Week of October 14, 2019
We will serve at the Samaritans House Wednesday for ARBC On Mission. If you would like to meet us there, please arrive by 6:15 pm. For those eating at church, we will carpool following dinner.

Menu for October 16:
Adults and Children : eggs, grits, bacon, sausage, biscuits, danishes
Cost: $6 adults, $3 children, $20 family max.
Wednesday Dinner
10/16/19 5:30pm - 10/16/19 6:30pm

1 attending
2 attending
3 or more attending
Trunk or Treat
The annual ARBC Trunk-or-Treat event is just around the corner! At Trunk-or-Treat, children make their way to the trunks of vehicles that have been transformed with decorations by gracious volunteers (that's you!).

We are excited for this fun event and hope you will join us in making it a great night again this year!

Here's how you can help:

  1. If you can host a trunk, please do. You can sign up with Bridget or the church office. We need at least 15 more trunks!
  2. Can you provide a trunk, but don't have any decorations? No problem! We can help decorate your trunk, just let us know!
  3. Don't have a trunk to decorate, but would like to participate? This year we'll have several tables setup for volunteers to decorate. Just let us know what you need! We have 4 tables that can be set up.
  4. Donate a bag of individually wrapped candy or treats.
  5. Volunteer! We need several people to help with greeting and welcoming our guests at our registration table. Please let Bridget know if you can help.
  6. Spread the word. Invite your friends! Invite your neighbors! All are welcome!

ARCUM Pumpkin Patch
The ARCUM Pumpkin Patch is now open. The patch is open each day from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm through the month of October.

Volunteers are needed to work at the pumpkin patch.
You can serve at any time, but we are scheduled to staff the patch on the following days:
Thursday, October 17
Saturday, October 19
Tuesday, October 22
 Sunday, October 27

If you are able to help, use this link to sign-up:

Thank you for your willingness to serve!
95th Anniversary Celebration
Save the date!

You are invited to join us Sunday, November 17, as we celebrate our 95th anniversary!
 We will have a celebration lunch following worship that morning.
More details to come.

ARBC T-Shirts
ARBC t-shirts are in and ready for pickup!

Shirts may be picked up in the church office during office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

We do have extra shirts for those that have not ordered yet.

If you have not paid for your shirt, we ask that you use our online payment option or bring a check made payable to ARBC.
To order a t-shirt, please complete and submit the order form linked below. The cost of each shirt is $15.
Ministry Calendar
This Week at ARBC

Tuesday, October 15
9:00 am 3K Starving Artist Show
9:00 am Senior Aerobics Class
10:00 am Seniors Walking

Wednesday, October 16
12:00 pm  Noon Bible Study
4:45 pm Handbell Rehearsal
5:30 pm Dinner
6:015 pm ARBC On Mission
7:15 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, October 17
9:00 am 4K Starving Artist Show
9:00 am Senior Aerobics Class
10:00 am Seniors Walking
10:00 am Serve at Pumpkin Patch
5:30 pm Administrative Team Meeting
Saturday, October 19
10:00 am  Serve at Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 20
9:45 am    Bible Study for All Ages
11:00 am  Worship

ARBC Hosts (October 20) : Chip Howard, Sallie Ruth Areford, Wes and Eleanor Bean, Eric McFalls

Worship Care (October 20) : Hank and Pat Sutherland, Heather and Todd Griggs, Linda McFalls, Johnny Ashmore
October 23: Trunk or Treat
November 1-2: Family Mission Trip
November 14: Friendly Neighbors
November 17: 95 th Celebration
November 19: Triple P Workshop