to members who have not replied
- Jan. 14 - final reminder
- Jan. 16 - nominations due
- Jan 21 - send invitation emails to NPOs
- Feb. 5 - workshop for NPOs
Chris Chang Weeks & Carol Newman Co-Chairs
Education Committee
Member Invitation for Fourth ED TALKS on Education
Please join the Education Committee for the fourth ED TALKS, focused on the Education Sector. We are excited to introduce Kellie Noe and learn about critical issues affecting the state of education and the impact on our community.
WHEN: Monday, January 14th TIME: 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Yulupa Co-housing, 1346 Yulupa Ave (near Hoen), Santa Rosa
About Kellie Noe:
In her current role at the Sonoma County Human Services Department, Ms. Noe manages the Sonoma County Upstream Investments Policy Initiative. The Initiative aims
Kellie Noe
to promote effective and prevention-focused approaches to ultimately uproot poverty and reduce long-term monetary and societal costs to Sonoma County. In her previous role, Ms. Noe managed Cradle to Career Sonoma County, a cross-sector initiative that connects all levels of education from prenatal to career to improve the educational, economic, and health outcomes for all Sonoma County youth.
Her professional background includes providing technical assistance on statewide and national projects focused on improving and developing public systems, services, policies and programs for children, youth and families. She has also contributed to capacity building efforts aimed at better connecting youth to quality career development opportunities. Ms. Noe is a member of the West Sonoma County Union High School District Board of Trustees (president 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2016) and a North Bay 40 under 40 awardee.
Thea Hensel & Laurie Parish, Co-Chairs
Membership Committee
Our Impact 100 RC membership continues to grow and we currently have
223 members.
The next New Member Orientation is Saturday, February 1, 2020, from 9:30- 11:00 AM,
at the home of Shirley Ward, 3655 Rutherford Way, Santa Rosa. RSVP to Lynne McIntyre: email
lynnscv@sbcglobal.net or call 707-239-4967.
At the next Member Meeting we will hear from 2018 Impact Grant Winner Catholic Charities. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 12, 5:00 p.m. Charlies Restaurant at Windsor Golf Club, 1320 19th Hole Drive, Windsor.
Please watch for an email announcement for the next Cocktails and Conversation "No Host" casual get together for members and interested guests.
Bev Curry, Co-Chair Membership Committee
Notice of Administrative Fee Increase
Effective January 1, 2020
Your Leadership Team is currently developing our administrative budget for 2020 which is funded by your annual "Admin Fee" donation. The Admin Fee pays for running Impact 100 Redwood Circle. We use the Admin Fees to hold quarterly meetings, "Cocktails and Conversation", "New Member" orientations, and third-party fees for the communication software, web site administration, and committee supplies.
Even as an all-volunteer organization, Impact 100 RC cannot avoid incurring costs for outside support despite the hard work of our volunteers. In years past, some members have generously donated additional funds to support their committee activities. While we appreciate their generosity, and are grateful for all avenues to support our mission, it is not a sustainable practice for Impact 100 as we grow into a larger organization. In addition, we lost access to the use of the Scottish Rite facility because of their change of ownership earlier this year which necessitated moving to a more costly venue this year.
Facing a hefty budget gap, effective January 1, 2020, our annual Admin Fee will be increased a modest $25 from $75 to $100 per person. The increase will apply to each person in a dyad membership as well as an individual membership.
The increase won't close the gap but the Leadership Team is working to boost income and cut expenses while continuing to expand the wonderful experience our members report as being part of Impact 100. We also welcome any suggestions you might have for balancing our budget.
Thank you all for your continued support of Impact 100 and encourage your participation as we look forward to an even more successful 2020. Our number one priority remains the same--that 100% of your $1,000 grant donation will continue go to the grant fund for distribution to our community.
Jan Gilman & Suzy Marzalek, Co-Presidents, 2020
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at impact100newsletter@gmail.com