October 23rd, 2019
Stay Connected
CAS C Weekly Newsletter
Hello CASCers!

This week we are excited to highlight another global opportunity for CASCers. Social work, nursing, and medical students will travel to Uganda for six (6) weeks after attending lectures focused on Ugandan community health at U-M. Students will be placed in a rural Ugandan community and participate in a training on leadership and management at the  Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST).  Mornings will be spent at the local health center and afternoons will be spent in a nearby village applying the leadership and management techniques learned in the classroom. Students will be working alongside village health workers, community members, MUST students, and village leaders to implement and evaluate a project. Visit the program brochure to find out more about the Global Independent Study in Uganda  and start an application.

All the best,
CASC Staff
CAS C News & Events
Chennai, India

Students will participate in community development work as a part of the Madras Christian College Field Action Program. This experience will focus on the principles of community participation and indigenous social work at the intersection of rural development in the region. Visit MCompass for additional details. If you have any questions please email us at .
CASC Media Assistant (workstudy required)
The media assistant position will be employed by the Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor (SSW) in order to lead the minor's digital outreach and engagement. In this role, student staff will serve as primary lead for weekly newsletter communications, social media, and other media related activities. Desired (though not required) responsibilities may include developing graphic design materials for programs. The media assistant must also be available to attend and support events organized by CASC Minor staff, faculty, and students. The application deadline is November 5, 2019, and any inquiries can be directed to Amber Williams, Assistant Director of CASC Minor Program, .
CASC Undergraduate Minor Student Organization Grant
The Grants provide funding for declared students engaged in social justice and social action programs, initiatives, and projects. If you are a member of a student organization seeking funding for materials, supplies, space, food, or other related expenses, apply online using the CASC Minor Funding Form.
Click   Here to Apply  before 5:00 PM on Friday, November 1st. Let us know if you have any questions by stopping by the office or emailing us at .
CAS C Minor Advising
Academic Advising
Seeking support to finalize your course planning, petitions, senior audits, or other advisory items? Stop by for drop in hours with CASC Academic Adviser and faculty member.
Drop In Hours: Wednesdays, 1-4PM in SSWB 3640
If you need advising, please schedule an appointment by scheduling an appointment here
Preferred Admissions
Declared CASC students are eligible to apply to the MSW preferred admissions program.To learn more, go to  Preferred Admissions  or contact the Office of Student Services at (734) 936-0961 to schedule a phone or in-person appointment. Additionally, prospective applicants are required to complete an  info form ,  prior to submitting a preferred admissions application.
Poverty Solutions Certificate  
Are you interested in the Poverty Solutions Certificate? Schedule an appointment or drop by the CASC office during academic advising. Information on the requirements can be found on the  CASC Minor website .  For more information about the Poverty Solutions Center, visit .
Senior Audit
Please fill out your  senior audit   i f you are graduating in Fall 2019. If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment or visit drop-in to speak with CASC Academic Advisor Joe Galura .
CAS C Involvement
CASC Student Boards
Learn more about your student leaders on the Advisory and Outreach board  here. They are serving the minor, fellow students, their schools, and the larger community. 
CASC Student Spotlight
This is your opportunity to tell your story about your CASC work that will eventually be shared with the greater CASC community. You can discuss why you joined CASC, how you CASC, your passions, your background, and beyond. Email  with questions. We're looking forward to reading your story! To participate   fill out this form .
Give CASC Feedback
We would love to hear from you about your CASC experience. Please fill  this form  to give your input.
SSW Room Reservations
Did you know CASC students can reserve space in the SSW building for CASC course projects, org meetings or events?  Learn how to reserve a space.
Campus News & Events
Wednesday, October 23
4:00 - 5:30 pm
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (1120)

he Ford School and Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy will present “Listening to Strengthen Democracy” with Kathy Cramer, Chair of Letters & Science and Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Cramer will share her observations from listening in on conversations of people in small communities in Wisconsin and the community-driven listening network she invented in collaboration with technology experts at MIT and a partner nonprofit, Cortico.
Multiracial Conversations
Multiracial Conversations is a pilot program to gain your thoughts and ideas about future multiracial programs and possible partnerships. We are excited at the prospect of improving our programming to be more inclusive to those who identify in this community.

Session 1:
When: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 4pm
Where: School of Education, Tribute Room (1322)

Session 2: 
When: Tuesday, Oct. 29, 11am
Where: School of Education, Tribute Room (1322)
RSVP:  here
SAPAC Healthy Relationships Workshop
Thursday, October 24
7:30 - 9:30pm
League Kalamazoo Room

Healthy relationships are essential to our well being, whether they be romantic, friendships, family relationships, etc., so it is important to take time to think about what we want in our relationships and how we will go about working toward those things. Check out SAPAC's list of upcoming events here.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
1840 SSWB (ECC)

Learn skills around building inclusive, respectful and safe communities. This training is based on a nationally-recognized four-stage bystander intervention model that helps individuals intervene in incidents of bias that impact individuals, organizations, and the campus community.

How have you have preserved despite difficult moments at Michigan???
Many of us face the challenge of finding supportive and trusting resources that relate to our mental health experiences. Finding the solution to this lack of support has been a conversation that's been halted on campus for too long. JOIN Wellness in Color to tackle this challenge by facilitating dialogues to initiate the mental health conversation in our community.

This is a pre-conference event for the  Young, Gifted, @Risk, & Resilient conference

RSVP:  here
When: Oct. 23, 2019, 5:30-8:30pm (Dinner provided)
Where: Michigan League, Hussey Room
Building Power Against White Supremacy
Friday, October 25
University of Michigan School of Social Work
Educational Conference Center (ECC)

This conference aims to center community knowledge in the fight against white supremacy. This will be developed through challenging ourselves to explore our own internalized white supremacy so that we can project love and wield power in our communities, institutions, and society at large.

This conference is free and open to the public.

Disability Community Month Events
For decades the U-M Council for Disability Concerns has produced an annual series of events, previously named Investing in Ability. This year the events are renamed Disability Community Month to more closely capture the council’s mission to raise awareness of disability topics on campus and in the community. The events include speakers, demonstrations, films, and the presentation of the James T. Neubacher Award. Disability Community Month events are presented in collaboration with University Human Resources, Michigan Medicine, and University Health Service. All events are free and everyone is welcome. If accommodations are needed, contact  at least 48 hours in advance
Learn more about the community events here.
Hiring for Diversity Peer Educators (DPEs)
DPEs are live-in student employees who work to build inclusive, welcoming communities that support all of the students who live in the Undergraduate Residential Communities. We are searching for committed and compassionate student leaders who are looking for a rewarding employment opportunity as Diversity Peer Educators for the 2020-2021 academic year

Students interested in applying for the DPE position can apply here .  for more information as well as the application form. Applications are due on October 27 by 11:59 PM EST .For questions, please contact . Thank you, and have a great rest of your day!
Generation Mental Health
Are you passionate about mental health? We recently started a non-profit called  Generation Mental Health   focused on improving access to training opportunities in the global mental health field. 
If you are interested in mental health, public health, policy, law or anything in between! We would love to get your insights on our program. Our goal is to create a Michigan chapter as our first campus chapter and to find amazing students to help shape it! Please check out our website to learn more about us:
Come to Monthly Coffee Hours with Semester in Detroit Staff
This semester, SiD is hosting  monthly coffee hours  in our East Quad office with Associate Director Craig Regester and Program Coordinator Marion Van Dam. Alums are welcome to come by and say hi; prospective students are encouraged to come learn more about the program, meet Marion and Craig, and ask questions about the application process. The next coffee hour will be Friday, October 25 from 1pm-3pm in 1730 East Quad (our office). Coffee is provided (obviously), tea will be available for tea drinkers, and some sweets may appear as well! 
Teaching Abroad
Monday, October 28
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Are you interested in teaching English abroad after graduation? Come to this event to hear about several options for doing so, as well as how you can prepare for the experience while still a student at U-M! This event is presented by the  International Center , and the  English Language Institute .Please RSVP  here .
International Opportunities Fair 
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Michigan League, Ballroom

The International Opportunities Fair is a great way to learn about opportunities to intern, volunteer, and teach abroad! The Fair includes:
  • Internship placement organizations offering internships abroad and in the United States!
  • Study-Internship programs
  • Volunteer abroad programs
  • Teach abroad programs
  • Grants/Fellowships/Scholarship information
Check out the list of organizations and departments attending the fair on   Handshake  
Stay Connected
Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor  | (734) 763-5733 |