Volume 4
December 2019
About OK People, Places, and Accomplishments
OML is very pleased to bring this monthly e-newsletter to you in order to tell the stories about our communities, our people, and your accomplishments.

We also want to ask that if you have story ideas, please let us know. The ideas can be about people, places, events, accomplishments, municipal issues, and human interest – anything that makes your community special! We would love to hear from you. Please send your ideas to:
Oklahoma Muralist Creates Community Pride
You’ve probably heard the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The truth of this adage, which dates to the early 1900’s, is that a picture usually does convey an impression much quicker and more effectively than the written word.

El Reno Mayor White Provides Strong Leadership During Challenging Times
A fourth generation El Reno citizen, White said his work as mayor is built on the love he has for his hometown, population 19,000. The self described “classic El Reno guy” was elected to his fifth term in November and said he credits the victory to his ability to connect with El Reno residents who span the gamut from rough-and-tumble farmers to corporate titans working in downtown Oklahoma City, which is 25 miles east.

Holiday Events Give Cities End-of-Year Economic Boost
Hosted by municipalities, chambers or sometimes non profit organizations, cities and towns across the state are putting on holiday events including skating rinks, decorated downtowns, light displays and shopping festivals.

If you have a story idea about your community, please submit to

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