CASC is celebrating its 10th Anniversary! To celebrate, we are excited to announce a semester-long set of events focused on the theme:
Celebrating Student Action toward Campus & Community Change: Looking at the Past and Present and Exploring the Forward.
Since 2010, the CASC minor is a space that fosters community among students engaged in social change and provides course work and experiences aimed at helping students deepen their understanding of what it means to be a change agent.
The CASC Minor alumni comprise over 800 graduates, representing over 50 major degree programs and 10 schools and colleges across the University of Michigan campus.
Ten years is a big deal, and it is because of you that CASC is what it is. You have helped shape the work, the direction, added your voice, and pushed for change. This anniversary aims to lift up your contributions to CASC, lift up the current work of students, and prepare for the next 10 years of CASC!
An ongoing series of interviews that feature the diverse stories of CASC Alumni who share highs, lows, and other revelations about community action and social change after college. Alumni discuss a range of issues, like finding a social justice community in a new city, navigating social justice language in different work cultures, finding a balance between their passion and capacity, and much more.
10 Year Anniversary Website
We are excited to announce the launch of our website for the CASC 10 year anniversary. You can find information about our anniversary programs including: CASC Stories Project, PodCASC, keynote speakers, our alumni panel, the community art installation and more. The website also shares CASC accomplishments throughout the years, and you can see what Alumni are behind planning this year's events.
CASCers at Stamps School
Tuesday, November 19
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Main Entrance
Join the Community Action and Social Change minor at the Stamps school of Art and Design. You will learn about the CASC minor from current stamps students.
Supported by the School of Social Work, CASC is excited to offer two global independent study opportunities for declared students in the minor. Visit the program Mcompass websiate and application
If you have any questions email
Mbarara, Uganda
Chennai, India
The opportunity in Chennai will focus on the principles of community participation and indigenous social work at the intersection of rural development in the region.
Academic Advising
Seeking support to finalize your course planning, petitions, senior audits, or other advisory items? Stop by for drop in hours with CASC Academic Adviser and faculty member.
Drop In Hours: Wednesdays, 1-4PM in SSWB 3640
Preferred Admissions
Declared CASC students are eligible to apply to the MSW preferred admissions program.To learn more, go to
Preferred Admissions
or contact the Office of Student Services at (734) 936-0961 to schedule a phone or in-person appointment. Additionally, prospective applicants are required to complete an
info form
prior to submitting a preferred admissions application.
Part-Time MSW Options
Part-time options for the MSW Program allows students to complete the master of social work degree requirements through part-time enrollment. The part-time options increase access to the MSW degree for qualified students who cannot enroll full-time. Find out more
Poverty Solutions Certificate
Are you interested in the Poverty Solutions Certificate? Schedule an appointment or drop by the CASC office during academic advising. Information on the requirements can be found on the
CASC Minor website
For more information about the Poverty Solutions Center, visit
Senior Audit
Please fill out your
senior audit
f you are graduating in Fall 2019. If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment or visit drop-in to speak with CASC Academic Advisor Joe Galura
CASC Student Boards
Learn more about your student leaders on the Advisory and Outreach board
They are serving the minor, fellow students, their schools, and the larger community.
CASC Student Spotlight
This is your opportunity to tell your story about your CASC work that will eventually be shared with the greater CASC community. You can discuss why you joined CASC, how you CASC, your passions, your background, and beyond. Email
with questions. We're looking forward to reading your story! To participate
fill out this form
Give CASC Feedback
We would love to hear from you about your CASC experience. Please fill
this form
to give your input.
Social Work in Higher Education
Thursday, November 14
12:00-1:30 PM
Social Workers in Higher Education Affinity Group is hosting an event for students to connect with social workers working on campus and learn about the practice area of higher education.
We will be hosting students at the SSW in room B780 to explore the application of social work in higher education, inform students about available field placements in higher education, help students expand their network, and of course each lunch!
Please feel free to join us and
Lost in Translation Storytelling Event 2019
Thursday, November 14th
7:00 PM
North Quad, Space 2435
Paris is Burning Film Screening
Friday, November 15
630-8:30 PM
SSW Educational Conference Center (ECC)
Queer Advocacy Coalition (QAC), Association of Black Social Workers (ABSW), Latinx Social Work Coalition, Black Radical Healing Pathways (BRHP), Common Roots, and SSW SU 1st Gen Sub-Committee presents:
'Paris is Burning' Film Screening.
This event is a collaborative & informal event for community building, intersectionality, and specifically to raise awareness and uplift Black & Latinx Dragqueens’ and Transwomxns’ voices. Food will be provided.
Discovery of a New Nation: Native Americans and the Beginning of the United States
Friday, November 15
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Ann Arbor District Library Downtown (343 S. 5th Ave)
Heather Bruegl, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, provides information on U.S. History but from the perspective of Native Americans. Native History predates 1492. Native peoples have been on the North American continent for centuries before colonization began. This lecture begins in the 1100's and ends just before the Civil War in 1860.
AADL Event Link
Separated: Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid
Monday, November 18
12:00-1:30 PM
1840 SSWB (ECC)
In Separated, William D. Lopez examines the lasting damage done by a daylong act of collaborative immigration enforcement in Washtenaw County, Michigan. Exploring the chaos of immigration enforcement through the lens of community health, Lopez discusses deportation's rippling negative effects and what it looks like from the perspective of the people who experience it. Focusing on those left behind, he reveals their efforts to cope with trauma, avoid homelessness, handle worsening health, and keep their families together. There will be an opportunity to purchase the book. Lunch will be served.
Keynote Speaker: Kavi Ade
Monday, November 18th
6:30 - 7:30 PM
Educational Conference Center (ECC)
The Spectrum Center invites this year's Transgender Awareness Week Keynote, Kavi Ade. Kavi Ade is a Black Trans Queer speaker, arts educator and nationally recognized poet of Afro & Indigenous Caribbean descent. Speaking on race, gender, sexuality, mental health, domestic violence, and sexual assault Kavi’s work grapples with being set at the throne of violence, and exploring the ways a body can learn to survive.
Tuesday, November 19
5:30 - 7:00 PM
North Quad, Space 2435
Join various U-M International Education units at the 4th annual Global Photo Showcase, featuring student photography from all over the world! Vote for fan favorites and enter raffles to win U-M prizes. Chat with international students, study abroad returnees, and international education professionals. Enjoy food and music from around the globe and learn about upcoming global programs, scholarships, and other international opportunities.
The LSA Opportunity Hub is hiring student interns!
LSA Opportunity Hub
is a transformational initiative that helps students connect their liberal arts education to their aspirations and professional paths. Apply to be apart of our team as we move into our exciting new
! If you have any questions, please contact Mariana Naddaf at
or 734-763-4674
Test a Survey and get a $15 gift card
How many times have you filled out a survey that asked poorly worded questions? Well here is your opportunity to improve a survey. William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan requests your time for
one hour to test a survey that will be administered to undergrads taking a course on business in a global world. In addition, if you are interested in a career in research or monitoring and evaluation (M&E), you will get to see how the WDI M&E team tests their survey and conducts "pretesting" and "cognitive interviewing". WDI will also provide a 15 USD gift card as a thank-you gift for your time. Students who are interested should contact my colleague Yaquta Fatehi at
Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor