Parent Contact Update
-December 2019-

Wishing you all a happy, healthy & abundant holiday season!
Each month, Parent Contacts receive these updates. 
Please feel free to share the information in them with your service coordinator and other families you may know receiving EI services!
Did you know...

that as a Parent Contact you are invited to attend the annual Massachusetts Early Intervention Consortium (MEIC) Conference at NO direct cost to you? It includes your conference registration, meals, and overnight stay at the conference hotel. Please save Monday and Tuesday, May 4 & 5, 2020 for this incredible event! The EIPLP supports parents and caregivers from each of the 60 MA EI programs to attend. Please stay tuned for details and registration information as we get closer. In the mean time, check out the EIPLP's Facebook page for photos from past MEIC Conferences! 
Did you know...

the EIPLP wants to hear from you and the families you know in Early Intervention? We are a resource to ALL families and want to hear from you about your EI experience and any questions or concerns you may have. Please email us at [email protected]! We look forward to hearing from you!

Did you know...

the Federation for Children with Special Needs annual Visions of Community Conference is happening on Saturday, February 29th. For the second year in a row, the EIPLP is thrilled to be able to support up to 15  Parent Contacts, that may wish to attend. It is a day long event at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston. The day features workshops and opportunities to network with other parents and professionals, and to access resources. Keep an eye out after the new year for registration details; make sure to save this date!
Did you know...?

the Core Values of 
EI in MA are

- Respect

- Individualization

- Family-Centeredness

- Community 

- Team Collaboration

- Life Long Learning
We love that you are here!
Parent Contacts are an important part of the Massachusetts Early Intervention System. Parent Contacts are parents and guardians of children currently receiving EI services who volunteer to receive information from the EIPLP and share it with other families. If your child is no longer receiving services, or you no longer wish to be the Parent Contact for your EI program, please let us know by calling 
1-877-353-4757 or emailing [email protected] so that we can identify another family from your program.