December 2019
Endowment Celebrates 20th Anniversary in 2020
--by Yvonne Goldsberry, President
Twenty years - two decades. In one sense, it seems like a large milestone to celebrate. Together with you, we've worked hard to make large-scale systems change on so many important issues over the years. That work continues against a backdrop of new challenges and opportunities.
But in another sense, celebrating the Endowment for Health 20th anniversary is just a moment in time compared to our long-term vision: Good health and realized potential for all, through every stage of life. We see that work continuing for generations to come.
Our Board, Advisory Council, Investment Committee and staff are excited about the plans underway to mark the occasion. But we're not going to tell all just yet. You'll have to wait and wonder what it will be like....and we certainly hope you'll be there to celebrate and "sparkify" with us. We promise not to keep you in suspense for too much longer.
What I can say is that our celebration will honor all that we've accomplished with your partnership. But more importantly, the upcoming festivities will be forward-looking, thought-provoking, experiential, creative and fun.
Look for more information in the coming months. In the meantime, as we look forward to the new year, I extend my sincere gratitude for all you've done to shape our collective future. Thanks for traveling with us on our journey to co-create the most amazing, healthy and equitable place for all who call New Hampshire their home.
Endowment For Health Awards More Than $3 Million in Grants for Calendar Year 2019
The Endowment for Health awarded $3,013,697 in calendar year 2019, supporting a wide array of projects focused on coalitions and advocacy, as well as research and planning that informs more equitable health policy for all who live in the Granite State.
"The Endowment's field-building strategy continues to support the work of coalitions and advocacy efforts aimed at driving systems change," said Endowment for Health Chief Financial Officer Sue Fulton. "Over the past year, the Endowment awarded 77 grants to 40 organizations with an average grant size of more than $39,000," she said, adding that the Endowment's support goes beyond grantmaking or dollar size.
"The Endowment convenes a variety of stakeholders and supports health-policy research, all with a broad focus on the social determinants of health," said Fulton. Over the past year, the Endowment's grants ranged in size from $1,000 to $320,000, largely focused on building strong coalitions, raising awareness of complex social issues, and supporting organizations that serve New Hampshire's children, families and older adults.
Endowment Partners with NH Press Organizations for Journalist Training on Disinformation
--by Karen Ager, Communications Director
The Endowment for Health supports professional development in a variety of sectors. In particular, support for the journalism sector is part of a national trend among foundations of all sizes. We recognize that strong local journalism is tantamount to raising public awareness on a variety of issues and is an underpinning of democracy.
News outlets and reporters are increasingly challenged to sort through a burgeoning wave of online, user-generated content in addition to traditional sources. In an age where cameras are in our phones and the average person can spread messages widely on social media, news comes from everywhere. But what is real and trustworthy? Who is behind any given message and why? Is it factual, a false claim or somewhere in between? Today's journalists must discern, fact-check and verify information at the speed of light.
That's why the Endowment partnered with the NH Press Association, Granite State News Collaborative, the Marlin Fitzwater School of Communication and the Nackey Loeb School to addresses these modern reporting challenges.