Less is More
     An Occasional Newsletter from
     The New England School 
     of Homeopathy
Spring is Here!       

May 2017

Want to successfully
integrate homeopathy into your current or future practice?

View our complete

For our friends
 in Europe:
July 7-9, 2017
Paul Herscu will be
in Munich, Germany
speaking on Geriatrics
NESH Welcomes Alumni to Amherst, MA
In April we welcomed back to Amherst a group of NESH alum from across the US as well as from England, Italy and Switzerland, for a clinical weekend on the topic of Treating the Elderly. Using patients as our guide, we spent time taking cases, as well as talking about aging and how to do so in the most healthy and graceful way. Providers in class spanned their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s and that breadth of medical and life experience deeply added to our learning.

One thing we love about homeopathy is that the information and understanding we develop is cumulative. Through reading, study, and patient experience we build upon our knowledge base. Through spending time with like-minded prescribers we develop our nuanced understanding of both our patients and our remedies. We get better at understanding what needs to be fixed. Being together helps us solidify our commitment to our elegant medicine and grows our ability to do it better and faster with and for our patients. Come join us for the NESH course or a clinical weekend, we'd  love to see you there!
Springtime Love & Light,
Develop Expertise in Homeopathy 
NESH 8 Weekend Course returns to  Portland, Oregon 
January 2018 - May 2019
Friday night, Saturday & Sunday every other month 
Studying with NESH Offers:
- A philosophical approach that clarifies what happens in practice Cycles & Segments
- Streamlines case taking
- Presents materia medica in an organized & concise way
- Leads to logical repertory use & prevents errors
- Guides case analysis with a strong consistent philosophy
- For beginners: fast learning curve that emphasizes organization & understanding
- For more experienced practitioners: helps prevent common & challenging mistakes

We may also offer a parallel course in Vancouver, Canada if there is enough interest. Please spread the word! 
Beating IBS: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
Helping Individuals and Families Over Time

By Amy Rothenberg ND

Karla first came to my office with her little son, a bright and curious kindergartener who had developed social anxiety. We worked together over some months and managed to get his anxiety under control so that, eventually, it was barely perceptible. During the course of those interactions, I kept thinking to myself, "Wow, the apple does not fall far from the tree."

I could see that little Evan likely came by his anxiety honestly - both through his genes and by the way his mother was around him. She was so keyed up, verbalizing every thought and every worry, while simultaneously and strongly reacting to everything Evan said or did. Her anxious behavior and demeanor may well have pushed her young son, especially if genetically predisposed, to his own struggles with anxiety.

Once Evan was more or less squared away, I mentioned as kindly as I could, "Hey Karla, if you ever want to come in to work on any of your own health issues, I'd be happy to try and help." We homeopaths sometimes work with families in what I would call the "long game." 

Click here to read the full article  
Join us for:  
East Coast Clinical Class 
at our home base in Amherst, Massachusetts
For NESH Alumni - Keep the Learning Going! 
November 10-12, 2017  
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.

Available for current NESH Students and Alumni   
The Herscu Module helps practitioners organize, synthesize and analyze patient information to apply the Cycles & Segments approach to case taking.  
It is the software that Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu use in the classroom 
 and at their practice to achieve more consistent results with their patients.

This offer is available for a limited time, exclusively through the New England School of Homeopathy for qualified NESH participants and alumni.
Drs. Rothenberg & Herscu are now accepting new 
patients via Telemedicine Services.  

For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:

To schedule an appointment:
 call 1.860.763.1225
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