Good luck with finals this week, Aggie Scientists!
Above - Students outside of the USU Life Sciences Building
From Your Science Senator, Alex Lyons
Hello Aggie Scientists!

It is hard to believe that we have nearly made it through an entire semester already! Whether this semester has been your first, your last, or anywhere in between, I hope that you have been able to achieve your goals and enjoy the process. It has definitely been a very full semester for the College of Science and the Science Council, with many new initiatives and exciting events.

One of the Science Council’s most prominent new initiatives has been the College of Science Mentorship Program, which has been up and running since mid-October. Mentors and mentees have had the chance to meet and establish networking opportunities that will last.

Due to the success of the program this semester, applications for the program will be made available again for spring semester 2020. The applications for mentor and mentee will be reopened during the holiday break. If you are an upperclassman interested in improving your resume and sharing what you have learned, please apply. If you are a freshman or sophomore, who is looking for research, leadership, involvement, or preparing for grad school, please apply to be mentored. I promise this program will help you find new opportunities to aid you on your path.

In addition to mentorship program returning next semester, other traditions and programs will continue. As in previous years, the Science Council will host a Pi Day event in March. Due to the success of the Research Mingle during Science Week, we will be hosting another undergraduate research event to help students searching for summer research opportunities. There will be a handful of other events, so keep watching for updates on the College of Science calendar and in future newsletters.

In conclusion, I simply want to wish you all the best of luck on finals. It is a stressful time of year, but it will pass. Take some time for yourself and make sure to enjoy what you are doing, even if it is only a little bit. Study hard and Go Aggies!


Alex Lyons

Alex Lyons,
USUSA Science Senator