Cup of Empowerment
January 1, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word

Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday at 3:45 pm for 
worship,  teaching, and filming for our TV show.  


School of the Prophets with Jeremy Caris
January 5th from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM

School of the Spirit with Jeremy Caris
January 13th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

8th Annual
"He's My Valentine"
Widows & Singles Valentine Party
February 10, 2018 from  11 AM - 2:00 PM

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2018 Insight...  You set Your Course!
 Dr. CarolMarie

"2018 will either be the best year yet or the worst, you will set the course!"  Prophetic insights were given by Jeremy Caris of Caris Ministries and myself on last Wednesdays "Empower Hour" Radio Show!  Here are some of the highlights given by the Holy Spirit to prepare you for 2018:

The Hebrew Letter Chet
  • 2018 is the year of the Gate!  But first let's look at the original meanings in which we are building on!  The number eight in 2018 (that corresponds with the Hebrew calendar of 5778 which we are also in) is represented by the Hebrew letter Chet.  In Hebrew each letter not only has a numeric value and a shape and sound but it is represented by a word picture that has significance.  In ancient times the letter Chet first was shown as a ladder or a wall. As we talked about this on the show, the Lord revealed to Jeremy that this is a year that we may feel we are up against a wall and things seem impossible to go through.  But God will make a way when it seems like there is no way!  He shared that when he was in the Army he was taught to go through the wall not just to hit it.  His target was on the other side of the wall.  It is the same with 2018.  We are to see it finished.  Don't stop at the wall, but go through it!  This is a year of greater faith as we choose to believe God and go beyond!
  • The ancient letter Chet was also shown as a yoke that two oxen would have put their heads through to work together.  This is a year to join together in alignment.  We don't have to agree on everything, but to find places of agreement so that we can align with purpose.  We are not to think and act exactly alike but to join together honoring one another's gifting and strengths knowing that we need each other to accomplish the assignments we have all been given!  Remember when we come together we are ten times the power not just double!
  • When you position the gate or yoke up and down, it looks like a ladder.  It is joining Heaven to Earth as we are His representatives here.  As we walk in the "Royal law of Love", we can tap into "Kingdom" in a greater way.  This is a year of seeing greater miracles and break-through as we humble ourselves and choose to walk in love.
  • The letter Chet evolved as it was drawn as two letters joined with a bridge or yoke.  One of the letters was the Vav that looks like a tent peg giving a concept of being secure.  The other letter was the Zayin that looks like a sword showing authority and power. (They call the joining of these letters "crowned",  representing connecting with authority by being secure in Him, thus bringing Heaven to Earth!  This is a year of joining first of all with Him in total surrender and then with each other as we submit in love.  Nothing is impossible when we do this!  Don't be surprised if your love is tested once you make this commitment.  Press through the wall of self will and go through to the other side!  It's well worth it!  The flesh does not like it, but the spirit is fine with this transition!   The more the flesh dies, the more of His Spirit can be manifested!
  • In the last 2000 years the letter Chet became more of a gate!  As I pressed into Him for understanding of this year, He gave me Psalm 118 for 2018!  Verse 19-21 concerning the gate reads:  "Open to me the [temple] gates of righteousness; I will enter through them, and I will confess and praise the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the [uncompromisingly] righteous shall enter through it.  I will confess, praise, and give thanks to You, for You have heard and answered me; and You have become my Salvation and Deliverer."  The way through the gate is by being "thankful"!  We enter His courts with confessing (saying) praise, and His gates with thanksgiving! (Ps 100:4) This is a year to go through the gate of thanksgiving!  It will open up for us provision like we have never seen!  It will guard our hearts from being judgmental and critical which will close the gates of provision!  He is the Gate (Jn 10:9) We align with Him through praising and being thankful!
  • For those in business, it's a time to give exceptional customer service like never before!  As you flow in love and going the second mile, you will see your business blessed beyond what you have seen in the past!  It a year of benevolence! This is the same time in history that Joseph understood Pharaoh's dreams. The fat cows and the lean cows were standing next to each other.  We will see this in the new year, businesses that flourish and ones that become lean depending on what gate they choose!  As you give, are kind and praise you will be fattened up with His provision!  Expect and speak that "good" will happen and it will!  What you sow, you will reap!  And it's a good harvest!

My CHALLENGE for your new year!  Let's commit to being "thankful" and "praising in all things"!  Every time you or I say anything negative or critical we have to put a dollar into the pot!  Let's keep each other accountable and get into the groove of PRAISE!  Send your offering to Anna's Gate with "Women at the Well" on the memo and we will give our "Challenge offering" to those overcoming negative additions as we do the same with our speech! (If giving on line, write "Women at the Well" on your "prayer request" line.) Here is a little description of this special ministry: "Women At The Well is located in Athens, TN and is a long term (12-15 months) residential, faith based, discipleship program for women 18 years and older with life controlling problems. "Using the Word of God, acknowledging Christ as Lord and learning to live in obedience to His will, BREAKS the cycle of addiction."
Anna's Gate and I bless you with an exciting and prosperous New Year filled with wonderful expectation of God's best for you! Always know you are loved! (Feel free to forward this to others you care about!)


We would like to INVITE you to bring widows and prayer warriors from your church to Anna's Gate to be in our filming audience on Tuesdays! We air on four local networks as well as globally, via Internet. Call our office (865-803-5445) with your reservation and how many you would like to bring.

We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the Hebraic month.


When you make a purchase using  amazon smile, a part of your purchase amount is given to support the work Anna's Gate does. We appreciate your using these businesses and in the process blessing Anna's Gate.

Click above image for details.

Join CarolMarie on
AM Station Joy620 "Drive At Five" 
"Empower Hour" With CarolMarie

Wednesdays from 5-6 pm
or listen live around the world by Internet at  same time EST



If you Live in the Knoxville, TN area
Check out our TV Program!
Anna's Gate 

 Monday's at 11:00-11:30 pm

Channel 12 if you have Comcast 
Channel 6 on Charter 
Channel 6 on WOW/Knolegy 
Channel 99 on AT&T 

Be a part of the audience when we film on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 6:00 PM at Anna's Gate! 

Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912