May 3, 2017



Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Waldemar Park, located on the south side of Waldemar Dr. between Kirkwood Rd. and Southlake Dr., is in the process of being designed for a major renovation. So far, the Park has received $300,000 in funding from a variety of sources.  Additional funding is also being sought.

The second public meeting to discuss recommendations and priorities will be held on Tuesday, May 9, at 7:00 P.M. at the Heathlake Clubhouse, located at 12010 Carriage Hill Dr. (77077).

The possible renovations that were presented at the first public meeting include:

(1) Expand trail
(2) Shade trees with irrigation
(3) Playground
(4) Splash Pad
(5) Dog Park
(6) Exercise Stations
(7) Another Picnic Pavilion

If you would like to learn about current plans and provide your input, ideas, and priorities, please make plans to join us next Tuesday.
Greg Travis
Houston City Council Member, District G
900 Bagby, 1st Floor
Houston, TX 77002
P.O. Box 1562
Houston, TX 77251-1562
Phone: 832-393-3007
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