eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
Nov. 22, 2019

Tuesday night I drove to Columbia and gave a talk at the local council dinner for donors.  I got to sit with men who did their Scouting 50+ years ago but we all had so much in common.  One of them graduated from Wofford College in 1961 and when I told him I had just a taken a group of Scouts to eat at the Beacon Drive In in Spartanburg he got a big laugh.
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
One of my shticks was doing an unboxing video live from the podium.  I was trying to give the crowd a sense of what I do.  The collection was from a Scout who attended Philmont in the 1960s.  Turns out a pair of Eagle Scout brothers had spoken just prior to me and remarked how hiking at Philmont was the highlight of their Scouting careers.  I was able to instantly recycle some of the items from the box like two Philmont buckles and an old arrowhead to those Scouts.  That got a big applause and helped make my point about how Scouting really hasn't changed that much.  Fifty years ago this guy had done the same trail and that Philmont bull meant just as much to these teenagers.

Check Out My $5 Dollar Store With Live Auctions

Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
I have been auctioning off a run of camp neckerchiefs on my $5 Dollar Patch Store.  This is part of a sorting effort that gathered 1,000 neckerchiefs I had in boxes and now is putting them up for sale.

Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
Meanwhile, on my Patchsniper account I have OA neckerchiefs running at auction.  Some of these are conclave issues and others are lodge or national issues.

Patchblanket eBay Santeeswapper Store
On Santeeswapper I am starting fresh with 25 auctions just launched.  I will continue to launch another batch every night as I get a new consignment listed and continue with the Georgia OA collection I'm selling.

I know some friends are going to the St. Louis TOR this weekend.  I've been in the past and enjoyed it.  My Scouting calendar is too full to add on long drive trips.  However, I did put down money for tables at the Winston Salem TOR just up the road from me in December!
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC
March 27-28, 2020
 Charlotte Trade-O-Ree


Click to pull up the fliers for Trade-O-Rees that I have fliers on.  Please contact the sponsors in order to see more details.  If you see a TOR that is not listed please email me and let me know.  Likewise I'm always looking to add more shows so send me the fliers as you get them. You can always find the Trade-O-Ree calendar on