Winter Break 2019
End of the year thoughts for you and yours.
Congratulations to all of our recent WMU graduates, and to YOU - parents, family members and mentors who have supported our students through their college years!
Where did the time go?!

  • Fall grades will be available through GoWMU late in the afternoon on December 17. If you have proxy access to grades, you will also be able to view your student's progress at this time.

  • Students will be notified through their WMU email if their academic standing changes to probation, extended probation, final probation or dismissal. This email will also contain detailed information about what this change means and the impact it will have on your student.

What if my student struggled academically this semester?
Not all students had a successful first semester. Your reaction to poor grades and your continued support of your student will be crucial in the growth of your relationship with your adult child. Here are some helpful tips to consider:

  • Calm your emotions before discussing the semester with your student. Approach the conversation with thoughtfulness and purpose.
  • It's very likely that your student feels worse than you do. In addition to feeling the impact of their poor academic performance, they also carry the burden of knowing they have disappointed you.
  • Remember that we learn more from our failures than our successes. Help your student to approach this as a tough but valuable learning experience, and allow them to identify how they can grow both academically and personally.
  • Work with your student to identify what went wrong during the semester, and what they can do differently in the spring. Have conversations about class attendance, study habits, and time spent on social activities. Help your student identify strategies and next steps for the coming semester, including ways to achieve balance.
  • Help your student to identify campus resources that may play a role in their future success.
  • Remember to acknowledge your student as an adult taking responsibility for their own actions, as opposed to a child who may have let you down.
  • Most importantly - remind your student that you love them and believe in them! Your trust and support are essential in moving towards positive change.
The Office of Family Engagement will be closed for winter break beginning Tuesday, December 24, and will reopen on Thursday, January 2.
We wish you and yours a restful break and a wonderful holiday season.

Michelle Adams
and Bretney Waller
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