Newsletter for the Taylor Prairie School Community
December 6, 2019

From the Taylor Prairie Staff
Enjoy time with your family and friends!
In This Issue
November SuperKids!
Calendar/Important Dates

Please check all upcoming events by clicking on the Calendar image to the left.  

Bookmark that page 
for future reference!
Math Night - January 14th
Early Learning Fair - 2/3/20
On Monday, February 3rd, 2020, the Monona Grove School District will hold its annual Early Learning Fair and  Together 4 Kids  Registration at Nichols School (MG District Office) in Monona. This event is a free service to families of pre-school children. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with a professional to share information about their child's development and to register for the 2020-2021 T4K program. Registration information will be sent to families in mid December.  Parents will need to schedule an appointment upon receipt of registration materials.  If you have any new neighbors with young children aged birth to 4 ½, please have them call Gina in the Early Education Office at 839-2113.
2020-2021 Kindergarten Students .... Penny Meikle
Current 4K Parents:   On November 25th, you should have received an email informing you to participate in the Kindergarten Enrollment Survey located in your Infinite Campus Inbox.  This quick survey will allow us to gather numbers and prepare for next year's Kindergarten class.  Students that indicate they will be attending next year, will receive more information in March along with an invitation to attend the "Welcome to Kindergarten" orientation program on April 23rd.  The program gives parents an opportunity to hear from the Principal, meet Kindergarten Teachers and receive a brief background on what to expect next school year.  Please submit this survey by December 18.
Student Services Spotlight ... Corinne Truxal & Kelsy Dieckhoff

At Taylor Prairie School, we focus on teaching students to use empathy, as in essential social emotional skill. Empathy is the ability to understand and share someone else's feelings. Often it is described as putting yourself in someone else's shoes. When a child can use empathy, they are able to then show compassion and care for others--a great skill to aid in friendship development and maintenance. During this season of the year when so many of our families are celebrating different holidays and cultural practices/observances, we can practice and model our empathy when learning about others' traditions and talking about our own.

Take a moment to read the linked article from the UW- Extension, Raising Caring Kids webpage to learn how to promote empathy in your child at home!

From the Office...
Important Times to Remember:
  • 7:20 - Student Drop-off begins.  Please do not drop students off before this time, as there is no supervision. 
  • 7:45 - Students should be in classrooms.  Your child will be marked "Tardy" if entering the school at/after this time. 
  • 8:15 - Automated calls/messages go out to students marked absent.  Please call/email the office as soon as possible to notify us of an absence or tardy.
  • 2:10 - Transportation Changes - please call the office before this time to report any changes to your child's after-school transportation.
  • 2:15 - Car pick-up line forms - if you arrive before this time, please park in a parking spot to wait. 
  • 2:35 - Dismissal - students will come out walker/car pick-up doors at this time.



  • Please DO NOT send any medication in the backpack!  Children are curious, and we do not want any child taking or sharing medication.  Please bring medication to the office, and leave it with office or health room staff. 
  • If it is a new medication, you'll need to fill out the non-prescription form (for over-the-counter medication) and/or have the physician complete the prescription form (for Rx).  We have these forms in the office.  

If you have any questions, please give us a call or come in - we're here to help!  
7:00am-3:30pm daily
Attendance Matters

We will give you a head's up if your child is in the yellow or red zone!
TP Library News .... Elizabeth Wodzinski
Reading can happen anytime, anywhere! We launched our first online story on Seesaw this week. We're calling it "Anytime Storytime" - videos made especially for Taylor Prairie eaglets that can be enjoyed whenever convenient. Mrs. W started our first online story, but watch for more fun read-alouds from Taylor Prairie teachers and staff to come. 
Haven't joined Seesaw yet? You can email Mrs. W. for a private login code to join your child's grade-level section and special classes (Art, Library, and P.E). 

Public Library News 

Bookmobile stops in Cottage Grove on Wednesdays at the following times: 

Dublin Park - 2:00-4:00pm
Piggly Wiggly - 5:00-8:00pm
Want to pickup a specific Bookmobile item you found in LINKcatWe have a large collection and can't fit it all on board at once. Please call us in advance to ensure we have your item on board when you visit!    (608) 266-9297
The Sun Prairie Public Library is open to everyone!  We have programs for all ages -- from babies through teens (adults, too!) and we're open 7 days a week.  Don't have a library card?  No problem!  Just bring a photo ID and we can issue you one today.  From Storytime to Legos to Gaming and more...there's always something happening at the library and you never know what you might find next!  Check our website for current program days and times:
SPPL hours: Monday through Thursday 9am-9pm; Friday 9am-6pm; Saturday 9am-5pm; Sunday 1-5pm


Pinney Library is NOW OPEN in our INTERIM location at 211 Cottage Grove Road.  For more information or updates on the progress of the new library being built at Royster Corners, 
Friends of Pinney Library is holding a Pop-Up Holiday Book Sale at the Interim Pinney Library (211 Cottage Grove Rd) on Monday, Dec 16, from 12:00pm to 7:00pm. A large selection of books for all ages will be for sale. It's a great opportunity to find holiday gift books!
Visit  for more information.


12/02/2019 - 12/13/2019 Check calendar for closed dates.
New carpet is coming to Monona Public Library!
Join us for our SIGNATURE EVENTon  December 4 & 5

Follow Monona Public Library on Facebook and @mononalibrary on Instagram.

The PTO has several exciting events coming up!

On December 12th, 6:30-7:30 at the TP library, we are offering a special parent opportunity!  The author of the award winning book  Worry Bee will be presenting her Mindfulness and Breathing strategies.  The following day, students at TP and CGS will attend an assembly where she will teach them the strategies and when to best use them.  This will provide an opportunity for teachers, students, and parents to all use the same language!    

If you are interested in purchasing her books, Worry Bee or Mindful Moon, please complete this order form and return it to the school by December 9th. (Checks can be made out to CG PTO).  Books will be available for pick-up at the parent s ession, or we will send them home with kids the following day.

On Saturday, December 14th, the Jingle Jog-A-Thon will take place!  We hope you are busy collecting pledges already - great prizes for both kids and adults!  Hoping for great weather, much fun and lots of success!  

We have our regularly scheduled meeting on December 9th at 6:30 in the TP library!  Hope to see you there!  

The December Scrip order form is here .
Order Scrip for your holiday gift giving!  Handy, convenient, and a one-stop-shop!
MGHS Hockey Team - Youth Night

The MG Boys Hockey team would like to invite all staff and students to Youth Night on Saturday, January 4 at Hartmeyer Ice Arena.  The MG Varsity Team will face off against Oregon at 7:30 pm.  JV Plays at 5:30 pm.  Come to the rink and support your MG Boys Hockey Team.     
General Information & Resources