October 18, 2019
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Upcoming Events
November 12 โ€” Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.
November 19 โ€” Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m., Kings Education Center, Conference Room 2.

More event information can be found at:
What exactly is millage and how does it work?

The 4.96 mill bond issue on the November ballot will fund an $89.975 million dollar facilities plan. Talking about millage can be very confusing. Bond issue millage is determined by an average millage by Ohio Revised Code. The millage on the ballot at the time of the vote is not accurate , but follows the law.

For example, the District has 3 existing debt issues. The ballot millage and collected millage is quite a different story. As you can see below, there is a substantial difference between the millage that was on the ballot and the amount that is actually being collected.

  • 1994 Election โ€“ Original ballot millage was 3.60 mills, and currently collecting at 0.91 mills.
  • 1999 Election โ€“ Original ballot millage was 2.50 mills and currently collecting at 1.66 mills.
  • 2007 Election โ€“ Original ballot millage was 2.50 mills and currently collecting at 1.63 mills.

The total ballot average millage was 9.67 mills but current debt collections are 4.20 mills. 

Are you wondering how/why does the millage decrease over time? When the County Auditor certifies the average millage , they cannot take into account new construction in the future, increases in value due to reappraisal, and the estimated conservative interest rate used in determining the average millage . Millage rates typically drop the further from when a bond issue passes.

Last Fall, the Kings Board of Education voted two different times to reduce the bond millage to the taxpayers of the district. The vote netted out a 1.6 mill drop for all residents in the Kings District. So basically, the residents are now paying 1.6 mills less than they were paying in 2018. The Board was able to do this due to the increasing property values in the district. The average increase in property values in the Kings District was 14%.

Lastly, another component that affects millage is bond debt. Kings Treasurer, Cary Furniss carefully monitors our debt and makes decisions about ways to optimize the budget. For example, refunding bonds at a lower interest rate has the potential to save taxpayers hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

For more information on the Kings Master Plan and Facilities Bond, please visit
National Principal's Month
October is National Principal's Month. This month we honor our Kings Principals for their significant impact on the success and well-being of our students. We will be celebrating our District Principals throughout the month.

We asked Kings High School Principal, Doug Leist , what he loves about being a principal. He said, "I love being a Principal because I have an opportunity everyday, to give all children a better opportunity in life. I love when students come back to see me and are proud of what they have accomplished after High School! It makes the tough days worth it!"

Pictured is Mr. Leist with his wife, Michelle and their five children.
Kings Homecoming
Congratulations to Austin โ€œTexโ€ Evans and Francesca Deacon who were named 21019 Kings High School Homecoming King and Queen on Friday, October 11.

Tex and Francesca were voted by their peers for this honor. They presided over the 1,000 KHS students who attended this year's Homecoming Dance. This year, the dance was moved to the Great Wolf Lodge to be able to accommodate all of the attendees. Historically, the dance has been held in the KHS Gymnasium

This year's Homecoming Court included: Freshman - Ellie Crook, Diana Frecker, Cody Erwin and Brady Wik; Sophomore Court members -  Maya Barrett, Lauren Johnson, Matthew Barnett, and T. J. Hospader; Junior Court members - Riley Loudermilk, Neily Pennington, Cameron Morrison, and Jake Owens; and Senior Court members - Francesa Deacon, Ruthie Galberg, Leah Luckett, Danielle Page, Ella Schmidt, Jevon Brown, Austin โ€œTexโ€ Evans, Lane Kirby, Jack McHugh, and Tyler Rudzinski.
Kings Homecoming Parade

Didn't make it to the Homecoming Parade on Friday, October 11? No worries, we got you covered! This year's parade featured the Kings Marching Band, Kings Dance Team, Kings Cheerleaders, KHS Homecoming Court, KYO Football and Cheerleading, several Girl Scout and Boy Scout Troops, and more!

We went Facebook LIVE during the parade. Watch it here !
Kings Offers Screening of Anxiety Documentary
IndieFlix , a leading independent online streaming platform, along with its non-profit arm, the IndieFlix Foundation , is sparking a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its brand-new documentary, โ€œ Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety .โ€

On November 7, 2019, Kings Local School District will host a special screening of the documentary and to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders, and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion. Parents and students are encouraged to ask questions. 

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., impacting 54 percent of females and 46 percent of males, with age seven being the median age of onset, according to the World Health Organization. While anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only one-third of those suffering receive treatment. Everyone involved in the development of โ€œAngstโ€ has a personal experience with anxiety โ€“ from the producers to the interviewees.

๏ปฟThe screening will be held in the Kings High School Auditorium, 5500 Columbia Rd, Kings Mills, OH 45034 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  
Is That a Chicken Suit?
South Lebanon Elementary School Principal, Belinda Atkins got into the spirit with her students during a school-wide chicken dance.

Atkins promised the students if they raised $20,000 for their annual Walk-a-Thon, she would wear a chicken suit and do the chicken dance. Well, the students must have really wanted to see her dance because they raised a grand total of over $28,000!

The entire student body participated in a school-wide chicken dance on Friday, October 18. Way to go, SLE!
Kings PowerPack Program Community Pack
The Kings PowerPack Program provides weekend food for nearly 250 students every week. The program is sponsored by Joshua's Place.

This year, Joshua's Place is inviting the community to help pack food at their monthly community-wide pack days. The next community pack day is on Saturday, November 2. The packs will begin at 10:00 a.m. at the South Lebanon Community Center.

All are welcome! Bring a friend!
KJH Food Drive
The Annual Kings Junior High School Canned Food Drive for the Kings Food Pantry will take place from Monday, October 21 through Friday, October 25. Donations of non-perishable foods, especially canned meats and peanut butter and/or personal care items such as soap and toothpaste will be much appreciated. Frequently needed items include canned meat, peanut butter, and chunky soups. 

Drop your donations at the Kings Junior High School Office. Please be sure your donations are NOT EXPIRED as the food pantry can not give those to their clients. Thank you!
Kings U Knights Helps for the Holidays
Kings U Knights is a 501(c)3 organization that helps provide holiday gifts to Kings students in need. Each child receives 3 gifts (2 clothing and one fun) with a total value of approximately $75 per child.

In 2018, with the help of the Kings Community, Kings U Knights were able to provide gifts for 100 families with 266 children. Since 2015, they have sponsored 917 children in 336 families.

If you would like to help this holiday season, please see below.
KHS Kindness & Art Club Donate Proceeds
Kings High School Kindness Club and Art Club hosted a Ceramic Platter Fundraiser to support Stepping Stones, an organization that helps people with disabililties find pathways to independence that will  improve their lives and enable them to be more fully participating members of their communities.

The Clubs raised $550 that will be donated to Stepping Stones in memory of former Kings Student, Chris McCarthy.
FREE ACT - SAT Planning Workshop
Current Sophomores and Juniors and their families are invited to attend a FREE workshop on details about the ACT and SAT. Learn the best time to take the test, strategies on earning scholarship money, and more!

The workshop will take place on Thursday, October 30 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the KJH Multipurpose Room. All attendees will be registered to win a FREE LEAP ACT-SAT Prep Essentials Course.

Sponsored by LEAP, Learning Enrichment & Assistance Program, LLC.
KHS Sophomore Fundraiser for Our Military
Kings High School Sophomore, Alex Deutsch continues to collect socks for his Socktober fundraiser through the month of October. Donations of new socks will support U.S. Military through the Yellow Ribbon Support Center. He collected over 1,100 pairs of socks, and is looking to blow that out of the water this year!

All Kings schools are collecting socks and you will have an opportunity to donate at the Kings Varsity Home Football game on October 25.

If you are interested in donating, please drop your socks in the SOCKTOBER box at any school building.Keep up the great work, Alex!
Kings Ski and Board Sign-ups
Kings High School and Kings Junior High Ski and Snowboard Club will begin sign-ups have begun and will continue through November 4.

The Club will travel to Perfect North Slopes on 4 consecutive Wednesdays in January and February. The Club is offering a 30% discount to  ANYONE  in the Kings District.

Visit  Kings Ski and Board Club  for more information.
Camp Innovation
Camp Innovation Pathways to College Program at Northern Kentucky University encourages students in kindergarten through ninth grades to attend the upcoming fall enrichment program. 

Camp Innovation offers a cutting-edge program designed for high potential youth to discover and explore advanced content and engaged learning. All classes provide the opportunity for students to share interests with other children while exploring pathways to intellectual development, academic enhancement, career exploration, and creative artistic fulfillment. 
Camp Innovation will take place Saturdays, October 26 through November 9, 9:00 am - 11:30 am at Northern Kentucky University. Students are encouraged to choose their own classes on a first-come, first-served basis. Class sizes are limited to provide an optimum teaching and learning environment. Parents are invited to attend the FREE Parent Place workshops.

Click here for more information.
Don't miss one bit of news! Make sure to follow us on social media!
We can't possibly put all of the news in the weekly newsletter so we hope you will join us on our social media channels where we will be posting great things happening in our District daily.

Make sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram to keep in the loop!
Supercuts Give Back to Our Schools
We have gone green and eliminated flyers going home in backpacks.

Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community.
Kings Athletic News

๏ปฟCheck out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Kona Gives Back
Special thanks to Ted and Sandra Andrews of Kona Ice of NE Cincinnati who have given back to the District a total of $13,369!

When Kona Ice comes to events, they give a portion of the total proceeds back to the District as a part of the Kona Ice Giveback Program. Thank you, Kona Ice!
Women's Lacrosse Meeting
All girls in grades 7-12 who are interested in playing lacrosse in the spring are invited to an informational meeting regarding off season activities and opportunities.

The meeting will be held on Monday, October 21 at 6:30 the KJH Multipurpose Room.

Please contact Coach Phelps at for more information.
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

Knight Nation News is a publication of the Kings Local School District Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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