Cleveland Right to Life is a founding member of Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio
Friday 5
Friday Five 
Barry Sheets, Legislative Consultant 
November 29, 2019  
A very blessed Thanksgiving to one and all! As we reflect on our blessings, let us look forward to the inevitable day when all babies will be protected in Ohio! 
1.  The executive committee of the  Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio  met this week with representatives from Governor Mike DeWine's office to discuss the recent decision by the Ohio Department of Health to approve Martin Haskell's variance request and issue the abortion provider a new license to operate his death mill in Kettering, after the same Department had just successfully litigated to revoke his previous operating license. It was made evident during the meeting that the pro-life grassroots is going to have to work harder than ever to get these abortuaries shut down, and the only effective way to do that is to make all abortions illegal in Ohio (aka House Bill 413).   
2.   As expected, there is ongoing debate in the social media realm over HB 413. However, much of the criticism is around why is the bill over 700 pages in length, when other states' bills (like Oklahoma's) are much smaller. There are two answers to that:

1) Ohio has been regulating abortions since 1974, and with HB 413's elimination of the legality of abortion, those regulations are to be repealed.
2) HB 413 ties practicing abortion to the state's murder and aggravated murder penalties, and those sections of law were repeated in the bill per Ohio legislative construction, as the code sections being created in HB 413 need to be added to those existing criminal statute sections. The effective changes of HB 413 are actually only 4 pages long.
Sometimes, when you want to do it right, it requires a lot more language than you expect.   
3.  The PR department of the pro-abort movement is working overtime in Ohio. As we mentioned in an earlier Five, Ohio Representative Stephanie Howse (D) of Cleveland took a paid junket to El Salvador to critique the country's abortion ban law. Now, the mainstream MEDIA  is propping her up as some kind of champion of the downtrodden and giving her attention because she is "fighting" abortion bans. Hmmm...this is the same member of the Legislature that tried to claim that God was OK with abortion during a speech against the Heartbeat Bill, and also wanted to add an amendment to that bill to exempt black babies from the protections of the bill. Just exactly who is Rep. Howse being a champion for, if not for the abortion industry and their bloody profit-taking?  
4.  Coming to a school near you: A recent REPORT  details the steps that radical activists took to overturn a local school board and force transgender integration in the school, effectively requiring girls to share changing rooms, showers, bathrooms, etc. with biological males who claim to be female. The Trans United Fund is using this strategy all over the country to force these policies on school districts, whether by targeting local school boards or city councils who have control over schools. This is something to keep on the radar, as the article indicates how companion groups with "neutral" names are set up to funnel the funding and be the attack point against board members who oppose the insanity of the transgender movement. We need to be vigilant at the local level to block such attempts in our local districts. 
5.  Coming out of the shadows: In a recent ANNOUNCEMENT , the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), has rebranded and revealed what they have been all along-not a neutral information source, but a cultural change agent with an agenda. Their news is that they have rebranded as SIECUS: Sex Ed For Social Change, and that they have been, and plan to continue, to push radical sex ed (comprehensive) as a means of changing society, gaining approval for LGBTQ, and "responding to reproductive injustice" (read: banning abortion on demand). I for one am glad to have the real face of an enemy exposed, and we can now fight them on more level ground! 
NOTE:   In this holiday edition, the "Profiles" section has been left off. It will return with the next regular edition.  
2nd NOTE :   As I will be undergoing my surgery next Thursday, the Friday Five will not be published next week. Lord willing, it (and I) will be back on regular schedule the second week of December!  

The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio is an association of metropolitan, county and local pro-life organizations. RTLACO focuses on developing and strengthening local grass roots pro-life leadership, true representative governing for the statewide organization, a commitment to a consistent and holistic pro-life standard to evaluate both policies and elected officials/candidates, and collaborative engagement to develop priorities for action.
Cleveland Right to Life Mission


WE believe that all human beings are made in the image of the Creator and must be respected and protected from the moment of conception until natural death. We know to be true that human rights begin when human life begins, as affirmed in the Declaration of Independence.  So as to foster a culture of life we promote and defend the right to life of all innocent human beings and reject such practices as abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and same-sex marriage that are contrary to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God".  We represent pro-life citizens from over 8 counties in the region, making our organization one of the largest pro-life organizations in the State of Ohio. We focus our efforts first and foremost at the local level to achieve local solutions and then cooperate with the state and national pro-life efforts as directed and needed.


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