Dear BHS PTSA Members,
Thank you for supporting our PTSA. During the past two months, more than 600 parents, teachers, and staff have joined our PTSA. We also launched our Make An Impact Fundraiser in October.
Our next general membership meeting is next week. Please join us to hear all the news about PTSA!
The meeting will be on Wednesday, November 13 starting at 8:30 am in the library. We will be joining Dr. Anderson at his Principal Coffee followed by PTSA General Meeting. Please mark your calendars. We look forward to seeing you again.
A quick note for our PTSA member signup and Make An Impact Fundraiser links:
PTSA Membership Signup
Make An Impact Fundraising
Thank you for your support!
PTSA Co-Presidents
Did you know the PTSA provides financial support for
Extended Tutorial? Extended
tutorial takes place in the library on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 pm and is open to all
students. Teachers from the Math Department and English Language Arts Department
are available to answer questions. Your donation will help support this important
program, and many others!
Please donate today and Make an Impact!
。Mental Health Counseling
Boys & Girls LAX
。College Preparation
Boys & Girls Basketball
。Extended Tutorial
。Boys & Girls Soccer
。Teacher Training
。Boys & Girls Water Polo
Teacher & Staff Appreciation
。Track & Cross Country
。Band, Orchestra, Choir, Drama
。Cheer & Drill Teams
。AVID, AP Capstone, Robotics
。And so much more!
($1000 or more) |
A.J. & Mike Brush |
Dana & David Kaefer |
Jennifer Stelly |
Rizza Cea |
Rebekah Brown & Gordon Lyon |
Betty Tong |
Janet Daly |
Jeannie P. Mucklestone |
Jinghai Xu |
Leslie & David Feller |
Amy & Bill Reller |
Yong Chen & Sean Yang |
Hualin Guan |
Zannah Becker |
Jing Hou |
Mazie Park |
Daniel Brown |
Danwen Huang |
Stephanie Peters |
Sharon Chang |
Kristine Frassett & John Inadomi |
Robert Riley |
Christi Clark |
Marji Jochums |
Clare Rose |
Rachel Cunha |
Peter Johnson |
Kelli Schneider |
Amy Day |
Nobuyoshi Kageyama |
Dian Schuler |
Timothy Day |
John Klym |
Annukka Small |
Thien-Di Do |
She X Li |
Troy Tidwell |
Weiguang Feng |
Anna Mikelsen Mills |
Jennifer Wang |
Chuan Lan Cui & Fuxue Gong |
Lesley Mohr |
Quan Wang |
Yuyang Gu |
Linda Mui |
Tony Williams |
Rachel Hall |
Laura Murton |
Jing Yang |
Sang Han |
Glyn Nordstrom |
Mi Na Zhang |
Randy & Leslie Howard |
Oscar Oliveira |
Chris & Leslie Barry |
Summit Hotwani |
Rea Rensch |
Laura Bede |
Ying Jiang |
Tricia Schroth |
Jill Birkeland |
Arthur Jin |
Margot Schwartz |
Susanne Blaberg |
Rebecca Johnston |
Julia Zalba Seltz |
Julia Braun |
Stephanie Ault Justus |
Kirsten Serkin |
Sandrina Branton |
Mary Kim |
Kameran Simpson |
Karla Bennett |
Ronald Lachini |
Spiess & Johnson Family |
Kara Carlson |
Yifan Li |
Dosung Sohn |
Dan Casey |
Qiuya Li |
Sarah Streun |
Carmen Chan |
Zu Wu Liao |
Shri Subramanian |
Joanne Chan |
Meijun Liu |
Xiaofei Sun |
Takako Chavez |
Jeff Livingston |
Jenny Tan |
Patty Chen |
Thomas Lofton |
Jeff Tangney |
Jennifer Clark |
Yujie Ma |
Ning Tian |
Jeff Cody |
Suzanne Maekawa |
Ellen Tobin |
Jessica Ferguson |
Marie Maillet |
Scott Toumbleston |
Danielle Fisher |
Julia May |
Jenny Way |
Terri Forsberg |
Lisa Mead |
Noboru Yamaji |
Allison & Roger Frey |
Mark & Kimberly Mecham |
Peter Yan |
Judith Furst |
Dan Miller |
Jennifer Yeatts |
Allison & Edd George |
Noel Murphy |
Joanna Yin |
Greta George |
Kristina Nelson |
Melissa Young |
Kathy Green |
Karyn O'Hara |
Baiqing Zhang |
Lisa Harpster |
Tina Pappas |
Yile Zheng |
Lisa Hawk |
Vicky Park |
Yujie Zhou |
Colin Hawkes |
James Randolph |
Jill Zimmerman |
Jolie Hellings |
If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to BELLEVUE HIGH PTSA and mail it to 10416 Wolverine Way, Bellevue, WA 98004. If your company offers matching, please take a minute to submit a request and double your impact! Bellevue High PTSA's tax id number is 91-1459440. Thank you for your support!
Sophomore-class-hosted Winter Wonderland Holiday Staff Luncheon
Greetings Bellevue High School Families and Happy Holidays to you!
The Staff Appreciation committee is excited to announce our second Staff Appreciation Lunch of the Year!
The Sophomore Class will be hosting the Holiday Favorites Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Wednesday, December 4th.
We ask your help in showing our amazing BHS Staff how much we appreciate them by sharing your own holiday favorites! Sign up for a dish that represents your heritage, tradition or anything your family enjoys. Please see the attached Sign Up Genius for a listing of dishes and items needed. Please specify what type of entrée, salad, side dishes, dessert, etc. you plan to bring. Homemade dishes only, please. Please bring serving sizes for 12 people.
All food should be dropped off at the PAC no later than 12:00 pm and no earlier than 11:30 am
. You may drop off the food in the main office if needed. Please label your disposable container with ingredients. We have serving utensils, so no need to bring them. We will have some steam warming trays to keep the food hot during the luncheon.
Thank you in advance Sophomore Families!
Jungyeol Kim Lori Broznowski Charlene Lee
This year's Thanksgiving Food Drive will run from Tuesday November 12th through Friday November 22nd and will support our Bellevue school district families. Donations are based on your students 2nd period; kids with a 2nd period class on the first floor of the school may bring in any type of pasta and kids with a 2nd period class on the second floor or in the basement may bring in any type of pasta sauce. There will be a bag for donations in every 2nd period classroom.
Thank you so much for your contribution and feel free to reach out with any questions:
Lei Pre-Sale During Senior Parent Night
November 21, BHS Commons
The senior class has traditionally worn leis during their graduation ceremony to symbolize love and celebration. The Orchestra Booster Club will once again sell leis as its primary fundraiser for the BHS orchestra. We are offering an early bird special of $35 per lei on 11/21 thru Jan. 1
. After the New Year, lei prices jump to $40, so don't delay your order. Stop by the Orchestra Booster table during Senior Parent Night to secure special pricing. If you have questions or can't attend Parent Night, please contact our Lei Sales Coordinator, Amy Borberg at agaulding@hotmail.com. Once our new web page launches in the coming weeks, you can also place lei orders through our website www.BellevueOrchestra.org.
Winter Concert
The BHS orchestra will present its Winter Concert on
Thursday, December 12 at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center. Please come out and support all the students who have worked so hard to bring this holiday tradition to our community. Following the concert, hang around to mingle with parents, enjoy some refreshments, visit with the Booster Club, and congratulate our students on their performance.
The Orchestra Booster Club meetings are held the first
Tuesday of every month at 7pm in room 1102, BHS. Our next meeting is on
December 3. We encourage and welcome all orchestra parents to attend in support of our students and faculty. To learn more about the BHS orchestra, please visit
www.BellevueOrchestra.org. If you have questions about volunteer opportunities, please email Michael Linscott at
Math Club is having an important meeting on Thursday 11/14 at 3 pm, in Mr. Van Dyke's room (room 1103). If your student is interested in participating in the AMC competitions this winter, this meeting is essential to attend - we will be collecting the emails of the students interested, and getting a rough estimate of how many tests we need to order. If your student absolutely cannot attend, please email s-gvozdjaka@bsd405.org by Friday 11/15 in order to express your interest in participation.
Deborah Kraft, the Director of K-12 Counseling for the Bellevue School District, will be leading a discussion on the Bellevue School District's new
Signs of Suicide (SOS) program. This suicide prevention program is being implemented in all of Bellevue's public secondary schools. Deborah will be joined by a panel that includes program staff and Middle and High School counselors. Two sessions are offered, both sessions are in the Rainier Room at WISC. Registration links are:
November 14th 7:00pm-8:00pm
The Fall 2019 grant cycle is open. We are looking forward to your grant submissions. The BHS PTSA offers grants for items or opportunities that enhance the student experience. We encourage requests from anyone within the BHS community including student clubs, student activities, athletic organizations and educational/administrative departments.
Grants Committee Advisory Meeting:
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 (3:45 - 5:45 PM)
Grants Committee Allocation Meeting:
Thursday, November 14, 2019 (8:30 - 10:30 AM)
Grant submission forms, program and process information can be found on the PTSA
Website Grants Page.
For additional Grants program information contact
Kelly Silver, PTSA Grants Chair
The best thing you can do to support your BHS Theater Arts students is to come see their shows.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
December 4th - 7th at 7:00 PM
$10.00 Per Person Fri/Sat
A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy written by William Shakespeare in 1595. It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta. These include the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage.
Concessions Available for Purchase (cash) at each show
Theater Sweatshirts for Sale
March 7th - Save the Date!
Patrons of BHS Theater Arts you won't want to miss our very first auction/student performance showcase. A fun-filled evening to benefit Theater Arts at Bellevue High School. Plan to spend your evening with us - cocktail attire. Invitation coming soon.
We are happy to announce that Senior Ads are finally available for purchase on
! Once you've paid, please email
a filled out copy of the form linked below, a screenshot your purchase receipt, and either a completed ad or pictures and a message if you need our help designing one.
Dear Bellevue High School PTSA members-
Thank you for supporting our PTSA!
Our PTSA Member Chairs have been working hard to launch our online school directory as a benefit for our members.
As a BHS PTSA member, you should receive an email from Directoryspot.net to set up your login information.
Here are some tips for you:
1. After you sign in, you will be able to view our school directory. You can easily find contact info for students, parents and teachers/staff.
2. At the same time you can download the DirectorySpot app onto your phone, so you can view it with your phone.
3. You can revise or update your family's contact info on the website or with your phone app.
4. You can view the current year's calendar.
5. All the clubs/activities information will be updated soon, once the school makes the info available.
6. You can view our sponsors and support them!
Please contact:
For any questions or concerns
Bellevue High PTSA Membership Committee
State and Bellevue PTSA Council Information
Student Self-Advocacy Seminars
Learn how to advocate for yourself with teachers, principal, district superintendent, or board member. Learn how to advocate for yourself with your House Representative and Senator in Olympia. Bellevue PTSA Council invites middle school and high school students to three seminars on student self-advocacy. Parents are also welcome to attend. First session on November 14. Find out more and see available dates.
Scholarship Program
Washington State PTA offers three $3,000 scholarships and one $1,000 scholarship to graduating seniors from Washington state public high schools with an active PTA, who will be starting college (either two-year or four-year) in the fall.
Students may submit a scholarship application through the
online form
. The application deadline is March 1 each year and scholarships are awarded by April 30.
Learn more.
SKI AND BOARD Saturdays/support your PTSA!
Registration is Open!
Join the Saturday Bellevue Ski School Community. Give your student a full day of skiing. All levels welcome - 2nd through 12th grade. Transportation provided by BSD and Coach buses. Discount pricing until Nov. 30th. Support your school. 5% of every enrollment goes to your schools PTSA. What a great way to fund extra school activities. We have been Partnering w/Bellevue School District since 1958. Info and Registration:
- Gifted Graduates on College Student Panel
Current college students and graduates of BSD's Gifted High School Program (now Advanced Learning) discuss how to choose a college. This is a POPULAR event and Free to BSD students and staff with BSD Card. $5 for parents and $10 for non-Bellevue residents.
The panel will be joined by:
*Tina Neville, Yale graduate and CEO of Transcend Academy, on college entrance success factors
*Dr. Richard Repass, Psychiatrist and expert on student mental health and stress management.
*Moderated by Melissa Lloyd, Bellevue Gifted Alliance
December 19, 2019
6:30-8:00 PM
Bellevue High School Performing Arts Center
10416 SE Wolverine Way
High School Student Panel
High school students who attended BSD's Advanced Learning (previously the gifted) program discuss how to choose a high school.
January 8, 2020
6:30-8:00 PM
Sammamish High School Performing Arts Center 100 140th Ave SE
Hey Wolverines!
Calling All
Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen
Princeton Review is offering full-scale practice SAT or ACT tests at Bellevue High School
$35.00 Per Student
Saturday Nov. 23rd,
9:00 a.m. -12:45 p.m.
Student check-in 8:30 am
Registration closes Nov.15
For Additional information Contact
Ph. 206.472.7973
Funds Benefit Bellevue H.S. Class of 2022
November 13 |
BHS PTSA Meeting 8:30 am |
November 22
Social Emotional Learning Lesson #2 during 2nd Period
November 28-29 |
Thanksgiving Holiday, No School |
December 12 |
Student Active Threat Training |
Dec 23 - Jan 3 |
Winter Break, No School
January 20
MLK Jr. Holiday, No School
January 22-24
First Semester Finals
January 24
Last Day of First Semester
January 27
Day Between Semesters, No School
A more detailed BHS Main Calendar is
BELLEVUE ATHLETIC SCHEDULE November 11th to 16th, 2019
Congratulations to Girls Soccer defeating MIHS 2 - 0 last night to move into the playoff game vs. Holy Names Academy tomorrow at SW Athletic Complex (West Seattle) @ 5:00pm...WINNER to the State Tournament!
Bellevue Wolverine Volleyball is BOTH the regular season and 3A Kingco Tournament Champions for 2019 after an EPIC battle with Interlake last evening!! Seaking Tournament is beginning next Thursday @ Sammamish High School.
***Fall Signing Day will be celebrated for those student athletes signing at schools on Wednesday November 13th at 2:00pm in the Commons after school. Please come and help celebrate these student athletes achievements of continuing their athletic journey's at the next level!***
Girls Soccer
First Round Games Nov. 11th to 13th (site, time & opponent to be determined)
Quarter Final Games Nov. 14th to 16th (site, time & opponent to be determined)
Girls Volleyball
First Round Game is Thursday November 14th 7:30pm vs. Metro #5 or #7 @ Sammamish HS
Second Round/Semi & FINAL matches on Saturday Nov. 16th (time & opponent TBD) @ SHS
Girls Swimming & Diving
WIAA 3A State Championship Swim & Dive meet @ King County Aquatic Center, Federal Way
Nov. 15th & 16th schedule and results on www.wiaa.com/tournamentcentral
First Round State playoff game on either Friday Nov. 15th or Saturday Nov. 16th (time, site and opponent TBD)
Competitive Cheer
At Decatur High School Cheer Invitational November 16th, 2019
Boys Water Polo
State Championship Tournament November 13th to 16th (time & opponent TBD)
Go Bellevue!!!
John Hill
Athletic Director
Bellevue High School
Congratulations to the Bellevue Freshman Football C Team.
The team had an outstanding year finishing as undefeated KINGCO CHAMPS in the Junior Varsity Division. The team was 6-0 in Kingco and 8-1 overall. For the year, the team averaged over 37 points per game while only giving up an average of 12 points on defense. The team was 31 players strong with 11 new players that all made strong contributions!
The Seniors were celebrated this past Friday night. Wolverines won their opening playoff game 57-21 over Meadowdale. This week, Bellevue (8-2) (#7 seed) takes on Lakes (7-2) (#10 seed) at 7pm on our home field.
Winner advances, loser is out. Game pictures can be found here.
Thank you to Jeremy Laws, Marji Jochums, Susanna Blaberg, Stephanie Justus for these great shots.
Come on out Friday and cheer on the Wolverines!
Varsity post season began on Tuesday with a loss to LW 0-1 in overtime in the KingCo Championship game. To secure their spot in state, the girls beat MI 2-0 at home on Thursday, and on Saturday beat Holy Names 1-1, 4-3 in penalties. The state tournament starts on November 12th for Varsity, with the location, time, and opponent TBD.
Congratulations to the Bellevue Wolverines, who added a KingCo 3A tournament title
to their regular-season title. Bellevue outlasted Interlake for the championship in a 5-
set nail-biter, 26-24, 27-25, 23-25, 24-26, 15-13.
The Wolverines take their #1 KingCo seed into the SeaKing district tournament this
Thursday night at Sammamish High School. They will play either Bainbridge or
Lakeside at 7:30pm. Come out and cheer on your Wolverines to victory! The
tournament bracket for SeaKing 3A Volleyball can be found here.
And congratulations to the Bellevue JV and JV/C teams on wrapping up very
successful seasons. The JV team took the KingCo 3A crown with a three-set victory
over Mercer Island on 10/30, finishing the year with an excellent 11-1 record. The
JV/C team finished the year with a very strong 8-4 showing. The future looks bright
for the BHS Volleyball Program!
Baseball Info Meeting for Parents and Players
Date: Wednesday November 13th, 2019
Time: 7pm
Location: Bellevue High School Library
Who: All parents and students interested in playing baseball this spring for BHS
Mark your calendars/hold the date!
This meeting is run by the Bellevue Baseball Booster Club and is intended on providing an introduction to the upcoming baseball season. Come meet coach Tate and other players and parents.
Congratulations Girls Swim & Dive on winning the 3A SeaKing District 2 Championships over the weekend. Janelle Rudolph set a new State record of 22.49 in the 50 free. Isabella Doud placed 2nd in diving with a season best score of 363.30. Wolverines also placed 1 and 2 in the 100 back with a season best All-American automatic time from Janelle Rudolph and All-American consideration from Iris Yang. Season best times also achieved by Mia Avansino, dropping 6 seconds in her 200 free, Eleanor Casey, Erica Lee, Rena Lee, Megan Lei, Amanda Li, Rylee Siripipat, Stephanie Song, and Olivia Wyzga. Wolverines also won the 200 medley and 200 free relays, and achieved a season best All-American consideration time in the 400 free relay. Amazing job from our swimmers and divers, they will be defending their State title this weekend, November 15-16 at the King County Aquatic Center!
The upstairs Auxillary Gym at BHS has been reserved for Open Gym at 4pm on Mondays and Fridays through November 15. This is an opportunity to come out and play futsal. All students are welcome.
Friday Nov 15th
No futsal on Monday Nov 11th
The 2019-20 Winter Sports season is fast approaching and will begin practices for Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Wrestling, Girls Gymnastics and Boys Swimming & Diving on Monday November 18th. Please register for these programs through the link set on our athletic page to FinalForms.
The sports of Basketball, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Diving require an ImPACT to be passed before a student can participate. (A swimmer does not have to take the test to participate). An ImPACT test does not expire for two years.
The test dates, site and times are as follows:
4:00pm in room 0108 (Computer tech room)
November 14th, 15th
John Hill
Athletic Director
Bellevue High School
The Winter and Spring seasons are right around the corner.
First meeting for the co-ed team is November 18! Weekend games begin in the early December and go until mid-February. Contact us at info@bellevueultimate.org if interested. It will be great fun for all!
Girls Spring season starts in March. If you enjoy Ultimate Frisbee in PE or middle school, you'll love the girls league!
Ultimate is a unique and popular non-contact sport. Competition is important, but never over the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship. Find out more at http://bellevueultimate.org.
Congratulations to the 3A Seaking Individual Cross Country Champion Kate Forsberg! She will represent BHS XC at the State XC meet this coming Saturday 11/9 along with her brother Gannon Forsberg (who qualified for the Boys State XC event)!!!
is 11/13 at 6pm in the BHS Commons.
Check your junk mail for the sign up genius if you haven't received it. Alternatively, here is the sign up genius link.
If you have any problems please contact Kit Watson at
. Athletes are free. Non-athletes are $20 if pre-paid before the banquet, via PayPal (
- click on the donate now button to pay for the banquet). $25 at the door - you can pay cash, check or with credit card using Square.
Fundraising Update
If you made a donation and your employer will match it, please designate the match to Bellevue Wolverine Boosters earmarked for Cross Country.
Congrats to all our runners for a great season and best of luck to the Varsity Girls at the Districts this Saturday!
The class of 2020 will be hosting a parent auction on November 21st. Come for a night full of desserts and student showcases! All profits will go towards the class of 2020 prom and graduation. We hope to see you there!
Hello Parents! Hope everyone is having a great start to the school year and a wonderful November!
Upcoming events:
- Its Junior Year! We need your help Parents! Juniors are selling concessions at all Basketball Home Games this winter season. All concessions sold MUST BE DONATED BY PARENTS! To help donate contact s-moransa@bsd405.org for the signup page.
Any food donated can be turned into the Main office at Bellevue High School, anytime during school hours. If unable to drop off at the high school, contact us privately and a class officer may be able to pick it up.
- We are still looking for more Parent Advisers for our class office! Parents will help class office organize fundraisers and activities for the 2021 class, as well as giving overall help and advice for our high schoolers in office. If you are interested at all or have any further questions or recommendations, please contact me at
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns that's what I'm here for! Please contact me at s-moransa@bsd405.org or call/text me if urgent at (425)-349-8547. And remember, the blast is every week so be sure to look out for next week's update. Have a great week! Thank you so much for all you support and help, keep up the amazing work parents, we couldn't do this without you!
Sincerely, the class of 2021
YMCA Environmental Leaders Summit
High school students, teachers, environmental professionals
December 6th from 9:00 - 1:00
Seattle University Campion Hall, 914 E Jefferson St, Seattle, WA 98122
The Tyee Holiday Bazaar is a fundraising event that supports Student Socials at Tyee.
If you are interested in being a vendor and selling at the bazaar, register online at tyeeptsa.org by Nov. 15th. There will be a limit to the product categories this year so register early to save your spot.
Each vendor space is one six foot table and two chairs. Bellevue School District staff and students pay $30 to be a vendor. All outside vendors pay $50.00. You get to keep all your sales profits!
Thank you for your help.
Bellevue High School has a very diverse cultural population.
If you need translation for articles in our newsletters, please try this
For our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link on top of this newsletter. Be sure to sign up for your student's graduating classes. You may also unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter.
The Blast will be delivered once a week on Tuesday mornings. The deadlines for submitting articles are as follows:
- School news and PTSA articles - Friday deadline
- Athletics and Activities articles - Sunday deadline
- Submissions should be in plain text in the body of your email message or in a Word document.
- Items submitted may be accepted, rejected, or edited at our discretion.
- Please use a separate email for each article submitted.
- Titles should be included in the Subject line.
- Images may be included as JPEG or PNG files.
- Submissions received after Friday/Sunday will NOT be in the Tuesday issue, but will be in the following week's issue.
COMMENTS: Thank you for your articles. The newsletter is edited by Jia Ling(Janet) Liu and Rebekah Brown. Please submit all comments and questions to us at bellevueblast@bellevuehighptsa.com.
Thank you for staying informed!
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
BHS Administration
PTSA Vice President Fundraising
BHS Athletics/Activities
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Main Office
Bellevue HS PTSA | Bellevue Way | Bellevue | WA | 98004