Pastor's Periodic Pondering  
by Pastor Sue Engholm

The other day, I was walking our dog  along the  gravel path near our house.   The path is primarily crushed gravel, but  there are a few rocks of what must  be quartz because when the sun would hit the stone, it would glimmer like bits of glitter scattered along the path.  I think of this image as I reflect on my time here at Family of Christ, as there are so many things that shine and glimmer in this faith community:

STAFF - I have often told people that if it looks like the staff here at Family of Christ has it together, well...its true!  Each individual on the staff has unique gifts and talents unto themselves and everyone works amazingly well together.  I have been so grateful to work alongside each one.  
WORSHIP & MUSIC - It is so wonderful to see such a wide variety of musical gifts in one faith community!  In fact, there are so many that these gifts can't just be contained into Sunday mornings.  It spills out into the all-church musical and even beyond that!
LEADERS - Besides the regular staff, there are incredible leaders who share their skills on council, teaching Sunday school, or leading one of the many groups such as Seeds of Hope, Christians in Action, prayer ministry and the prayer shawl ministry, quilters, NextGen, OWLs, Spartans, Common Thread, people who help with coffee and communion each week, Creation Care, people who provide meals to others, not to mention groups like the bowling league and others. (What have I missed??)  All of these wonderful groups happen because someone takes the lead and organizes it, because people gather together.  
MINISTRY WITHIN - Family of Christ is a deeply caring community who puts its name into action:  it is a family bound by Jesus Christ.  This relationship allows for others to care for one another in a whole host of ways.
MINISTRY OUTSIDE - One of the biggest gifts Family of Christ has that reaches out into the community is the Preschool.  The staff has helped shape our youngest ones in lives of faith and to lives of service.  In addition to that, there are SO MANY things that this church does outside of its walls, both that are done on a regularly basis and some that come up seasonally.  (Take a look at this link to see the START of the list!)
AND THEN... there are all the things that don't fit neatly into any one category.  There is the compassionate spirit in each person, the curiosity to continue moving the ministries here forward, the courage to go out in the name of Christ, and... I could go on and on.  
Come to think of it, there are more than just mere glimmers here at Family of Christ.  The whole place SHINES with the light of Christ, inside and out!  
All of this a prelude to say that it has been a deep honor to serve as your interim associate pastor.  My own faith has been strengthened by you and to have had the opportunity to accompany you in this time. I have complete confidence that the next pastor will be as welcomed and as blessed as I was in my time here.  Thank you for being such wonderful, faithful partners in the ministry of Christ.  Many blessings to you all as you prepare for the next chapter together!
In Christ,

Pastor Sue Engholm

A Few More Announcements

You are invited to help our Creation Care Team weed the Rain Garden anytime between 9-11 am on Saturday, Sept. 22.  Many hands make light work, and on this first autumn weekend, come out and help, even if it's just for 30 minutes , and help us take care of our beautiful Rain Garden!

The SW Grief Coalition meets Thursdays this fall at Prairie Lutheran Church beginning Thursday, Oct. 4. This is a 7-week series for people grieving the death of a loved one. It's free of charge and open to the southwest metro community. The sessions run each week from 5:30-7:30 starting with a light supper, then a speaker and small group time. A brochure is available in the narthex. If you have questions, talk with Pastor Josh or Teri Burns.

You are invited to get "plugged in" to the Seasonal Bell Group! If you can read music and basic rhythms, you are equipped to join this group!  The group will have 2-3 rehearsals before playing for worship. The first rehearsal is on Monday, Oct. 8th at 6:30 PM and the second is on Saturday, Oct. 13th at 10:30 AM. The group will play for worship at 8:00 & 9:15 on Sunday, Oct. 14th.  The group will also play In December, rehearsing on Monday, Dec. 10th at 6:30 PM, Monday, Dec. 17th at 6:30 PM and Saturday, Dec. 22nd at 11:30 AM and will play for worship on Sunday, Dec. 23rd.  If interested, contact Mary Renz, Music Director, via email  or cell phone 952-393-5981.  

Read the latest issue of Family News  for upcoming 
events & announcements.