"Our Mission is to bear witness to God's love and invite, encourage, and prepare God's people to share that grace with others." 
Reach invites you to Benton House This Saturday, 12/7 at 10:30am
You are invited to join with ECA Reach Members on Sat Dec. 7 th from 10:30 am-12:30 pm. We will be making new friends as members of Reach go entertain and play games with seniors at this location. Come and join us! 
Reach Ministry Meeting This Sunday 12/8
All are invited to attend the Reach ministry meeting this Sunday, December 8th after the 10:30am Service. Come and see what in-reach and out-reach is all about at ECA!
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals Starting This Sunday 12/8 at 9:30am
Calling all children! Children's Christian Formation will be starting preparation for the Christmas pageant held on Christmas Eve. Parts will be distributed and costumes assessed on December 8th. Practice will be every Sunday in December (starting on the 8th) from 9:30-10:15am.  We need volunteers from middle and high school to read the various parts.  If you have any questions, please contact Bliss Peterson.  * Note: No CF for Youth 12/8 - 1/12. Youth are encouraged to come to the Christmas Pageant Practice at 9:30 am. CF will resume January 12th.
Opportunities to Give for Christmas
ECA has two opportunities to give this Christmas:
  1. 1. Reach is collecting toys for the Emmaus House Christmas Toy Drive. Please deliver gifts no later than Sunday, Dec 8th. To see a list of suggested gift ideas, click here and scroll to page 4: Gift Suggestions
  2. ECA Angel Tree to benefit families in our community. The Angel Tree will be available in the Narthex this Sunday. Please choose an 'Angel' and return gifts wrapped (and marked) before December 15. Thank you for giving!
Youth Confirmation at the Atlanta Cathedral Sunday 12/8
Mark your calendar for Youth Confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Philip on December 8th at 4 pm.
Journeys Group Meeting Saturday 12/14
Journeys is a group that offers support, care, and compassion to those coping with grief, loss or any difficult life challenge. If you are seeking support through fellowship, please join us the second Saturday of each month from 11:30am-12:30 in the Activities Building. Please call Suzie Hart at 404.234.5294 for more information.
Volunteers Needed: Emmaus House 12/19
ECA will sponsor Peoplestown (Emmaus House) Annual Grandparents Meal on December 19 th  from 7 to 9PM. This special evening allows grandparents who are raising their grandchildren an opportunity to take the night off and enjoy dinner, singing and a raffle. Volunteers are needed to help warm food, serve and cleanup after the meal. Monetary donations are also needed for food costs. To volunteer, or if you have any questions; please see Horace, Nicole File, Chris Renaud, Lainey Gaines or Jane Whisler. You may also attend the Dec. 8th Reach meeting to learn more.
ECW selling Pecans!
Fresh Georgia Pecans still available! One pound bags of shelled pecan halves from this year's crop cost $10.00. Pecans will be sold after both Sunday services to raise funds for ECW. Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Christmas Poinsettias & Flower Contributions for Christmas Season
If you would like to make a contribution for Christmas poinsettias, greens, etc. please fill out a form located in the plastic box beneath the altar flower chart in the narthex. Simply indicate whether your gift is "in memory" or "in thanksgiving for." The amount is voluntary, but the suggested donation is $25. Thank you for your gift!
The Greening of the Church 12/22
Mark your calendar for the 'Greening of the Church' on December 22nd after the 10:30am service. All are invited to join ECA for this annual tradition of decorating the church for Christmas.
Vestry Nominations Open for those Who Wish to Serve
Those interested in serving on Vestry at ECA please contact Sandi Harden, Horace Higgins, Jan Samuel, or Fr. Paul. Please let them know of your intention to volunteer for this great ministry! Vestry is a 3 year commitment and meets once a month with a retreat in January. Vestry members serve in a leadership role with a ministry within the parish. Vestry qualifications are: any confirmed communicant in good standing of the parish not less than 18yrs of age, a regular attendant of church services the preceding year before election, and known by the treasurer to have made and fulfilled a stated financial commitment for church support throughout the preceding year before election.
ECA has newly updated photo directories available (one free per household). Please see Brenda or Wanda on Sunday to get yours! Additionally, you may stop by the office Tuesday - Thursday 10-3 to pick one up from Pamala.

ECA considers it an honor to acknowledge service to our armed forces. If you or a family member are currently serving in our armed forces, please email to update. You may also update birthday and anniversary dates as well. Thank you!  

Read more about REACH and collect food for these local food pantries in our communities. Read more about it  HERE

A great way to learn everyone's names is by wearing a name tag. You can order a name tag by emailing Michele Floyd, click  HERE

Photos of Bishop Wright worshiping with us and the Bishop's forum can be seen  HERE  or on our website  HERE