September 21 - September 30, 2018
Service Participant Schedule
Meeting this Week
No Committee Meetings
This Week
Hurricane Florence Relief |
As many of you know the Diocese of East Carolina, where much of the storm damage occurred, is my home diocese. I know from numerous conversations with laity and clergy in the diocese that the needs are great as the Church reaches out to help those most affected. If you would like to make a donation through Saint Paul's, please either send a check (or place in the alms basin Sunday) or give online via our website Please make note on all gifts that they are for hurricane relief.
Manna Pantry Volunteers,
this Facebook thank you is for you!
"The community I volunteer for are so grateful for the help of Saint Paul's Church and the volunteers who give their time to make a difference in others' lives. We give God the glory, praise, and honor for everything He is doing at Saint Paul's Church. Anita and Wendell, words cannot express our gratitude for the countless hours you so graciously give for the Manna Pantry. It truly makes a tremendous difference in the lives of the community we serve. "
This Weekend |
September 22-23 |
Ironman Weekend Saturday, Sept 22 & Sunday, Sept 23
There are volunteer opportunities available throughout the weekend. If you haven't signed up yet and want to get involved, here are a few options for you to be part of a great weekend. You are also welcome to show up and jump in!
- Prepping and cooking for Saturday evening's pasta dinner.
- Helping check in dinner guests, serving, providing hospitality, and cleaning up at the Pasta Dinner on Saturday night.
- Baking cookies, brownies, or your favorite homemade sweet.
- Providing hospitality on race morning!
If you would like more information, please call Kim Butler at (706) 833-8541 or
contact by email.
Our Schedule this Sunday |
September 23 |
This Sunday Only
NO Formation Groups
this Sunday Only
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
with the Saint Paul's and Canterbury Choirs
The Nursery is available.
following 11:00 AM
Ironman Cheer Station on Reynolds St.
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Laura Tomlin is
our guest musician.
YP meets at the Cheer Station
rather than & 7 PM this month only
Traffic Instructions for "Ironman Sunday"
Please welcome our visitors to Augusta and allow yourself a few extra minutes to get to church on Sunday. As in past years, one lane of Reynolds Street will remain open for you to travel to the church. More information is located below.
Share your Ironman Weekend
- We invite you to share your Ironman pictures with us so they can be added to our photo gallery. Email your pictures to
- Check in at Saint Paul's on your Facebook page & tag us in your pictures.
- Add our hashtag #TriSaintPauls to your posts!
- Invite your friends to join you at Saint Paul's on Sunday.
No 8:00 AM Service on Ironman Sunday
On Ironman Sunday, September 23, we will not hold an 8:00
AM service. The 11:00
AM and 5:30
PM service will be held.
We are taking a time-out this Sunday for ALL Formation classes because so many parishioners are supporting Ironman ministries of hospitality, but we will resume formation for ALL ages next Sunday! Nursery care, however, is available throughout the normal morning hours.
Ironman Cheer Station
Sunday, September 22, Following 11 AM service
We are having a party at the front gates of the church from 12 PM to 4 PM. The last leg of the event is the half-marathon. The runners will pass by Saint Paul's church at approximately mile 6.5, the halfway point in the run. We will have a tent, tables, decorations, music, noisemakers to celebrate together and encourage the runners as they come by. We will have light refreshments. Feel free to bring a cooler and a chair and spend the afternoon celebrating with us! If you would like more information, please call Kim Butler at (706) 833-8541 or contact by email.
YP Gathering at Cheer Station rather than 7 PM
YP (
20-30-something young professionals, grad students, and wayward souls)
will gather after the 11
service at the cheer station rather than following the Celtic. Mark your calendar for next month's gathering at the Bee's Knees Sunday, October 28. Contact John Jenkins for more information.
Next Week |
September 24 - September 30 |
Tuesday's Music Live 31st Season Begins Tuesday, September 25, 12:00 noon, Nave and River Room
Tuesday's Music Live, America's largest luncheon concert series, begins its 31st season Tuesday, September 25, with a free concert by the Estrella Piano Duo. The season features 13 free concerts that begin at noon and conclude at 12:30
PM. Lunch, catered by Sugar South Catering, is served immediately following the concerts in the River Room. The full schedule along with lunch menus is available online at Advance
lunch reservations, $12 per person, required. Private tables are available for parties of 4 or more, and large groups can be accommodated. More than 160,000 music-lovers have attended the series since it began. The concerts are often standing-room-only with 200 staying for lunch.
Readers for Hornsby Elementary
Do you remember your favorite children's book? Come share your love of reading with our youngest students at Hornsby Elementary. Bring your favorite picture books and come READ!! The schedule is flexible. You can read any day, once a week or once a month. For more information or to volunteer
email Kathy Enicks or call at 484-433-4007.
Parents of college students Parents of college students (attending locally, in-state, & out-of-state) The Daughters of the King has requested addresses for our college students so that they may send notes and small surprises to them during the year. As your children register for housing for the fall semester, please forward updated mailing addresses to the Parish Office. For more information, contact Betty Jean Givens.
"WOW... I never knew I didn't know that!"
Sunday, September 30, 9:30 AM, Berlin Room
The Inquirers Class is for anyone who is interested in a fresh look at their faith
, at "the Faith", and at the Episcopal way of being Christian. The short book
Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church will supplement and shape our conversations. All are welcome to drop in at any single session that piques your interest.
Inquirers Class - Session 1 - Sept. 30
"BEGINNINGS - "Plumbing the mysterious depths of baptismal waters" Baptism is full initiation into the life and body of Christ, which is the church. We will consider meaning and origins of baptism. When and where were you baptized? Bring your story and yourself.
Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 7, 4 PM, in the Churchyard
Bring your best friend for a celebration and blessing Sunday October 7, 4
PM in the Churchyard. The Saint Paul's Blessing of the Animals is cosponsored by The Augusta Humane Society. Please consider a donation of one of the following items to The Augusta Humane Society: paper towels, bleach, Dawn detergent, 13-gallon garbage bags, or cash. All animals must be on a leash or in a carrier.
Save the Date for Fall Parish Parties Save the date for these fall parish parties:
- Fall Primetime Party (Adults 50+) Sunday, October 21, at the home of Susan and George Muir
- Fall Newcomer's Party, Sunday, October 14, at the home of Kathy and Charlie Enicks
Saint Paul's Creation Care
Compassionate Service to God's Creation
The Latest:
Contact Brian Haltermann for more information about the Creation Care Committee. |
Are we missing your birthday?
Our "Second Sunday"
Birthday Celebration
will be September 9.