Adoption Highlighted in National Column
Moving Forward After Close Election...
As National Adoption Month continues, in today's The Advocate and in newspaper's across America , columnist Kathryn Jean Lopez writes about our film I Lived on Parker Avenue , Louisiana's own Sarah Zagorski , and the importance of adoption and foster care. Check it out and share with others! Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent? Learn more at Louisiana's Department of Children and Family Services .

Saturday was a hard-fought election, with strong feelings across the board. We congratulate Governor Edwards on his re-election and commend Eddie Rispone for his pro-life dedication. Here is something we can all celebrate: our Legislature remains pro-life, along with all our state elected offices! Let's move forward together and make sure Louisiana remains the most pro-life state in America. Our next big step in that mission is to pass the Love Life Amendment on the ballot Nov. 3 of 2020!
For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. Our PULSE Immersion in the Acadiana / Lake Charles region is this weekend! High school and college students - register today!
Louisiana Baptists Unanimously Support
Love Life Amendment, on Ballot Next Fall
At the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptist Convention last week, 583 messengers from Southern Baptist churches across Louisiana voted unanimously in favor of a resolution supporting the Love Life Amendment. Since the Louisiana Baptist Convention put this resolution to a vote of local church messengers from around the state, this action proves the overwhelming pro-life commitment of Louisiana Baptist leaders and church members across Louisiana.

Louisiana Re-Elects Gov. Edwards; House, Senate Keep Pro-Life Majorities
We congratulate pro-life Gov. John Bel Edwards on his re-election Saturday night and applaud pro-life challenger Eddie Rispone on his campaign. At the Capitol, both the House and Senate maintained their pro-life majorities, reaffirming the pro-life commitment of Louisiana. Louisiana Right to Life looks forward to working with all elected officials to protect the lives of women and unborn babies in our state!

Louisiana Right to Life's pro-life outreach booth at the State Fair of Louisiana recently wrapped up after a three-week run. This was the second year for Louisiana Right to Life to be part of the Fair and, again, it was a tremendous success! As visitors passed the booth, most were captivated by the fetal model display and couldn’t resist picking up a baby. Our team of volunteers would then share information about fetal development and give visitors a Precious Ones 12-week fetal model and information card to take home.
It's not too late to register for this weekend's PULSE Immersion Weekend at Dry Creek Baptist Camp. (SEE VIDEO) The event begins Friday at 5 p.m. and ends Sunday at noon. Students will have the opportunity to sharpen pro-life knowledge and persuasion skills, discuss effective activism and other pro-life topics, hear beautiful testimonies, and hang out with fellow passionate pro-life students from all over the state! Cost is $75. If you have a scholarship need, email Mia Bordlee at
In early 2020, Louisiana will be at the U.S. Supreme Court defending its 2014 law requiring abortion businesses to have admitting privileges at a local hospital, just like all other outpatient surgical facilities. Why should the Supreme Court play favorites with abortion facilities? Please sign our petition to the Supreme Court to end abortion loopholes!
There is still plenty of time to register to attend the 50th Anniversary Pro-Life Gala, set for Jan. 18, 2020, in downtown New Orleans. The gala will feature a ctor and producer Kirk Cameron as keynote speaker, and Republican Whip Steve Scalise will be honored with the 2020 Proudly Pro-Life Award. An after-party with the Peyton Falgoust Band is also planned.
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is Jan. 19, 2020, and we encourage churches to observe this day, held near the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in the U.S 47 years ago. We have provided these resources, including bulletin inserts, to make your observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday even more special.
Please join us for the first Cenla Proudly Pro-Life Dinner, to be held Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020, on the campus of Louisiana College in Pineville. This event is an outgrowth of the Cenla Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast, held the past several years. Former abortionist Dr. Haywood Robinson will be guest speaker. Sponsorships and tickets are now available.
The Louisiana Life Marches 2020 are set, with five marches around the state in January and February. While some logistics are still being worked out, dates are finalized and plans are now in the works. Find out which march is near you and please make plans to attend!
Get ready for the 2020 Louisiana Life Marches and get your Louisiana Loves Life T-shirt today! These shirts and the theme, used in 2019, will be repeated in 2020 as we prepare for the Love Life Constitutional Amendment vote in the fall. Shirts are $10 each. Sizes S - XXL are available!
Black Advocates for Life, along with collaborative partners under the banner of "Alliance for Life," held the the first Pastors Empowerment Brunch in Lafayette Nov. 12. The goal of the event was to unite church leaders across denominational lines to encourage greater pro-life advocacy in the Black community on social justice issues at all stages and conditions of life.
New Orleans Right to Life has published a Right to Life Calendar since 1974, showcasing the beauty of life through the photos of babies and children of our communities. Not only is the calendar filled with fun and interactive material, it is designed to educate and inspire those who see it. Individual calendars available at $7 each while supplies last.
Upcoming Events
Nov. 22 - 24

Jan. 18, 2020

Jan. 19, 2020

Jan. 30, 2020

Jan., Feb., 2020

March 6-8, 2020
1.866.463.5433 @LARightToLife