Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Praying Pelican Missions, networking with local churches and connecting mission teams to  life- changing ministry opportunities.
Pastor's Conferences Report
This past month alone Nate was able to assist in putting on four Pastor's Conferences in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico.  127 churches were represented among the 230 pastors and leaders! 

The Praying Pelican Conferences are designed to help unite the local churches, equip them with tools to host mission trips, and encourage the pastors to continue in their calling.  At each of the conferences these goals happened and we praise God for that!


Nate's primary role (besides creating resources and helping to set up these events) was to preach.  Nate used the story of Moses fighting the Amalekites in Exodus 17 to illustrate how Moses needed partners in ministry to hold his arms up so that the battle could be won.  Many times pastors (here and around the world) live out their calling in isolation.  During the times of ministry we saw numerous pastors seeking the Lord in tears.  We know that the Lord is our arm-lifter and it was a privilege to stand with our pastors in prayer.

Where Blessings Abound
As we make our way into the Christmas season, we find ourselves so blessed.  We are confident in our callings!  Nate is enjoying his ministry with Praying Pelican Missions and Laura is being used in the foster-care world here in Florida through serving with 4KIDS.  Our kids are flourishing.  We are loving Florida life and are finding community through different avenues.  We have seen God answer prayers for provision is so many aspects of our life and are so grateful for that.  Reflecting on what God has already done continues to give us hope for the future.  We have amazing supporters who continue to give sacrificially to invest in missions around the world...We are truly blessed!  
If you would like to join our Monthly Support team, we would be so grateful!  You can use the link below to begin your monthly donation!
November Photos
We had a great Thanksgiving with Nate's parents visiting us!
Guatemala 2020 Staff
A much needed day off in Costa Rica with great friends!
The boys finished up their season of flag on to soccer!
We took our Nicaraguan pastors on a much needed retreat!
Reagan was able to attend Homecoming with a friend from church, she's growing up too fast!
Abbi loves to fish from the canal!

Nathan, Laura, Darrell , Reagan, Abigail,  Malachi,  & Isaiah